Are you feeling distracted, forgetful, and frustrated with how much you have on
your plate? Well you're not alone and in a minute I want to tell you about a f^ree teleseminar on how to get off that hamster wheel once and for all with my good friend, Joe Polish, and some special guests. (Joe is infamous for his severe case of ADD and his ability to get things done in spite of it! Guess which one is him on the right!) But you have to hurry! This teleseminar is TOMORROW, Thursday at 3pm Pacific/6pm Eastern. The call in information is below.
But first I want to make some observations. . .
Over the past 15 years, life's fast pace has hit a heart-pounding sprint. Each day we're bombarded with more messages speeding at us at a dizzying pace than our grandparents saw in a YEAR!
In fact, the rapid rate of technological impact has NEVER been at such high levels before . . . we've never experienced such an epical time in history since the invention of the printing press! Cutting edge technology is created daily to help us work faster, faster, FASTER . . . while our lives implode!
Our brains cannot possibly process the massive information overload we're asking it to deal with. There is no way any of us can respond to EVERY email, text, phone, fax message we get daily.
I found this great program that's helped me tremendously so I want to steer you to a site that can help keep your life simple and your business profitable too. It's all at SuccessWithSanity.
Check it out and you'll find information from the world's foremost expert in this area...
He's a Harvard-trained psychiatrist and featured on 60 Minutes, Dateline, CNN, The Today Show, Oprah, and Larry King. He's also been interviewed by The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Reader's Digest, Entrepreneur and many other top publications. His name is Dr. Ned Hallowell and, I've got access to him so please check this out SuccessWithSanity.
Now back to the f^ree call. This call is really an incredible gift because these guys are going to deliver over 90 minutes of valuable strategies you can use right now to get control, be "CrazyBusy No More!" and quit working around the clock!
I really think you can benefit by listening in. Learning just one strategy they'll be sharing can steal back hours in your packed day.
Here are the call-in details.
Date: Thursday, March 27th, 2008
Time: 3pm Pacific / 6pm Eastern
Phone: 1-507-726-3343
Passcode: 32708#
(For those of you, like me, who really are insanely busy there's a replay at 6pm Pacific / 9pm Eastern . . . same phone number and passcode.)
That's it for now. Check out this site ASAP and be sure to hop on Thursday's live call. Trust me, you'll be glad you did!