It's not your birthday? It doesn't matter
You are going to get a gift from me at the
end of this email that will not cost you
anything whatsoever:
- You pay nothing
- You won't be sold anything
- You don't have to give your email address
- You don't have to jump through any hoops
- You just click on the link and get this
gift immediately
* You are going to see the inside story of the
AdSense Videos Launch and how I made $250,000 gross
sales in 7 days
You will probably have heard about the SCALE
of my product launch last week. Well I recorded
a series of videos during that manic 7 days and
was going to put them on sale.
Instead I've decided to give you these videos for
absolutely nothing.
You get to see in 12 Videos I recorded last week,
the UNEDITED and RAW footage of how I made over
a quarter of a million dollars in gross sales.
You'll see how I achieved an Alexa Ranking of
351 on Launch Day (Alexa Ranking is a global
ranking of ALL the sites on the entire internet!).
You'll see my Inbox just after Launch as floods
of sales come in at a rate of $4000 an hour!
You also get to learn a TON of valuable lessons
for your own online marketing efforts and product
- You pay nothing
- You can see all the videos right now
- You will not be sold to
- You don't even need to stick in your email address
Watch ALL the videos here:
If you're wondering whether I put on my best
shirt for the photograph - of course I did!
Enjoy the videos!
Michael Cheney
P.S. WHY am I giving all these videos away? Because
although I wanted to charge for them I realised
that as I'd recorded them in the frenzy of the
biggest week of my life they were unedited and
off-the-cuff. The messages and lessons you can get
from them are powerful so I wanted you to have them:
(c) CMN
** Become A CMN Reporter
You can access the CMN back catalogue, use any of the
CMN videos directly on your website and see an exclusive
video here;
Ray - if you want to REPLY to me or comment
about this email please do so here:
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United Kingdom
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