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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Pre-System Lesson Five: It all starts with information


No matter what business you're in,
you're in the information business.

Every sale, no matter what the product
is, begins with information.

More than anything else prospects
want to KNOW.

Don't you?

*** The secret trigger behind every sale

No one likes to spend their hard
earned money blindly.

That's why the more information you
share with prospects the bigger and
better your business will be.

The old saying "the more you tell,
the more you sell" has been proven
over again in the Internet Age.

Five years ago, I stood the Internet
marketing world on its head by GIVING
AWAY more immediately useful how to info
than appears in most expensive seminars.

This has been the single most copied
strategy in Internet marketing and I've
lost track of how many tens of millions
of dollars in sales its generated.

*** Add info to the mix - and profit

The important point here is this...

The strategy works no matter what you're
selling, so no matter what you sell
it pays to learn a little about
the strategies and tactics of the
best info marketers.

One of my favorite information marketers
is a guy named Sean D'Souza.

He's well known to his customers, but
since he's not part of the seminar guru
scene you may not have heard of him.

Sean runs a very lucrative info marketing
business - without affiliates, without
JVs and without employees. (It's just
him and his wife.)

He's organized his business so that
he and his family take multi-week
vacations throughout the year and his
average work week though focused is leisurely.

*** How does Sean do it?

The dirty little secret behind many of the
big dollar info marketing businesses that
brag about their success is this: they have
huge staffs and they are entirely dependent
on others for their leads and have to give
away significant amounts of their revenue.

Sean has bypassed this nonsense beautifully
with a powerful but very simple strategy...
and it's pretty unique.

How unique?

I've got a massive library of books on
info marketing.

I've been fortunate to meet and even work
with many of the top experts in the field
over the years.

Sean has come up with some brand new wrinkles
on the business that I've never heard before.

If you're an info marketer - or you're smart
enough to appreciate what an important role
info marketing can play in your business - this
is a must-listen interview.


P.S. Sean will be making a very rare appearance
this year at System 2008 in Chicago.

He and his family live in New Zealand and our
event coincides with a long trip he and his
family are making to America.

If you're intrigued by his unusually clear headed
approach to business, the System is one of the few places
you'll get a chance to meet him live.

Sean is one of twenty-five top Internet marketing
experts who will be teaching at System 2008.

For more details about the seminar, visit:

Ken McCarthy
The System Seminar


* Home study solutions for Internet entrepreneurs

* The System Seminar May 30 - June 1, 2008
The annual gathering of *serious* Internet entrepreneurs

* Serious marketing books for serious marketers


The System
Education for Internet Entrepreneurs
14 North Road
Tivoli, NY 12583

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