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Thursday, March 27, 2008

About Entrepreneurs: Time Is Money... Or Is It?   Entrepreneurs
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  from Scott Allen
At some point in your life, you may have had a boss who reminded you that "time is money", probably as a reminder to get back to work, since they were paying for your time. But that old saying has a different meaning when you're the boss. This week I'll take a look at how to apply it in your own life, plus a related recent personal experience of mine and a humorous look at why time just may NOT be money.

In the Spotlight
Time Is Money
It's an old cliche that we all know and understand, but to what extent do you really apply it in your business? For example, do you make a phone call when an email would do just fine? On the other hand, are you an "email person", who insists on going back and forth via email, when a phone call is clearly necessary to iron out the issue? How much is your time worth?

         More Topics
Is Time Really Money?
They say "time is money" and "knowledge is power". But what happens when you start combining these with the laws of physics and run through the calculations? You may be surprised what you find. Maybe time really isn't money.

Tim Ferriss Interview Transcript and My Outsourcing Experien
Last year I interviewed Tim Ferriss, bestselling author of "The 4-Hour Workweek". I've had numerous requests for a transcript of the audio, which I finally got around to doing. Here's the text for your reading pleasure. Also, I used a transcriptionist from India that I hired on Did I really save money? I'll show what I figured out.

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