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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

[Copywriting TNT] - The Secret to My Creativity . . .


Volume 6, Issue 12 25 March 2008

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GOLD Mentorship Group Call
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*March 25, 2008* 

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Sterling Inner Circle Virtual Mastermind Group
*Watch What Lorrie Does Best*
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April 16, 2008

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Sizzlin' Copywriting Note from Lorrie . . .

Ever you ever felt misunderstood? Well I did yesterday when my husband walked in on me. You can see why in today's feature article.


One of the biggest reasons for my success has been investing in myself. To me the biggest payoffs have been at live events. You build relationships with names you only read in your email and online. You learn the latest and greatest techniques that are working. You get to be human and come out from behind your computer! Hopefully I'll see you next week in Nashville at the Glazer Kennedy Inner Circle Super Conference.


I also want to mention that I was interviewed by Bill Glazer and Dan Kennedy on the monthly Gold Plus call last week called "Writing Copy that Sells to Women." Bill mentioned it was one of the highest attended calls in their history. If you're a Gold Plus member, you definitely don't want to miss listening in.


Finally, I'm excited about a new mini-feature we'll be showing weekly called, "Smart & Sassy Success Tips." It's written by Melani Ward. Melani has a extensive experience in psychology, mediation, and coaching as well as direct response copywriting. She brings a weekly umph to running your business more successfully. Welcome, Melani!




Psst! Get your own newsletter delivered to your door as part of the Sterling benefits by joining here. You even get two months for f*r*e*e!

P.S. Check out my new look at Red Hot Copy!

Volume 5, Issue 21 28 May 2007
Join me at my live event: "The She Factor" (sizzle)
Topic: How to Find, Catch, and Keep Your Share of the Female Market
Date: October 2, 3, and 4, 2008
Location: Los Angeles, California
You don't want to miss your chance to hit this segment of your market. I'm announcing the details of this event very soon so watch for my emails. This is HOT, HOT, HOT! Watch for details!!
Happy Birthday Cake with Candles 

Happy Birthday to YOU!
Celebrating upcoming birthday for Monica Garcia 3/29!
Now what about YOU . . . I want to mention your birthday with your permission. I've already received tremendous response and we are adding names to celebrate you and how far you've already come. Thanks for sharing with us.
Can we mention your birthday? Don't be shy. Please email with the subject line reading BIRTHDAY. Just tell us your name as well as the month and date. We want to acknowledge you on your special day!

The Sterling Buzz . . .Cool Bumble Bee Buzz
Our next call is Wednesday, April 16, 2008 at 11am Pacific / 2pm Eastern
TOPIC: Watch What Lorrie Does Best with Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero.
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Sterling Inner Circle.

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The Secret to My Creativity Even My Husband Doesn't Know

Talking Matches

By Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero, Expert Copywriting Strategist


Yesterday my hubby came home at 4:30pm and I was passed out on the bed, hooked up to my iPod, with an eye mask enjoying a late afternoon snooze.


"I thought you were working!" he said.


"But I was!" I replied.


As a creative person I can tell you sometimes complete disconnect is the only way to stoke those innovative fires. A nap can be the best thing you do to increase your creativity and productivity. Sounds crazy, I know.


But I'm not alone here. Winston Churchill was a napper. So were Albert Einstein, Eleanor Roosevelt, Bill Clinton, Leonardo Da Vinci, John Rockefeller, Gene Autry, and Thomas Edison, to name a few. Those are some powerhouse names. I say if it's good enough for them, it's good enough for me.


Let's say it's 2:45pm and you're staring at your computer screen with a laundry list of TO DO items. Your mental energy just isn't locked in, and your mind is jello. How productive do you think you're going to be? Even if you buckle down and focus, whatever you turn out isn't likely to be your top-shelf best. Time to recharge with a power nap.


For me, whenever I close my eyes in the afternoon away from email, the phone, the fax, the Internet, Facebook . . . let's just call them "THE DISTRACTIONS" . . . my mind is finally able to put together marketing campaigns, clever copy, and ideas with COMPLETE FOCUS. In fact, the less I try to come up with a solution and relax my brain, the easier it seems to come. Sometimes it just requires a nap to reboot creativity.


A NASA study showed a 26-minute nap can boost performance by 34%. The fact is most people are naturally tired in the afternoon anyway (about 8 hours after waking). Our biological clocks are built that way. Research is very clear that naps reduce stress, increase productivity, perk up patience, and improve brain function. That's a lot of bang for your buck. I know I wouldn't get nearly as much done without them personally.


So how do you incorporate naps into your workday?


RULE NUMBER ONE: Let go of the guilt. You are NOT being lazy. You are doing your mind (and your work) a great service by coming back to it refreshed with new ideas.


RULE NUMBER TWO: Decide how long you'll nap for and set an alarm. There are great restorative benefits in a 5 minute nap but the longer your nap is, the more revived you'll feel. (Note that napping over 60 minutes isn't recommended because your body could go into deeper sleep cycles and make it harder to sleep later.)


RULE NUMBER THREE: Explore a method of relaxing that works for you. I recommend investing in Wendi Friesen's "Power Nap" CDs and downloading them on your iPod. She walks you through a deep nap at 5, 10, 20, and 30 minute intervals. She's my preferred napping coach. 


RULE NUMBER FOUR: Be sure to turn off phones and other distractions that could interrupt your time for you. Life can carry on without you for 30 minutes (or whatever time you decide to rest for).


RULE NUMBER FIVE:  Block out light and sound. The fewer distractions that can pull you back into the thinking world, the better. As I mentioned, I use a hypnosis recording on my iPod usually. Otherwise, I grab foam earplugs. My favorite light-zilching mask is made by Bucky. (Be sure to get the "Shades" and NOT the "40 Blinks" eye mask.)


Listen, naps aren't anything new. Many cultures have siesta time built into the day. And not just our Latin friends - many European towns close shop at midday for lunch and some afternoon rest. Practically every other animal on the planet naps (except for maybe sharks but who wants to be like them anyway?)


So, you may think they're being lazy but science is confirming more and more that ignoring our natural biorhythms and by forcing ourselves awake reduces our effectiveness. I say, go forth and nap. Return and be creative!


Happy snoozing!


ABOUT LORRIE: Award-winning copywriter Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero is President of Red Hot Copy and among an elite group of the finest copywriters in the industry. Lorrie loves inspiring and motivating entrepreneurs and copywriters how to stoke those burning fires of your business. Download your complimentary Special Report, *7 Deadly Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make with Their Promotional Web Copy* now at


Smart & Sassy Success Tips!
Red Hot Hydrant


 Did you know that your probability of success is directly related to the amount of things you're tolerating in your life?

It's true. When you spend a lot of your time tolerating people, behaviors, etc. in your business and personal life, you'll find success starting to elude you.

So, if you're serious about being successful in every area of your life, you have to start eliminating the things you're simply putting up with or tolerating.

Why? Because each and every thing you are tolerating drains your energy. It tires you out and wears you down.

Tolerations take energy from you that is needed for other things. And, if you don't eliminate them, the overwhelm will get exponentially worse.

So, make a list of everything you're putting up with in your life. Be honest about what needs to go, what's causing you stress, and what constantly drains you. Then, start eliminating them.

Eliminating tolerations will free up your time and energy so that you can accomplish more and feel infinitely more satisfied with your life.


If you're ready to kick your marketing into high gear, have more fun and make more money in your small business, get your FR*EE report and e-book now at

ABOUT MELANI: Melani Ward is a copywriter, business coach and the founder of Hot Button Copy. She helps women entrepreneurs make more money, attract more clients, and put the fun back in their business so they can have the lifestyle they deserve.

Resource on fireLorrie recommends . . .

Ali's teaching her FINAL TELESEMINAR on ezines TODAY!


When I first heard about it, frankly I didn't believe it. But I spoke to her on the phone and I assure you, this is no marketing ploy. It's for real.


I've known Ali in the lean times and trust me, her steady climb up the multi-million dollar ladder is due a great deal to her ezines. Of course, she's also a brilliant marketer and authentic human being who has taught thousands of other solo-preneurs and small business owners her easy, step-by-step system.


Her methods have helped her students make MILLIONS more dollars in their businesses by using low-cost online marketing, and she has the testimonials to prove it.


But this is the end of the road for her ezine teaching because . . .


Ali is hosting her LAST free teleseminars EVER on ezines, March 25 & 27!


(In a hurry? Sign up now!)


Yes that's right. Her LAST.


First of all, she hasn't offered a free live call on this topic in several years. And after this one, she won't be offering any more. You see, her business is growing rapidly and taking her in a different, exciting direction.


But she knows what got her started - the humble email newsletter! She and her students know that an ezine is still the most powerful marketing tool ANYWHERE, for pennies on the dollar.


AND, she acknowledges there are some challenges to marketing with email these days. That's why Ali wants to share with you some of the things she's learned that still promise email to be a big moneymaker for all of us.


She'll be giving us the BEST, honest, and most UPDATED information on ezine publishing on these FREE calls.


So don't miss this important teleseminar series. Ali's calls are jam-packed with information you can use immediately to grow your business using email - ethically.


You'll have to see what I mean - get the scoop and reserve your spot today! 




Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero

Red Hot Copy


P.S. Remember space is limited - they aren't sure how many people her bridge lines can hold --  and this is the LAST TIME Ali will be giving a FREE teleseminar series on ezines. Reserve your spot today!


Hot Deals ...Talking Matches

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Are you reading this? Then why not put your ad here too! Just visit our ezine info page.

Disclaimer: Neither Red Hot Copy nor Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero endorses the accuracy or reliability of any of the paid advertisements above or the quality of any products, information, or other materials displayed, purchased, or obtained by you as a result of an offer in connection with any ad. Please do your own due diligence BEFORE purchasing any product. Be careful out there! We care about you!


Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero
Red Hot Communications Inc

P.S. By the way I understand some of you are still using my old Studio City address. Please don't use that address. We've been losing a lot of mail that goes there. So if you are sending anything please use the 16141 Cohasset Street, Van Nuys, California 91406 address. Thanks so much!
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