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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Beware of the silver bullet


People like silver bullets.

They like magic cures
and one-punch knock outs too.

Eugene Schwartz the great copywriter understood
this as well as anyone who ever lived and called
his publishing business "Instant Improvement."

I asked him about this once and he said that
you can almost always legitimately offer
someone instant improvement.

It may not solve all their problems or help
them tap all their potentials, but there's
great power in sharing simple, easy-to-implement
ideas that free up the logjams we all have
in our minds.

So offering instant improvement is legitimate
and accurate.

But then again, Gene sold $29 books.

He didn't sell $1000 and up business programs
and he certainly never claimed that marketing
and advertising was simple or easy.

Quite the contrary.

His book "Breakthrough Advertising" peeled back
the layers of complexity that hide behind every
successful ad.

No one reading Gene's book could ever walk away
from it and think that there's anything easy,
simple or instant about creating great marketing.

Yet there's a whole lot of people who know
better who want their prospects to be ignorant
on this fact so they can whack their credit
cards one more time.

*** Buyer beware

It's become popular in some Internet circles to
blow up one simple idea, claim it offers a magic
one-shot cure for everything, and then charge the
moon for it.

This may be good for the guru and his car

It's probably not good for you.

In medicine, doctors who sell one-shot cure-alls
like this are called quacks.

They're not respected and no educated person
knowingly does business with them.

Is it possible to make a lot of money being
a quack?

Sure it is.

And in Internet marketing, you can be a "quack"
and not face the kind of legal ramifications
that people practicing bad medicine do.

But why do it?

Why use bogus claims to take large sums of people's
hard earned money for information that you know
in advance is not enough to get the job done?

*** Internet marketing is a profession not a
bag of tricks you can buy on a street corner

No one would expect to become a plumber,
an electrician or a brain surgeon based
on a quick exposure to some "secret"
genius's sure-fire formula.

Why then would any serious person expect this
from Internet marketing?

Two reasons:

1. It's a pleasant fantasy

2. Huge numbers of Internet marketing gurus
encourage this fantasy because they see pushing
it as *their* way to easy riches.

Reality check:

I have never seen ANYONE succeed in Internet
marketing who didn't work at it like the

Anyone who claims otherwise is pulling your

On the other hand...

Building a successful Internet business is
a realistic, attainable, doable goal, but
not if you let yourself be pushed and
stampeded into one loony new product frenzy
after another.

Here's a truly sure-fire suggestion:

Learn the basics first.

It needn't cost you much. In fact, you can learn
a tremendous amount for free.

Then use what you learn on simple projects.

This is the formula many of my successful
students have used. Some didn't have lot
of money to get started so they began with
our free course.

*** The Pre-System Seminar

Each year we give away a complete course
in Internet marketing.

And each year, we thoroughly update it
so the advice is current and cutting-edge.

The course is not a come-on for something else,

And it's definitely not a magic bullet.

It's a comprehensive A-to-Z training
in all the skills you need in order
to build a successful online business.

Internet marketing is a set of skills:

* market research and niche finding
* product development
* t'argeted traffic generation
* list building and list management
* conversion strategies
* monetization strategies
* infrastructure and customer service

Some of these things are glamorous.

Some of them are not.

Your success is going to be determined
not by how many how many expensive "new"
programs you buy, but how thoroughly you
learn the foundations of the business
and act on what you learn.

The Pre-System Seminar makes these
fundamentals available to you no matter
where you live or how big or small
your budget at zero cost.

If you want a real education in Internet
marketing, it's available to you right
now for free.

Take advantage of it here, now:


P.S. The one-punch knock out is
is a reality.

In fact, there are lots of
one-punch knock outs.

The problem is the other fighter
rarely stands still and lets you
score one.

They move - and hit back.

That's why serious boxers master
ALL the skills related to boxing
not just the "gee whiz" ones.

They build their stamina by running
and jumping rope...they sharpen their
reflexes on the speed bag...they
develop their jab...they learn to

The one-punch knock out is useful
only to fighters who've mastered ALL
the necessary skills to survive
in the ring.

Imagine some dweeb who buys a
super-expensive course on how
to master the one-punch knock out.

After a little review, he shows up
at the gym ready to take on the world.

After they peel him off the canvas
minutes later, he shakes the stars
out of his head and asks:

"What happened?"

What happened is he ran into someone
willing to pay the real price of success,
not just in dollars, but in time and dedication.

Just as there are no shortcut in the
ring. There are no shortcuts in

If you think you can "buy" your way
to success by paying to ride the coattails
of one of the glamorous gurus, you're guaranteed
to find yourself in the same situation
as our hapless would-be boxing champ.

On the other hand, this is a game you
most definitely can win.

Here's how:

Get a real education...

Start using it...

Do that, and you'll be unstoppable:

Ken McCarthy
The System Seminar


* Home study solutions for Internet entrepreneurs

* The System Seminar May 30 - June 1, 2008
The annual gathering of *serious* Internet entrepreneurs

* Serious marketing books for serious marketers


The System
Education for Internet Entrepreneurs
14 North Road
Tivoli, NY 12583

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