They're in America.
They're marketers.
And they're dumb.
This pair of dumb idiots
are so *desperate* for you
to buy their HIGH TICKET
list building coaching that;
- They want to give you a
$125,000 Ferrari (one
lucky member will get it)
- They've re-opened the
doors on this for a short
time (this sold out FAST
last time around)
- They're letting you
test drive the entire
suite of $13,074
profit spewing products,
tutorials, resources and
support for just $1
( last time they did this
it sold out - FAST )
Go here NOW:
( You get it ALL for $1,
including a chance to win
the $125,000 Ferrari )
Michael Cheney
PS These guys are so dumb they're
giving you the best list building
coaching on the planet for a $1
trial AND the chance to win a
$125,000 Ferrari..
The Golden ThreadTM
AB33 8JD
United Kingdom
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