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Friday, January 16, 2009

Behind the scenes of a real success story


I'm the kind of guy who likes to watch the director's
commentaries on DVDs.

That's where the director and other people involved
in making the movie explain all the details of what
went into putting the movie together.

To me, the commentary is often far more interesting
than the movie itself.

If you've never watched one, I encourage you to try it.

It will give you a lot of insight into how things get
done in the real world. (The last one I watched
was the director's commentary for "The Perfect Storm."
Two thumbs up.)

===== Education pays you - entertainment costs you

If there's ONE big difference between successful
entrepreneurs and people who are struggling without
making process, it's that successful entrepreneurs focus
on the behind-the-scenes details of how things REALLY work.

They're not happy just "watching the movie" whether
it's an actual movie in a theater or hearing a business
success story from a seminar stage.

They want to know what's going on *behind* the scenes.

Over the last 15 years, I've had the chance to meet
hundreds and hundreds of Internet marketers, many
at the very beginning of their careers.

I've seen who's made it and I've seen who hasn't.

I've seen who's done well and who has done incredibly
well and over and over I'm impressed by the one thing
that seems to make all the difference.

===== Get this and you're half way there

Every person I've ever met who has had lasting
success in the business of Internet marketing has
been a serious student of direct marketing.

Here's how important this is....

If you truly grasp direct marketing at a molecular
level, you can make great money in Internet
marketing even if you have a poor grasp
of Internet technology.

On the other hand, you can know every single
Internet marketing trick and tool in the known
universe and get absolutely nowhere if you
don't grasp direct marketing.

Readings lots of eBooks and listening in on
lots of tele-seminars doesn't always help. In
fact, the info overload that comes from that
can easily fool some people into thinking they've
learned something important when all they've really
been are customers of elaborately staged

So at the System Seminar instead of drowning
people in technical detail, we like to focus on
the essential things, like direct marketing, that
really matter - and it's made a huge difference
in the success rates of our students.

===== A direct marketing diamond

Several years ago, we were lucky enough to
have Gary Halbert, one of the best copywriters
and copywriting educators of all time, join us
as one of our seminars.

A few years later, Gary Bencivenga, universally
acknowledged as the most effective direct mail
copywriter of the last twenty-five years, granted
his one and only taped interview to members of
the System Club.

This year, in London, we completed our direct
marketing triple crown.

Drayton Bird, legend in the marketing world and
a truly inspired educator, shared some mind expanding
ideas with us at the UK System Intensive.

Who is Drayton Bird?

In just three years, starting from scratch, Drayton
and his partners built the biggest direct marketing
agency in England. When advertising legend
David Ogilvy wanted break into the UK market,
he concluded the smartest thing to do was to
simply buy Drayton and his customers out.

After acquiring his company, Ogilvy sent Drayton
around the world to teach his hard won direct
marketing know-how to Ogilvy & Mather marketers
all over the world.

===== You missed it, but you don't have to miss out

I realize not everyone was in a position get on a plane
and fly to our event in London to hear Drayton speak.

I also realize that something as valuable as a talk
from Drayton Bird is too important not to share, so
I've taken some of the highlights from his talk and
put them up on the web.

I've been doing Internet marketing from 15 years
and direct marketing for 25 (longer if you count
some my early efforts as a teenager) and I found
his talk absolutely spell-binding. Because I
personally edited the video tape, I watched it
about a dozen times.

The talk reminded me of important principles I'd
forgotten and put a new perspective on what works
in marketing - and why.

It's not often you get to review the effectiveness
of marketing strategies and tactics with someone who
has been involved in the mailing of hundreds of millions
of pieces of mail over many decades in scores of different
countries and markets.

Now, you can do that, for free, here:


Ken McCarthy
The System Seminar

* The System Seminar March 27 - 29, 2009
The annual gathering of *serious* Internet entrepreneurs

* Home study solutions for Internet entrepreneurs

* Serious marketing books for serious marketers

The System
Education for Internet Entrepreneurs
14 North Road
Tivoli, NY 12583

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