When I started my copywriting business a little over 8 years ago I was very careful not to draw the gender line in the sand. I didn't want my work judged because I was a man or a woman, but because it was GOOD. So I devoured every classic advertising book out there. I manically studied proven ads and great copy. I found out who the gurus were (both dead and alive) and became a devoted student.
The gurus were all tough men's men, by the way - used to doing things a certain way without question because it "always worked in the past."
Still I felt an undercurrent rising . . . suddenly that over-the-top copy wasn't working as well as it used to. Consumers are a lot more savvy (and skeptical). What I found out was my copywriting style was connecting to the new
consumer . . .
And that new consumer is a WOMAN! 
When I first started reading the stats on how women control sales in EVERY BRAND CATEGORY, I was blown away. No wonder my copy was doing so well! I've been told I'm able to naturally weave the traditional methods of marketing with my own PROVEN slant of what keeps the prospect's attention by building trust and rapport.
Well I'd love to share some of those methods with you on a very special teleseminar event TOMORROW!
Topic: *Insider Secrets to Writing Copy that Sells to Women*
Date: Wednesday, March 19th
Time: 11pm Pacific/2pm Eastern
This call is being held EXCLUSIVELY for my Sterling Inner Circle Mastermind. If you're not a member yet, visit www.redhotcopy.com/sterling.htm and get three months for the price of ONE!!!
If you're not signed up yet, do yourself a favor and please sign up NOW! What you'll learn TOMORROW will continue to pay off for years to come.
Join me as I give you a sneak peek inside the woman's secret handbook to buying. The tips you'll learn on this unique Sterling Inner Circle Mastermind call will give you THE POWER OF THE PURSE. You'll learn . . .
- Why women suddenly have massive amounts of buying power;
- How female buyers are completely different from male buyers (duh!);
- Hot places to go to find female buyers willing to spend big $$;
- The psychological hot buttons that work on women, but NOT on men;
- Tactics to build long-lasting trust with women and keep them buying from you;
- Specific key words and phrases that SPEAK her secret language;
- Copywriting devices that work well with women every time (I shouldn't be telling you this);
- Some of the biggest mistakes men (and other women) make when trying to sell to women;
- How to make it up to women if you've offended them in the past;
- And so much more!
I can't wait to talk to you tomorrow. Space for this call is limited so reserve yours NOW at www.redhotcopy.com/sterling.htm!
Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero
Red Hot Copy
P.S. Did you know that American women spend about $5 TRILLION each year? Be sure you know how to get YOUR market share tomorrow!