Greg's Note: If you think that the Fed bailout of Bear Stearns sets a bad precedent, wait until you find out who's really paying for it. Adrian Ash does a little trickery with some quotes to make it more obvious for you. Think it's funny now? Wait until you read this. Enjoy, and send any comments to the managing editor here: Whiskey & Gunpowder
IF YOU'RE GAME FOR A LAUGH, I'd like you in reading the following quotes to imagine the words "tax-payers' cash" wherever you see the words "government" or "central bank." Better still, imagine they spell out the words "your savings" instead. Here's goes...
Josef Ackerman, head of Deutsche Bank, speaking in Frankfurt on March 17
U.S. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson to Fox News, March 16
U.K. Finance Minister Alistair Darling, in his Budget speech of March 12 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Special~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Remember $1,000 Gold? In March 2008, gold hit the previously unreachable mark of $1,000. By March 2009, the idea of $1,000 gold will seem like only a distant memory. $2,000 gold will soon be a reality. There are ways to play this trend, but you have to begin soon. Only 10 days remain before the deadline closes. Click here ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Not quite with it yet? Check these examples, already done for you...
With it now? Great fun, isn't it! Just cut to the chase about bailouts and financial aid by remembering what the state's big generous hand-outs are made from your tax payments, both current and future, plus the spending power of your savings, ripe for inflating away by elected officials and their unelected agents and staff. This game beats playing "Spoof" any day, we reckon...which is funny again when you come to think about it. Because Spoof played in pubs and bars across the world to decide who buys the next round of drinks is a game without winners, only a loser. Exactly like this game, then. Fancy another cocktail before playing (and paying) again?
So said John Varley or as near as damn it in a long open letter to government, published by The Banker magazine at the start of this month. Varley is group chief of Barclays bank here in London. According to the annual report released on Thursday, he took home £2.4 million last year ($4.8m), just down from his 2006 payout of £2.5m after annual group profits fell 1% to £7.08 billion "due to the global financial turmoil" as the BBC puts it. Don't get me wrong here; I have no problems moral or otherwise with the concept of multi-million-dollar salaries. Executive pay merely puts flesh on those inequities which life itself thrives upon. The profit motive in finance is precisely what created the joint-stock company, mortgage lending, the safety-net of insurance, credit cards, overdrafts and all the other monetary tools developed by Homo economicus in the last five hundred years. But what sticks in the craw and makes us choke on our martini-olives, however, is the "privatization of profit [and] the socialization of loss" as Martin Wolf calls it in the Financial Times. Every time the bankers screw up, your money steps in to patch up the losses. Letting the crisis wear on is simply not possible, because no one has dared to try it before. "The authorities feel compelled to intervene," writes Charles Kindleberger in his history of Manias, Panics & Crashes. "The dominant argument against the view that panics can be cured by being left alone is that they almost never are left alone." Hence the pleading from Wall Street and Washington alike. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Special~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 47 New Millionaires Every Day! There's a serious wealth creation plan going on right now. This new developing area of the market is making a lot of people rich beyond their wildest dreams. This is your chance to repeat some of history's greatest moneymaking events. Click here to find out what is happening and how you can get in on the ground floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Tax-payers need to continue to supply liquidity," Varley's article in The Banker very nearly goes on, "and they can help the restarting of the residential mortgage-backed security and commercial mortgage-backed securities markets by being prepared to accept this paper as collateral." More than that, "it would have a significantly (and disproportionately) positive impact if your cash savings were to buy commercial paper." Ain't you brave, gentle reader, stepping into the breach so gamely like this! And so modest, too. Thanks to you covering Wall Street's losses with your tax-dollars, "we're going to have maybe a mild recession, but we're going to avoid anything worse," reckons Jeremy Siegel, professor of economics at Wharton. Yet the plaudits will go to somebody else, with nary a murmur from you, reckons Siegel. "[Ben] Bernanke may very well easily turn out to be a hero here," he explains. Which I guess was precisely your aim in putting money aside to provide for your future.
This quid pro quo the "this for that" stated so bluntly by Varley at Barclays and Ackerman at Deutsche Bank is fast-becoming the surest financial consensus in history. If we bail out the banks to stop their stupidity creating a second Great Depression, they must accept far tighter regulation by those governments and bureaucrats who step in to save the day. No redemption without legislation. Thing is, of course, we've all been before. Across the world, hundreds of times. New regulations come in to stall the last crash...and a new complex system of finance sprouts up, thriving on excessive risk, which ends up needing your money your tax receipts and your savings to mop up the mess when it explodes in turn. From Barnard's Act of 1734 which sought "to prevent the infamous practice of stock-jobbing" that had already peaked and exploded with the South Sea Bubble 14 years earlier through to Sarbanes-Oxley in 2002, which tried to stop Enron and Worldcom once they had crashed, new standards come in after it matters. Financial risk-taking, meantime, simply moves on to find new ways to gear up, using the latest regulations to pin-point those loopholes that will, in due course, be closed up when it no longer counts.
More than that, the FSA failed to conduct a proper review of Northern Rock's operations for the entire 18-month period leading up to its collapse. Even then, prior to that last full review of Feb. 2006 and "contrary to standard practice" as this week's official report into the scandal revealed "formal records of key meetings were not prepared." Thus the quid pro quo of bailouts for new rules becomes, in the end, a straight swap of excessive risk for incompetence. Underpinning this long-run historical fact you'll find the assumption that "if one cannot control expansion of credit in boom, one should at least try to halt contraction of credit in crisis," as Charles Kindleberger concludes. For you, the taxpayer and saver, all that means is you get to pay twice first in higher deductions and then through inflation. Bet you're glad Ben Bernanke will get all the thanks. Cheers! Greg's Endnote: Lately we've seen a trend of the government bailing out institutions that are about to fail. Wouldn't it be great if we could get a guarantee from the government sometimes? Well luckily there are still investments that can be made where the government will actually guarantee that you don't lose money. Don't take my word for it, click here |
Whiskey & Gunpowder Special Reports $1,000 Gold and Rising... 5 Entirely New Ways To Play the Gold Trend The 10 Shocking Reasons for China's Pollution Problem Geothermal Energy: Investment in the Future Here's One Coal Stock That's Set to Skyrocket Investing in Exchange Traded Funds The Real Story Behind the True Gold Bull Market If someone forwarded you this copy, please look here to start your own subscription. Wanna let us know what you thought of today's issue? Now you can... click on this link. Whiskey & Gunpowder is a free e-mail service brought to you by a team of rebellious brigands. If you have not already done so, please click here to confirm your subscription. This will help us ensure you get every Whiskey & Gunpowder without interruption. Are you having trouble receiving your Whiskey & Gunpowder? You can ensure its arrival in your mailbox here. Please note: we sent this e-mail to because you subscribed to this service. To end your Whiskey & Gunpowder e-mail subscription, click here. Nothing in this e-mail should be considered personalized investment advice. Although our employees may answer your general customer service questions, they are not licensed under securities laws to address your particular investment situation. No communication by our employees to you should be deemed as personalized investment advice.We expressly forbid our writers from having a financial interest in any security recommended to our readers. All of our employees and agents must wait 24 hours after on-line publication or 72 hours after the mailing of a printed-only publication prior to following an initial recommendation. Any investments recommended in this letter should be made only after consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing the prospectus or financial statements of the company. © 2008 Agora Financial, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Protected by copyright laws of the United States and international treaties. This newsletter may only be used pursuant to the subscription agreement and any reproduction, copying, or redistribution (electronic or otherwise, including on the World Wide Web), in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited without the express written permission of Agora Financial, LLC. 808 Saint Paul Street, Baltimore MD 21202. |