About Job Searching: What Happened to My Job Application?
| from Alison Doyle This year, it seems like a lot of companies have slowed way down for the holiday season, with some closing or working with a skeleton crew for the last two weeks of the year. There have been messages posted in the Job Search Discussion Forum about what to do when you haven't heard after an interview. | ![]() | In the Spotlight | U.S. Census Jobs The U.S. Census Bureau is recruiting temporary part-time census takers for the 2010 Census. Census taker jobs are excellent opportunities for retirees, college students, persons who want to work part-time, persons who are between jobs, or just about anyone who wants to earn extra money while working in their local community. | | What Happened to My Job Application? How should you follow up to make sure that your candidacy hasn't been forgotten in the transition to the New Year and the pile of work waiting for hiring managers when they get back to the office? First of all, I wouldn't worry yet. It will probably take most offices until mid-week or later to get caught up. | Best Job Sites of 2008 This year, I have quite a few additions to my list of the best web sites for job seekers. There are new job sites that really impressed me and, of...read more | Sponsored Links | ![]() |  | Top Picks - Books: Job Search from your Job Searching Guide | ![]() | Need job search help? There are a variety of books available that will step you the job search process with advice on everything from how to get focused, how to find a job and how to target and track of your job search. | 1) What Color is Your Parachute? This book has been a best selling job-hunting book for over 30 years. Must reading for the job seeker or the career changer with a wealth of job search advice and resources. 2) 10 Insider Secrets to Job Hunting Success Advice on how to identify your selling points, how to define your ideal job, create resumes and cover letters, find jobs and get and prepare for interviews. 3) Job Hunting for Dummies This book covers all the job hunting basics, and then some -from resumes, interviews, networking, and targeting your job search to which jobs and careers have the best potential. | Best Moves in a Bad Economy | ![]() | Save & Invest the Right Way Find out how to beat a bear market, make smart choices, and keep your cool even when the economy is unpredictable.
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