What's the best selling product
category online?
I can tell you want it isn't...
It isn't information.
I know that will shock a lot of people
because if you look at all the Internet
marketing material out there, it's all
about selling information...information
Here's the real scoop:
If you look at the Top 500 biggest online
businesses in the world, you won't find
a single site that sells information.
They all sell what I call "stuff."
Hard goods...physical products...tangibles.
Interestingly enough, it can be *easier*
and *faster* to start an online business
selling hard goods than it is to start one
that sells info.
Not only that, but if you know what you're
doing, you can transfer some of the advantages
(like no inventory) from selling info to selling
hard goods.
There aren't many experts who want to talk
about this huge side of the Internet industry.
It's not sexy enough I guess.
But if you want a real business selling real
stuff to real people that makes real money,
don't cheat yourself my missing this remarkable
As always, no hype, no fluff, no BS.
Just an info-rich session with business ideas
you can apply right away.
Here's today's lesson:
Ken McCarthy
P.S. You'll search a long time before you'll find
info like this anywhere else on the Internet.
You also search a long time before you find an
Internet marketing event like the annual System Seminar.
TWENTY-FIVE real world experts, sharing the best of
their strategies and tactics in a professional, zero-hype
environment. There is nothing else like it in the Internet
Ken McCarthy
The System Seminar
* Home study solutions for Internet entrepreneurs
* The System Seminar May 30 - June 1, 2008
The annual gathering of *serious* Internet entrepreneurs
* Serious marketing books for serious marketers
The System
Education for Internet Entrepreneurs
14 North Road
Tivoli, NY 12583
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