Elite "Market Alliance" Warns. . . "I called every market expert I could think of into the room. We closed the doors. And then we came to only one possible conclusion..." "Over the next 12 months...and despite all the bank write-downs, market bombs and "bailout" talk already...there are at least FIVE MORE DEVASTATING NEW FINANCIAL SHOCKS ahead." "If you do nothing now, you could lose everything in the very near future." "Or you could take the seven 'financial survival' steps we pounded out that afternoon, all detailed in the new Strategic Financial Survival Library I'd like to send you for free." Read on... Dear Fellow Financial Survivor, You can still make money. That's the good news. In fact, you can still make a lot of money during the coming bust. You could even get very rich following the seven steps I'm about to reveal. Even after billions more in bank losses...even as foreclosures continue to soar...even as stocks on Wall Street fall apart. In fact, in spite of those things. With a lot less risk. And plenty of confidence that you're doing the right thing. How? Let's get this out of the way first. I've been in the business of financial analysis for the last 14 years. I've never seen a market more dangerous for your money than what we're looking at right now. But I've also never seen one more ripe with opportunity. That's why I'm writing you today.
They've found at least seven ways you can do this, even if the markets continue to tank...even if stocks continue to fall...even if the entire world economy goes up in flames. Including... Two extremely low-risk plays that can easily double every dollar you put in, between now and the end of this year. Two more "five-bagger" moves that give you the ultimate hedge against another wave of multibillion-dollar bank write-downs and worldwide blowouts in the credit market. A shockingly reliable 15% dividend "paycheck" plan you can lock in today, without the same kind of risk so-called "AAA" bonds offer these days. A nearly goof-proof "profit parachute" that goes up when stocks fall. And a way for you to make as much as 10 times your money as inflation shreds the U.S. dollar and sends gold and oil prices through the ceiling. You're going to get all seven of these steps free, in the Strategic Financial Survival Library, which you can gain exclusive access to starting on Friday, April 25. But I'll give it to you, no questions asked.
You have to agree to give me the next five minutes. Just so I can show you what's got me and my colleagues so worried. And then you have to let us show you how to protect yourself — and sleep better — during the devastating string of five financial "super-shocks" ahead. It's that simple. Here's where we'll begin... Market Super-Shock #1: Unless you live under a rock, you've heard the sob stories. Banks lent out money — a lot of money — to people who couldn't pay it back. And now they're in trouble. Last year, an average of 50,000 homes per month went into foreclosure.
But even if you're SICK TO DEATH of hearing about "subprime," get ready. Because there's an even bigger new property bust on the horizon that could be even worse for stocks...worse for banks...and worse for the U.S. economy...than the current collapse in housing prices. I'm talking, of course, about a complete crash in... Commercial property. See, the banks didn't just dole out billions of dopey loans to unqualified homeowners. They also shelled out big money to build strip malls, "big box" stores, fast-food shops, movie theaters, office parks, warehouses, parking garages...and the whole network of businesses that sprung up around all those new "McMansion" boomtowns. But with the bust, those businesses are going broke. Applications to build new homes are off by 43%. Foreclosures hitting 37-year highs. And the glut of unsold homes has left more than 17.4 million U.S. houses completely empty. Who's left to go to the strip malls? Nobody. Think broke homeowners will go to more movies...or less? How about eating out at all those new chain restaurants? And with no job, who needs an office complex? Shopping? Forget about it. And no customers means no need for the commercial businesses to support them. Apartment building sales are half what they were just since June 2007. Banks are withdrawing funding. And the cost of commercial mortgages has soared, in lock step with the rise in subprime defaults. Bloomberg says we could see the worst drop in commercial property since the 2001 recession. Morgan Stanley is calling for a 15% drop over the next two years. Already, real estate investment trusts (REITs) that deal in commercial property have gotten slammed. But don't mistake that for a buying opportunity. Because in this case, commercial property REITs could fall even further. In fact, many of these commercial property REITs still have yields trading way below 10-year Treasury notes. If the yield spreads rebalance to historical averages, some of these REITs could easily fall by half or more.
"There are so many deals falling apart," says David Lichtenstein, head of a New Jersey group that manages over 20,000 apartments and 30 million square feet of retail space, "People who can get out are getting out." Here's the big, big problem: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac might be able to keep people in their houses in lieu of foreclosure by renegotiating terms down, and down again (for a while, anyway). But getting bank funding for unneeded strip malls is a whole different story. Put another way, if Ben Bernanke thinks he has a problem now with crashing home prices, wait and see how scared he gets when commercial real estate blows apart. How likely is this? My colleagues and I think it's pretty much a done deal. It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when. Especially thanks to... Market Super-Shock #2: Fortune calls it the "bomb" in American wallets. It's the secret shame of millions of Americans. It's also another massive, looming market threat that's at least as big as the recent gut-wrenching housing bust...and many times bigger than the write-offs we've seen with banks. What's this second enormous shock? A mind blowing $2.48 TRILLION in looming consumer credit debt. See, while houses went bust, millions of Americans could no longer draw off home equity to pay for all those flat-screen TVs, SUVs, and other toys essential to the good life. So they turned to their old friend the credit card. Credit card debt alone has hit a record $915 billion. That's already bigger than the estimated $900 billion locked up tight in subprime loans. And remember, on credit card debt, you're talking interest rates threefive times higher. And that's just the start. Because after plastic, piles of other consumer installment debt have piled up. We're talking life on the layaway plan. Just how much? Total consumer debt stands at a mind-blowing $2.48 TRILLION. That's more than China makes in a year. It's more than the entire United Kingdom's GDP. And more than the GDPs of Italy, France, Canada, Spain, Brazil, or Russia. Only they're making that money. We just owe it. And in huge numbers, millions more house-broke or unemployed Americans have stopped paying off their credit balances. Just like defaults on mortgages, defaults on other consumer credit are expected to soar. Card issuers like American Express, Citigroup, Capital One, Bank of America and Washington Mutual are already bracing for a 20% explosion in credit card defaults over the months ahead. Can you guess what happens next? Explosive Credit Card Debt: Consumer buying drives 70% of the U.S. economy. Without it, we're toast. Yet that's exactly where we're now headed.
No matter how you slice it, "no shopping" is a big economic problem. But here's the thing: "Slicing" is exactly what banks and other investors have been doing. See, just as they did with mortgage debt, banks and other credit card issuers have "sliced" up all those credit loans and sold them back to Wall Street. And then Wall Street sliced them all up again, packaging them as "safe" debt and selling them to the very people who run your retirement funds. I'm sure you see how far and fast this can spread... The Shell Game You Cannot Win As more credit card carriers default, those securities plunge in value...compounding already deep bank losses...and even more losses for investors in hedge and pension funds and anybody else who happens to be elbow deep in this muck. Yet millions of Americans will stay on the treadmill, desperately trying to keep up. Even as dollars get weaker. Even as jobs disappear to Asia. Even as housing values reverse and Wall Street threatens to explode in fireworks unlike anything we've ever seen. "Across the nation," says one report from The Associated Press, "Americans are increasingly unable to stretch their dollars...as they juggle higher rent, food, and energy bills. It's starting to affect middle-income working families." Paychecks are lasting half as long. Some families skip meals. Wal-Mart reports empty aisles before regular paydays. Supermarkets say more and more customers come in to buy only the bare essentials.
Yet on Fox, they say, "No worries." In Washington, they say, "We can fix this," and then try to buy us off with tax rebate checks that barely cover the cost of a new iPod. Everybody wants you to turn a blind eye. Everybody wants you to pretend it will all go away. But don't you believe it. I Urge You to Not Be Fooled In the old Soviet Union, the comrades used to say, "Nothing is ever more certain than when it has been officially denied." But you can only fool some of the people for so long. Mall traffic is down. Last year's holiday sales were flat. Car sales are still off. Ford and GM, once the most important companies in the world, are actually flirting with bankruptcy. Even Chrysler just laid off 23,000. Meanwhile, foreign investors are running from the U.S. dollar. How "fine" does that sound to you? You don't need to look far for the real truth. As recently as 2000, you paid only $273 for an ounce of gold. Today, you're paying more than $900. Back then, you also paid only a little over $1 for a gallon of gas. Today, get used to paying more than $3. Back then, even a barrel of oil cost only $22. Now we pay well over $90 per barrel. Meanwhile, in downtown Oakland, Calif., half-finished condo projects dot city streets. Builders couldn't afford to finish them. Not far away, foreclosure rates have tripled. And the number of bank-owned properties in other areas is up 10-fold. How "healthy" is that? I'm disgusted. And you should be too. But don't let government statistics lie to you any longer. Gold, oil, and the collapsing worldwide faith in the U.S. make it plain: We are a nation in financial trouble. And we're only heading deeper. Think the politicians can help? Don't bank on it. Brace yourself for roaring tax hikes. And forget bottom-fishing for bargains. To save us, the Fed is killing the dollar. Now everything will cost more than it ever did. How bad could this get? Pretty bad.
That's why I URGE you to take steps right now to protect yourself. You'll find a complete set of those must-take steps in the Strategic Financial Survival Library. You just have to give me your permission. Just don't wait too long... Market Super-Shock #3: Remember Katrina? How about the war on drugs? The war on AIDS? The war on terror and the war in Iraq? Bureaucrats love to "fix" problems they can't fix and make promises they can't keep. The latest are a string of "bailouts," tax rebates, and foreclosure "forgiveness" programs that are supposed to save America from going into a tailspin. But it's all too little, too late, and just too plain stupid to work. These are multitrillion-dollar problems. Families are flat broke. Jobs are gone. Stocks have tanked. Giving everyone a $600 advance on their tax rebates...or 30 extra days to come up with the mortgage money they don't have...won't do squat. Worse, the fix could even compound the problem. Take the Fed. Central banking is, for the most part, a fraud. At best, it's a guessing game.
Look, the Soviet Union was all about central planning. And that didn't work. Are we supposed to believe somehow that central planning will work differently here, just because it's Washington this time that's mismanaging our national wealth? We're told we shouldn't worry. Meanwhile, total credit in the U.S. has grown from 150% percent of GDP to an eye-popping 340%! Americans carry so much debt now that if Bernanke were to raise interest rates even to 10% — which he should — people would flay him alive. Meanwhile, the White House wants to blow $3 trillion this year. No wonder China is dumping our dollars. Even as it lures away our factories. Even as it makes new deals with Europe, leaving America in the dust. Geez...remember when people used to take responsibility for their mistakes? How Banks and Bureaucrats Will When Paul Volcker stepped up to the plate in the late '70s, he had guts. Oil prices were high then, too. So was gold. And the dollar was in deep trouble. Inflation ran as high as 13.5%. Volker, as the new chief of the Fed, roped in the money supply and cranked up interest rates, blowing a decade of monetary mismanagement out America's tailpipe. Don't hold your breath for a hero today. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson is looking out for his banking buddies. Ben Bernanke is looking out for his buddies on Wall Street. Politicians on the campaign trail and Congress are just looking to buy the election. The Fed has injected a combined $207 billion in bailout cash so far. With more on the docket. That's four times the pile of cash unleashed just after Sept. 11, 2001. And guess what. It hasn't helped.
When George W. Bush's dad threw $150 billion at the S&Ls, it helped spark a three-year recession. What happens when Washington tries to defuse a multitrillion dollar time bomb? I urge you not to count on anyone else to save you. You need your own sort of private, personal protection. The Strategic Financial Survival Library will protect and grow your wealth during the hard times ahead. But first... I Should Introduce Myself My name is Addison Wiggin. For nearly 15 years, I've studied markets, economies, and opportunities just like the ones we're talking about right now. I take today's debt crisis so seriously, I've co-written a book about it — Empire of Debt, which became a No. 1 New York Times best-seller. I also helped write another book you might have heard of, Financial Reckoning Day. That one also topped the best-seller list. And then there's my third book, The Demise of the Dollar...and Why It's Great for Your Investments. I've even just helped put the wraps on our feature-length documentary on this, I.O.U.S.A. Look for it coming soon to a theater near you. I'm telling you this because I want you to realize these are informed predictions. And I've had the chance to spread my message in interviews on Forbes, ABC Money Matters, CBS Sunday Morning, Fox, Bloomberg, CNNMoney, MotleyFool.com, TheStreet.com, Money, The New York Times Magazine...plus another 350 different local and national radio programs across the U.S... But today, I want to share it with you in a different way. One I've never tried anywhere else ever before. See, I've made lots of connections over the years. And with the help of those connections, I've pulled together a huge global network of some of the smartest and most prophetic market analysts working today. Bankers and business owners, former analysts and corporate insiders, other best-selling financial writers, a top military expert and petroleum geologist, fund managers...it costs nearly $30 million per year to keep this group running, but it's worth every penny. These are the kinds of people who can help you make a fortune, even during the rough-and-tumble markets ahead. In fact, among them, they're already piling up a stunning track record. For instance, one of my guys — Dan Amoss — has made some market picks that as of right now are up 130%...246%...117%...even 529%. Another member of our little alliance, Byron King, runs the research service that The Hulbert Financial Digest ranked the "No. 1 Performer of the Last Five Years" in 2005 and again in 2006. And it's no wonder, with gains like 104% on the INVESCO Energy Fund...108% on Norsk Hydro...118% on AngloAmerican...147% on BG Group...and as of this writing, another 226%, 145%, 198%, 453%, 568%, and 687% so far on open positions that I can't name (because it wouldn't be fair to their paying subscribers). And their current readers love it. On one move, reader Bruce Barker made 8% gains in less than 24 hours...another, Charles Beck, made a fast 64% on Northgate and another 140% on Tocqueville Gold...reader David Durham, who reported 100% gains on natural gas calls in just six days, even wrote, "Perhaps a Nobel Prize for resource trading should be awarded!" My point is this. There's money out there to be made. But in times like these, all the headlines and the opportunities have a way of getting jumbled. Overwhelming. That's why, for the first time ever, my circle of colleagues and I have decided to join forces and share with you what up until now — we've only talked about behind closed doors.... What You'll See and Hear Maybe you've heard the name of our special service Strategic Investment before. But even if you have, that's about all you'll find familiar. Strategic Investment, well known as one of the longest-running and most respected market research resources in the industry, has grown with the times. Today, what you'll discover is not at all a conventional newsletter. It's not a conventional trading service. Instead, it's the market research resource in which we lift the veil on what we're thinking and talking about with each other behind closed doors. Things we've never revealed before that represent our thinking on dozens of trends and hundreds of opportunities you'll want to know about. In every monthly report, you get the best new moneymaking ideas from the best analysts in my group. I'll give you the big-picture breakdown. And then my team will tell you what it's looking at right now.
Individually, they've helped lead their readers to gains like 23%, 29%, 53.4%, 48% and 71% on shares in China and the Far East...along with 121% on Companhia Paranaense...109% gains on Orient-Express Hotels...145% on Imperial Sugar Co....232% on Agrium...109% on Leucadia National Corp....and 114% on Brookfield Asset Management... Together, in the new Strategic Investment, I personally believe they'll be able to give you even more. Including hands-on, easy investment strategies and simple stock plays; safe income-generating bond plays; moves on booming commodities and against shifting currencies; new market alternatives; and all kinds of other ideas Think of it as a way to both get to know what our insiders talk about behind closed doors...and get a quick overall picture of what our whole network sees taking shape in the world of making money in the markets. Here's what I consider the best news... Right now, I'm going to invite you to try our brand-new Strategic Investment free for up to a full year. There's no risk. In fact, your free trial subscription comes with my full "wealth protection" guarantee. And you can easily get started with exclusive access to Strategic Financial Survival Library I told you about earlier. You can access it as soon as we release these time-sensitive reports starting Friday, April 25, 2008. I'll give you all those details in just a moment. I just hope you'll decide to take me up on this while there's still time... Market Super-Shock #4: Last year, banks admitted losing billions. But if you think we've seen the last of it, you'd better brace yourself for U.S. general accounting rule "FAS 157." This is the regulation that now says banks can no longer hide what are called "level three" assets. What's a "level three" asset? Stocks, bonds and all the investments you've already heard of are what are called "level one" investments. "Level two" includes some of the less-traded mortgage-backed investments that started blowing up late last year. The five biggest brokerage houses and the biggest universal banks — Citigroup, J.P. Morgan Chase and Bank of America — have over $4.1 trillion of these level two assets alone. That's almost 10 times the combined share value of all five of these huge firms. Imagine how much money vaporizes if these tricky level two assets fall even 5% in value. But here's the biggest risk. At the top tier — "level three" — you've got the hidden investments that almost never trade. These are the huge derivative positions, the private equity investments and enormous slices of the mortgage market. Banks don't talk about them. The market doesn't put a price on them. So the only way for accountants to figure out what they're worth is...to guess. It's called "mark to model" pricing. It means each firm can basically set the value of its own assets, using its own formula. Kind of like "deciding" how much your bank account, your car or your house is worth, but without asking anybody to check your math. And that's exactly the problem. Until recently, financial firms like Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns and Merrill Lynch...could pretend those hidden assets were worth plenty. But with law "FAS 157" cracking down, that's getting harder. Especially since many of these hidden "level three" assets are based on failing subprimes, collapsing lenders and defaulting consumer debt. So what happens when the real truth comes to light? Like Enron, but With Parting Gifts When the public finds out just how many hidden "level three" investments are worth nothing close to what the banks have said they're worth, brace yourself. Because the bank losses that have rattled Wall Street already will feel like a day in the park. Here's the worst part. Remember when Enron's bosses hid $2.7 billion in losses and people went to jail? That won't be what happens here. Just look at what happened, for instance, back when Merrill Lynch revealed a $7.9 billion loss on subprime bets in 2007.
What if you were an investor? With Merrill Lynch, for example, every $10,000 invested as recently as last January is now worth only $6,100. Does that sound fair? And as I said, there's more in the pipeline. Citigroup alone is posting $2.227 trillion in liabilities. This is more debt than any other bank in the U.S. It could be more debt than any bank in the world. If the stated value of Citigroup's assets drops just 5.4%, that would make Citigroup — the world's largest bank — insolvent. How well would that play on Wall Street? Not very. Nobody is sure how much more of this gunk is stuck in the gears. It's all still hidden. But it won't be for long. Get ready for LOTS more eye-popping "confessions" just like these, all headed our way over the next few months...
Morgan Stanley also just cut 600 jobs. These aren't strip mall savings and loans we're talking about. These are the world's biggest financial institutions. And they're claiming they have no idea what to expect over the months ahead! How confident does that make you feel? The Slow-Motion "Black Monday" Ahead Here's a picture for you: If the market today falls as fast and as far as it did in 1987, you'll see more than 3,000 points erased from the Dow alone. In a single day.
Banks hold the same blue chip shares you'll find parked in your retirement fund. When the "level three" losses get declared, those same banks might have to start dumping those shares to raise cash. And that could send these blue chips...along with most of the rest of the stock market...into full-scale collapse. I urge you to take the seven steps outlined for you in your free Strategic Financial Survival Library. You can send for it as early as tonight, using the link I'll give you in just a moment. Inside, you'll find a way to lock in dividend payouts as high as 15%...plus at least two ways to make up to five times your money on an unraveling stock market...and at least one way to make up to 10 times your cash as the dollar falls apart. These time-sensitive reports are getting the finishing touches right now. You'll be able to read them starting Friday, April 25th. Plus, I'll rush you a private password right now. This password will give you full access to our Strategic Investment members-only Web site. And then we'll start sending you our revealing Strategic Investment issues and updates. Free for up to a full year. And backed by a full "wealth protection" guarantee. I'll show you how, just minutes from now. As you'll see, I'm so convinced this special seven-step library of reports offers you the best way available anywhere to strip risk from your portfolio...I'm even willing to stake my reputation on it. But first, let me share just one more reason why I'm urging you to get ready... Market Super-Shock #5: How far could all this really go? How deep will the final damage be, thanks to this "perfect storm"? The feds say the investment banks alone could lose $100 billion. Even an economist for Moody's says losses could reach $225 billion. And one of Goldman Sachs' own economists says that's too conservative still, with the tally rallying up to a $400 billion blow.
And what happens if total housing wealth — $21 trillion and falling — drops another 15%, to 20%? Now you're talking as much as $4 trillion in housing "wealth," gone just like that. Vanished. At a time when 70% of boomers say they're counting on their homes as their key "retirement asset." Ouch! If the stock market or bond market slips another 10%, that's another $5.1 trillion or $4.5 trillion, respectively...also gone. Plus losses in the value of the dollar itself. Total stocks, property and other wealth of Americans — priced in dollars — is about $50 trillion. If the dollar drops just 10% more, as it did in 2007, that's another $5 trillion up in smoke! At $10 trillion down and sinking, I haven't even mentioned what a crash in the $480 trillion derivatives market could do. Let alone the fact that an estimated $200 trillion of that is parked with major U.S. banks! I say "estimated" because nobody knows how many derivatives anybody owns, let alone how much of those are deeply tangled up in the subprime affair. It's unregulated, burbling below the surface...like poisoned groundwater. Computers manage it because the sums are too big...and the money relationships too complicated...for any one human to track. What happens if the computers make a mistake? That's exactly what happened with Long-Term Capital Management. I'm sure you remember. It had "perfect" computer models. But when interest rates swerved, the computer didn't anticipate it. Like the Titanic, which nobody thought could sink, the hedge fund collided with a $4.6 billion loss in less than four months. Remember, that was a $4.6 billion problem. Still, seven months of stock market turmoil followed. Financial stocks plunged 34%. Other sectors lost 2030%. What happens with today's hedge fund and derivatives market, cresting as high as $480 trillion? As I said, some of the world's biggest financial firms — Citibank, Bear Stearns, J.P. Morgan, USB, Goldman Sachs, the Bank of China and HSBC — have huge exposure to the world derivatives market. And remember, these are often the "Enron" type of investments — hidden off the books where you can't see them. These toxic leveraged instruments could easily be sharing shelf space with your own capital, right now! Recently, Goldman Sachs lost 30% in a single week in its global equity fund, thanks to confounded computer "quant" programming. Morgan Stanley traders lost $390 million in a single day for the same reason. The computers couldn't compute the level of panic selling in the market. Wouldn't you rather trust a much safer, more predictable, guaranteed approach? That's exactly what I hope you'll let me give you in the free Strategic Financial Survival Library...where you'll find seven powerful solutions like these inside... Financial Survival Strategy #1: You don't have to go broke during a recession. In fact, you can make a fortune. Especially if you're "hedged" directly against the one kind of company that gets hit hardest in a slowdown. No, not the retailers. Or the builders or restaurants or even manufacturers. They all suffer, but the one kind of company that really unravels...is the same one that does most of its work unseen, while you sleep. I'm talking, of course, about trucking and transport. That's right. Planes, trains, and automobiles. Specifically, the ones that keep our food shelves full, supply parts to our factories and keep the clothes racks jammed at your local shopping mall. Think about it. Almost every business you can think of feeds off this network. But when demand dries up, the network dries up too. Like an artery drained of blood. How can you turn that downturn into profit? Well, you could easily short many of these companies individually for gains. But we've come up with an even better way. It's a single simple move that you can make with one five-minute phone call. Once it's in place, it's like having a proxy hedge against the entire recessionary collapse. As the economy falls, your holdings should go up in value. And doing it the way I'll show you, you can make multiplied gains of as much as 400% or higher...even on a small downward move. How? Read all about it in the first free report I want you to have. It's called The Triple-Edged Housing Hedge: Three Solid Layers of Protection Against the Next Wave of Falling Property Prices. You'll find it in the Strategic Financial Survival Library we talked about. Here's something else you'll find inside... Financial Survival Strategy #2: Where do companies with "junk" credit ratings go to borrow cash? To the "junk" bond market, of course. And as credit gets tighter...as lenders go bust...and as the market runs from corporate debt, never knowing when it could blow up... You'll also see huge pressure on the downside against junk bonds. And remember, these days, even companies like General Motors and Ford can get demoted to "junk" status.
And here's more good news. On this second money survival strategy, risk is especially low, compared with the potentially high rewards. You can also read all about this second wealth-hedging move in your free copy of The Triple-Edged Housing Hedge: Three Solid Layers of Protection Against the Next Wave of Falling Property Prices, the first of five free reports I'll give you in your Strategic Financial Survival Library. In this same free report, you'll also get... Financial Survival Strategy #3: Imagine if you could have seen the bust coming in crashing housing stocks. Crashing builders...self-destructing mortgage lenders...imploding banks. Not only could you have quickly pulled your money out of harm's way, you also could have made a mint playing with a short or put option against those crashing shares. Some of these stocks fell by as much as half or more. How much could you have made on those falling shares? A well-placed put option could have given you as much as four or even five times your money. Of course, housing has already tanked. That opportunity is long gone. But here's your second chance. An even bigger bubble has shaped up in commercial property...and much of it was financed with the same kinds of dopey loans that brought the housing market crashing back to Earth. What happens when heavily borrowing businesses start defaulting on their loan payments, too? We'll most likely see another wave of wipeouts. But we'll also see another chance for you to get rich on more collapsing shares. My colleagues and I have a perfect play lined up. It's another "five-minute" move that takes almost no time to set up, very little upfront to get started, but possibly five times every dollar invested for anybody who gets in now. You can read all about this third move in your free copy of The Triple-Edged Housing Hedge: Three Solid Layers of Protection Against the Next Wave of Falling Property Prices, the first special report I've included in the Strategic Financial Survival Library I'll send on Friday, April 25th. Here's another move you can make very easily... Financial Survival Strategy #4: Your next FREE report in the Strategic Financial Survival Library is called The Dividend "Paycheck" Strategy: How to Lock in Yields Income as High as 15% or Higher. This second powerful report shows you how to lock in a steady flow of passive dividend income, even as banks go belly up and the market collapses...while hedging your wealth against falling dollars and soaring energy prices. I call it our dividend "paycheck" strategy, because this money-growing move pays you steady yields running as high as 15%. And since it's hinged on rising oil and gas, the share values themselves should also go up. You couldn't even get this on the U.S. market until 2005. Before that, the share values alone had already shot up 250%. Meanwhile, just holding this would have cut your losses against the falling dollar by 45% — meaning the real gain is even higher. My colleagues and I are convinced it's just starting its run. This is one you could easily wind up holding for the long term. You can read all about it in your free copy of The Dividend "Paycheck" Strategy: How to Lock in Yields Income as High as 15% or Higher, the second of the five reports you get in the free Strategic Financial Survival Library I'd love to send you. Just follow the steps at the end of this letter to send for your full set. But before you do, there's more... Financial Survival Strategy #5: Think of it as the ultimate revenge against Wall Street greed. See, even as financial stocks continue to crash and burn...you can get rich. How? There's another potential 400% gainer detailed in the third free report I want you to have, The Single Best "Profit-Parachute" Play to Own as Financial Stocks Fall Apart.
Here's a bonus: To "save" the markets — and especially his old friends at the financial companies — Fed Chief Ben Bernanke will have no choice but to kill the market for U.S. Treasuries. That's why, inside your free copy of The Single Best "Profit-Parachute" Play to Own as Financial Stocks Fall Apart, we've also included a second "parachute" move specially designed to take off as Treasuries go bust. Both moves are very clearly explained in your free copy of this third report, included as part of the Strategic Financial Survival Library you get starting on Friday, April 25, 2008 — at no charge — if you agree to my Strategic Investment free trial offer. You'll find the details at the end of this letter. Either I can mail you printed copies of each of these reports or I can give you a code and a Web site where you can download them immediately, five minutes from right now. Your choice. Just let me hear from you soon. While there's still time to make money-growing moves like these... Financial Survival Strategies #6 and #7: Look, even the lunkheads in Washington know they can't destroy the dollar forever. But that doesn't mean they're not going to try — after all, throwing piles of cash onto the bonfire is the only way they figure they can prop up the markets and economy. It's inflate or deflate...and given the choice, they've picked inflation. That means every dollar you hold gets weaker. But what if you could make as much as 10 times your money as the value of the U.S. dollar falls apart?
Both these hedges have climbed since last July. So this is something you'll want to move on sooner, rather than later. But here's the real bonus: There's a third crashing dollar" play you'll find inside. If the dollar dips as low as we expect it to...and gold hits the heights it could easily hit...this third special hedge could soar to as much as 10 times today's current value. Could it happen? Keep in mind that while greenbacks have plunged in value by almost half since 2000, gold has tripled already. But there's plenty more move left. Read more about it in your free copy of The "Dying Dollar" Protection Strategy, included as the fourth FREE report in your Strategic Financial Survival Library. There's still more. But let me save time by summing this up... Everything You Get With Your As soon as I get your permission, you'll be included as one of the select few to have access to the Strategic Financial Survival Library...starting on Friday, April 25th. Strategic Survival Tool #1: The Triple-Edged Housing Hedge: Three Solid Layers of Protection Against the Next Wave of Falling Property Prices Including...how to make up to 400% gains on the coming commercial property bust...how to multiply money during an economic slowdown...and the one fund to own as junk bonds go bust. Strategic Survival Tool #2: The Dividend "Paycheck" Strategy: How to Lock in Yields Income as High as 15% or Higher Lock in dividend "paychecks" that regularly return as much as 15% on your money...with potential to soar higher as energy prices go up. Added bonus: The shares can also soar — by as much as 250% in the recent past. Strategic Survival Tool #3: The Single Best "Profit-Parachute" Play to Own as Financial Stocks Fall Apart As already-battered financial stocks race to the bottom, this one play could skyrocket. And here's an extra: As a desperate Fed kills the Treasury market, own this "inverse mirror" fund and watch it go up. Strategic Survival Tool #4: The "Dying Dollar" Protection Strategy Inflation eats savings, but these three moves could rebuild them again, many times over — including one move that could give back as much as 10 times every dollar invested. And then, there's one more bonus report... Bonus Strategic Survival Tool #5: The Ultimate Safety Net: Cashing in on the New Nikkei Boom Ahead. If you feel as if today's gloom will never end, don't give up yet. See, what we're going through now...Japan went through almost 17 years ago. Property prices fell as much as 90%. Japanese shares went up in flames. Even pushing interest rates to zero made no difference. But Japan is finally on the brink of recovery. Japanese consumers have started spending again. They're borrowing and rebuilding the economy, too. Getting back in now could be like getting into U.S. shares just before the recovery in the 1980s. In this fifth free bonus report, The Ultimate Safety Net: Cashing in on the New Nikkei Boom Ahead, you can read all the details. How good could it get? If my team is right, this could be an easy double for anybody invested. And of course, all five of these special investing reports are yours free — no charge — as part of your complete Strategic Financial Survival Library. But there's still more... Because when you respond and reserve your free reports library, I'll rush you a password to the private, members-only Strategic Investment Web site. Using this password, you can log onto the site...look over the archives...and read all the updates and urgent news bulletins. As many times as you like, around the clock. This password is yours free to use for as long as you're a subscriber to our revolutionary research advisory service, Strategic Investment. What's more, you'll also immediately get — if you don't have one already — a free subscription to our celebrated The Daily Reckoning, five days a week of insightful commentary on the global economy, investing, and the ability to live well in dangerous financial times. You'll learn what to expect from the day's markets — and how to prosper in the midst of the next five super shocks of the coming stock market apocalypse. Plus, I'll immediately let you in on our coveted Agora Financial Executive Series, an exclusive benefit that we give only to our valued paid readers. This series puts you on the limited distribution list for our famous Rude Awakening letter and our relatively new 5 Min. Forecast. The Rude Awakening gives you inside access to many of Agora Financial's best and most profitable specific market recommendations. And The 5 Min. Forecast gives you a lightning-quick, lighthearted analysis of financial news...all summed up expertly in a bulletin that you can read in five minutes or less. And finally, of course, you'll start getting weekly Strategic Investment e-mail updates too, directly from "inside" our elite network. What we talk about face to face in our meetings we'll share with you. It's that simple. How to Get a Full Year of All this is just my way of saying thank you for giving our all-new Strategic Investment a try. But I'll make it even easier for you. What I'd like to do — since this new version of Strategic Investment is so different from anything we've ever done before — is invite you to try a full year of this new research service...absolutely free. A full year of money-protection strategies. A full year of the private Web site access. A full year of the weekly e-mail alerts. And of course, your access to the five new reports in the free Strategic Financial Survival Library we've talked about. You can read them starting on Friday, April 25. Here's how this works. All you do is let me know you're ready to get started. And then I send you everything. Look it over and see if this new service is something you can use. Read the reports. Check out the Web site. Give any recommendations we share with you a spin, if you like, and see if they work for you. Regular issues of our "behind the scenes" research newsletter, Strategic Investment, will start to arrive in your mailbox. Dig in, soak up the details, test our analysis for yourself. See if it's for you, and then any decisions you'll make are entirely up to you. No pressure from me or the rest of my team whatsoever. Normally, when we release a research service like this one, we would charge $99 for one year. But to celebrate this entirely new opportunity, that's not what we're going to do. Instead, we're going to slash those costs 50%, effectively giving you half your subscription absolutely free. So sign on for one year and you pay only $49 for the first six months...and you get the second six months completely free. Doesn't that sound like a fair deal? Here's one more thing... My Ultimate "Wealth Protection" Guarantee Anything could happen over the coming months. My team and I could be all wrong. Maybe the "bailouts" will work. Maybe time will prove Bernanke is a genius. And the stock market will soar as the American economy stages a surprise rebound and house prices fly through the ceiling. Maybe, just maybe...birds could start hoarding bananas and monkeys could grow wings. But I doubt it. So let's do this instead... I'm so certain we're right about what I've just showed you...and about the seven "safety net" moves we reveal to you in the Strategic Financial Survival Library...I'm going to make you an unprecedented "ultimate wealth protection" guarantee. It works like this... Give our new Strategic Investment a try for a full year. If you're not absolutely convinced everything my team and I share is what you're looking for, simply cancel — even up to the very last day, after the arrival of your very last issue — and I'll give you a full refund. Everything, including all 12 months of issues and all the special reports in your Strategic Financial Survival Library, is yours to keep. No questions asked. Yes, I'm saying that I'll take you on your word, at the end of the full subscription period, on whether or not you enjoyed everything we send you. I'm trusting you to the full extent of your subscription. Because I'm that convinced that 12 months from right now, you'll find such huge value in everything we've sent, you won't dream of canceling. All the risk is on me. It's that simple. I sincerely hope you'll take me up on this and give our all-new Strategic Investment service a try. Why not start by just letting me send you the full Strategic Financial Survival Library at my expense. And then you can be the judge. Just click the button below to find out how. There's no telling what event, exactly, will trigger the next leg down...but there's also no question in my mind that you can come out of this safely, if you just let us show you how. Like you, I like to believe in the ingenuity of humanity. Over time, hope wins out. But it wouldn't hurt to make sure you didn't suffer needlessly in the meantime, right? Just reply now for your free access to the Strategic Financial Survival Library. Then read the first few issues of Strategic Investment. Once you get started, you'll have plenty of time to make up your own mind. But I need to hear back from you now, beforehand, while there's still time. Yours for a Wealthy, Healthy, and Safer Future, Addison Wiggin, P.S.: Could a depression be next? Will real estate and the markets ever really recover? Of course, this situation is complex. And of course, you're asking the right questions. I'm confident we can answer them when you let me send you the five free reports we talked about. But I can't do anything for you if I don't hear from you first. Simply send for the Strategic Financial Survival Library and up to a full year free of Strategic Investment. Remember, you're not risking anything even on the paid portion of your subscription — because everything is fully covered by my unique "wealth protection" guarantee. Let me hear from you soon. Click the button below to get started... |
