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Monday, March 31, 2008

Last Chance ... Save 50% ... Sale Ends Today!

Last Chance!

Save 50% — Sale Ends Today!

Dear Fool,

In December, we invited a small group of investors to join Philip Durell's Motley Fool Inside Value newsletter service at 50% off.

The response was overwhelming. We've asked Philip to extend that incredible offer for a brief window. Here's why...

Market conditions and bearish sentiment in the media have hardworking investors questioning their path to a safe and secure retirement. This, at a time when the best-of-breed stocks Philip recommends are selling at historic discounts!

We want to make absolutely certain that you take full advantage of this rare investment opportunity.

Until midnight tonight, you can get full access to Inside Value -- including Philip's two top value picks for new money right now -- for HALF of what other investors gladly pay to join Philips inner circle of investors.

You'll also get instant access to Philip's two latest Inside Value recommendations, plus TEN more top stocks, customized to your risk tolerance. Plus, there's another reason why right NOW could be the best time to invest in years, as you'll hear about in this letter from Senior Motley Fool Investment Writer, Paul Elliott.

But we must warn you, this offer is strictly limited -- it ends on April 1st at 12:01 a.m. ET. Don't miss your chance to put Philip Durell and his team of equity analysts to work for you -- at the lowest price we've ever offered!

Here's to beating the market in 2008,

Rob Runett
Publisher, Motley Fool Inside Value

PS: Even if you don't plan to invest today, I encourage you to read the enclosed report. It may be the most interesting investment idea you hear about all year.

"Who Says We Can't
Afford to Retire?"

It's hogwash! A phenomenon called the "Inverted Nifty Fifty" is helping thousands of U.S. investors make up for lost time... in three easy steps... but this opportunity can't last!

Good Afternoon Prudent Investor,

The odds may be stacked against us, but don't despair.

Every year, hardworking investors just like you and me beat those odds. Take a look...

  • Bill and Carol Angle put $30,000 into a single stock — half their life savings at the time. Today that investment is worth over $300 million.
  • An IRS clerk named Ann Sheiber invested $10,000 in another stock at age 58, which she donated to her favorite school in 1995. It was worth $7.5 million.
  • Working class residents in Gadsden County, Florida fell in love with yet another stock in the 1950s. At last count, more than 67 of them were millionaires.

Are these extreme cases? Sure. But they give you some idea of the immense fortune-building potential of spotting the right investment at precisely the right time.

Moreover, the investments that freed these folks from financial worry were NOT arcane... obscure... or even high-risk speculations.

When I reveal their names just ahead, you may be surprised. You may be expecting something much more... well, dangerous.

But don't let that fool you. Unusual market conditions — nearly 20 years in the making — have some of the biggest brains in the investment community raving about opportunities like these...

Pat Dorsey, Morningstar's Director of Stock Analysis, says they "offer an embarrassment of riches for long-term investors looking to build core holdings."

David Reilly, Director of Portfolio Strategy at Rydex Investments says, "All of the dynamics of the economy are favoring [these companies]."

Christopher Davis, 2005 Domestic Stock Manager of the Year for Morningstar, says you might get an opportunity like this, "once every 10 years or so."

I'll explain everything in the next five minutes. All I ask is that you keep an open mind. And promise me you won't dismiss the simple strategy I'm about to reveal... because it's too simple.

Yes, this is a "head-slap" moment!

Five, 10, 15 years from now, investors will look back on the "Inverted Nifty Fifty" I'm about to describe and wonder what in the world they were thinking.

Some won't recover. The lucky ones may remember the first half of 2008 as a turning point in their financial and personal lives.

Likely, they will have followed the simple strategy I'm going to share with you in the next few minutes. So, let me introduce myself.

My name is Paul Elliott. I'm 43 years old and hell-bent on retiring wealthy on my own terms. Just as I imagine you are.

If my name sounds familiar, it's because I've been writing about the markets and investing for years, both in print and online.

As a senior writer for The Motley Fool, I am thrilled to serve a grassroots community of investors The Economist calls "an ethical oasis in an area that is fast becoming a home to charlatans."

The folks at Barron's named us "the No. 1 source for financial education on the Web."

So, you'd imagine I have it pretty much figured out. Not even close. I've done well with my investing, but I have nowhere near the capital I need to retire in comfort — after nearly 20 years in the markets.

But all that may be about to change. Now that I've been personally clued in on the once-in-a-generation phenomenon I'm going to share with you in the next five minutes.

"The planets are aligning for investors like us"

I heard that recently from one of the grumpiest, most hardcore value investors I've met in 20 years — and one of the best, too.

His name is Philip Durell. You'll hear more about Philip just ahead... and why I see dollar signs when a curmudgeon like Philip says the planets are aligning.

I'll even show you how I'm personally using Philip's simple strategy to bolster my own retirement. And how I'm sleeping better at night as a result.

In short, you'll hear everything Philip revealed to me in a series of discussions about a phenomenon insiders are calling the "Inverted Nifty Fifty" and how it stands to make some of us extremely wealthy.

If you're as impressed as I was, I'll also tell you about one specific "Inverted Nifty Fifty" investment opportunity Philip calls... "The One Stock to Own for the Next 10 Years."

I think you'll be amazed by how it reminds you of a younger version of what is perhaps the single greatest stock market miracle in American history — Berkshire Hathaway.

If you're not familiar with the Berkshire Hathaway story, you probably do know about its legendary founder, Warren Buffett — after all, he's the richest man in the world.

But it may surprise you to hear that since the 1970s, ordinary Berkshire Hathaway investors just like you and me have seen their own modest holdings balloon more than 5,500%!

Investors like Bill and Carol Angle, the young couple we discussed earlier. The ones who invested $30,000 and walked off with more than $300 million!

Or like David Gottesman, who piled up $368 million... or Ernest Williams and his family, who grew their investment into $250 million!

In Omaha alone, some 30 families are sitting on more than $100 million worth of Berkshire stock. I imagine you could get by on a fraction of that. I sure know I could...

Well, this company is one step ahead of where Berkshire was in the '70s!

Now, let's be realistic. You and I both know the Berkshire miracle doesn't come along more than once in a lifetime. But suppose you could do half as well... or even a quarter as well.

We'd still be talking about hundreds of thousands of extra cash, if not millions. And that's entirely reasonable for a company that's following the Berkshire model to a tee — like this one has.

In other words, if you missed out on the Warren Buffett stock market miracle — like I did — you may have a chance to turn back the clock, with the potential for serious wealth-building results.

You see, unlike Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway, this company is still small. With a market cap that's just under $5 billion — in an industry where competitors routinely top $40 billion. (Right there, you have the potential to pocket eight times your original investment.)

But just like Berkshire in the early days, this company is accumulating a mammoth stockpile of cash. More than $400 million and growing. Also like Warren Buffett at Berskshire Hathaway, this company's expert management deploys its capital when the time is right to snap up fire-sale investments.

In other words, this less-than-$5 billion company is following the very same battle-tested strategy that built Berkshire into a $200 billion global powerhouse (and made Buffett the wealthiest man alive). No wonder the herd on Wall Street is finally catching on.

This stock is already starting to move

In the last few years, every dollar you held in this stock would have more than doubled. Meanwhile, how would you have fared holding shares in the S&P 500? Not nearly so well, I'm afraid.

That's right, by holding just this one SAFE stock, you would've left most investors in the dust. Not to mention most mutual funds.

And yes, that includes all the folks who shrewdly bought the smaller, faster-moving stocks of the Russell 2000.

So, you're right to wonder: Why would Philip Durell, the stodgiest, most conservative value investor I know, recommend a company that's already up this much?

Because it's just getting started! And I intend to prove it to you. But I want you to have the full story, straight from the source.

The best way I know to make it happen is to rush you Philip's new report with all the details on this opportunity. It's called "The One REMARKABLE Stock to Own Now!" I'll even show you how to download the full report instantly.

But first, let me show you why this is much more than an ordinary stock research report...

This is Step One in your Retirement Rescue Plan

Why do I say that? Two reasons. First, when you invest directly in the "Inverted Nifty Fifty," you instantly increase the odds that you'll have the wealth you need when you need it most.

You also break free from a corrupt U.S. retirement system that the most respected voice in mutual funds calls "the next big financial crisis in this country."

And that's because, when you buy this "Inverted Nifty Fifty" stock (or any of the others we'll discuss today) and hold it in your own personal account, you won't pay a red cent in fees beyond your modest brokerage commission.

That means no finder's fee... no management fees... no marketing fees. And you'll never pay a commission or taxes associated with needless turnover.

In short, you'll pay none of the outrageous "financial intermediation" costs that routinely eat up nearly 80% of your profits over the course of a long investing career.

Yes, you read that right, up to 80% of your rightful profits... PROFITS earned on YOUR money... at YOUR risk.

And I didn't pull that out of my hat, either. I got that figure directly from an industry insider. His name is John Bogle, and he's the founder of the prestigious Vanguard Group of mutual funds.

But that doesn't have to be your concern. Once you start following Philip's simple plan, you won't pay ransom to a financial services industry that Mr. Bogle calls "a giant marketing system... to bring in the most money by fair means or foul."

Your profits are yours to keep compounding away
until YOU decide to sell!

I'm sure you can see what a great advantage it would be if we could consistently identify the market's best opportunities... then buy them and simply hold them in our personal accounts cost-free... essentially forever.

So, what's stopping us? Well, according to Vanguard's Bogle, we've been duped by a bunch of unscrupulous fund managers and advisors, whose behavior he calls "disgusting, for lack of a better word."

In short, we are being robbed blind by an endless stream of middlemen, all looking to share in our hard-earned profits. You see why Bogle warns that if we want any shot at a comfortable retirement, we MUST kick these rascals to the curb.

At the same time, you may be uneasy finding stocks entirely on your own — ones you're comfortable holding on to for years at a clip. I know the feeling. And to sleep well at night, you need someone to keep an eye on them in case something changes.

That's why I'm so eager for you to meet my colleague Philip Durell.

You see, unlike most mutual fund managers or fee-based investment advisors I've known over the years, I truly believe Philip can help you make more and keep more of what you make. Here's why I say that.

Philip is no financial services crony. He spent 20 years as an executive, specializing in company turnarounds. And to have the kind of success Philip had resurrecting failing companies requires a first-rate set of valuation skills and a specialized knowledge of the bottom line.

Of course, these same skills helped make him a top-notch investor and teacher, as evidenced by the stunning track record he's racked up for the investors he advises.

That includes previous recommendations that enabled members to SAFELY lock in "growth stock"-style returns of:

  • Mittal Steel — up 50% in 8 months
  • Intuit — up 83% in 18 months
  • Omnicare — 103% gain in 13 months

Or maybe you're more interested in hearing how Philip is applying legendary investor Benjamin Graham's "margin of safety" approach that helps his clients win by never losing. Well, you're going to love this...

Overall, across every value stock Philip has recommended to me and the rest of his inner circle of investors, there's never been a time when our portfolio failed to beat the S&P 500.

So, how exactly does Philip make us money?

For starters, he cracks opens the company's books. He burrows deep into the numbers... digging out hidden liabilities... and sometimes finding hidden assets Wall Street never seems to know about.

Like Benjamin Graham (and his prize student, Warren Buffett) Philip turns every stone. And I'm not talking about price-to-earnings ratios and the other blunt instruments that slaphappy Wall Street brokers love to wave around.

And that's a major reason Philip's time-tested value investing approach can help you safely make money just about EVERY TIME you invest. But there's also research showing you could clobber the returns of all other investments with these stocks...

Value turns 1K into 8M

This chart shows that if you had spent $1,000 exclusively on growth stocks — beginning seven decades ago — you'd have grown your money into $800,000. If you put the same $1,000 into the S&P 500, you'd have $1,800,000 today. Not bad.

But if you owned only the kind of stocks Philip invests in instead, you'd have more than $8 million!

That's right. Disrespected, undervalued stocks like these actually crushed the performance of the top stocks in the S&P 500, which, of course, are the core of popular "index" funds.

Now, I admit, 70 years is a long time. But that's just the point: When it comes to investing, fads come and go. You must look at the long term to know what really works.

And buying and holding those special stocks I just showed you in that graph works. Period. And that's before you take into account the extra boost I expect from the "Inverted Nifty Fifty."

"These overlooked stocks are overdue." — CBS MarketWatch

You read that right. Even though these stocks turned $1,000 into $8 million over the course of EVERY TYPE OF MARKET, I think we can expect even better results today — thanks to the "Inverted Nifty Fifty."

Perhaps Philip said it best to his subscribers in a recent issue of his Motley Fool Inside Value newsletter:

"As long-term buyers of stocks, we can hardly contain our delight at this lucky break."

As you may have guessed, Philip's Inside Value subscribers are the tight-knit group of investors I mentioned earlier. The ones Philip is helping to "win by never losing."

In a moment, I'll tell you how you can join them without risk today, if you like — at a special low charter member price. But if you're anything like me, you want to hear a lot more before accepting an invitation, even if it is risk-free.

So, why don't I tell you about another "Inverted Nifty Fifty" opportunity Philip revealed to me in our recent discussions. Though, don't be surprised if you find yourself itching to get invested right away. You'll be in good company.

You see, this very stock is heavily owned by the man many consider to be the world's greatest living investor. And get this: We can get in way cheaper than he did — at more than 50% off its recent highs.

Of course, I'm talking about Warren Buffett again. As it turns out, Berkshire Hathaway owns nearly 20% of this remarkable little company.

And it's little wonder. In 2007, this little business earned a whopping $701 million on revenues of $2.26 billion — a figure that's grown an average 17.2% each of the last five years.

Profit margins are fantastic — consistently hovering around 30%, while the company's ultra lean business model requires minimal capital to grow. Yet the balance sheet is stocked with $426 million cash.

Of course, given that the company has a long history of returning free cash to shareholders via share repurchases and dividends, this is great news for investors like us.

With such great numbers, a solid business model, and an impressive commitment to shareholders, it's no wonder that Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway owns nearly one-fifth of the company's common shares.

Ordinarily, you'd pay through the nose for a company of this quality

After all, we're talking about a 100-plus-year-old company that provides a unique service the global financial markets can hardly function without.

A company whose customers read like a "who's who" of top corporations and governments, as well as investors, depositors, creditors, investment banks, commercial banks, and other financial intermediaries.

And here's another big plus Philip points out. Nearly 40% of the company's trailing 12 months' revenues were earned outside the borders of the United States, up from 30% in 2001.

Great business... superwide moat... tested, trustworthy management... rock-solid balance sheet... quality international exposure... So, what's the problem?

Why can we still buy this blue chip company at blue-light-special prices?

Frankly, the company slipped up. It was one of a handful of top-notch specialty finance companies blindsided by the collapse of what is known as the structured finance market.

The misstep was real, and management owned up to it... but Wall Street's knee-jerk response was an overreaction. If you ask me, Wall Street needed a convenient scapegoat!

Philip agrees. He's been over and over the situation, and he assures me that the company's management has earned its sterling reputation and has proven itself to be totally independent, accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

More important, the hysteria on Wall Street has punished this stock way more than is warranted by the fundamentals and the business outlook.

And that's more great news for us. This gives us a brief window to scoop up shares in a blue-ribbon company that's trading at a 56% discount to its 52-week high!

Most investors run from opportunities like this one. And that's probably a good thing. Few of us have the financial chops to unravel such a complex situation.

Philip Durell licks his chops at opportunities like this.

Now, for Step Two of your Retirement Rescue Plan

OK, we've discussed Step One of your Retirement Rescue Plan — claiming Philip's report and getting the full details on "The One REMARKABLE Stock to Own Now!"

As an added bonus, I'll also rush you a second free report — "Excellence Has Just Gone on Sale" — that will fill you in on the 100-year-old company that's good enough for Warren Buffett.

Step Two is gradually supplementing these core holdings with a portfolio of undervalued "Inverted Nifty Fifty" stocks. And here's why there has never been a better time or an easier way to get started...

If you have some experience with investment newsletters, you can appreciate what a hassle it can be to get caught up. That's why many subscribers never actually buy a recommendation. Well, getting started with Philip's Inside Value is a breeze. Let me show you why...

First, the instant you join, you get both stock reports we just discussed. Plus, you get two more top recommendations — right there on pages 2 and 4 of Philip's just-released April issue of Inside Value.

Those four timely investment opportunities should be more than enough to get you started. Still want more? You also get Philip's Top 10 Picks for new money right now — adjusted for risk level and handpicked from more than three years of Inside Value top recommendations.

Now, you're up to 14 timely opportunities to choose from — all in less than five minutes. There's no need to get overwhelmed by model portfolios and watch lists and heaven knows what else.

You can see why I say that getting Philip's special April issue of Inside Value is a lot like getting three full years of the valuable advice Philip delivers to his Inside Value subscribers each month — all in one concise volume.

Get on track starting this afternoon

Best of all, within mere minutes, you can see for yourself whether the Inside Value service is of value to you (of course, all the archived issues are waiting for you — when you have the time to read them).

If for any reason you don't like what you see, no worries. You risk nothing. Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed personally by me and by The Motley Fool (more on that just ahead).

"People have called for large caps to lead... and have been proved wrong. However, history is on their side." — RealMoney

Earlier, I showed you the real-life stores of three successful investors. Now, it's time I revealed the three investments that secured their fortunes.

The first, you may have guessed, was Warren Buffett's stock market miracle, Berkshire Hathaway. The second was Schering-Plough, one of the world's premier drug companies.

And the third? You may have guessed this one, too. It was Coca-Cola. Hardly needles in a haystack, right?

But it's important to realize that those folks I showed you, who quietly got rich and retired in luxury, not only bought the right stocks... they bought them at the right time.

And thanks to the "Inverted Nifty Fifty," great companies just like these are incredibly attractive right now. In fact, Philip has already recommended Coke to his Inside Value subscribers (I bought it myself - and I'm already up 53%).

But just so we're 100% clear on this point, it bears repeating... When you get right down to it, there's really only one factor that determines who gets RICH buying America's best companies and who does just okay.

And it's not necessarily what stocks you buy. It's WHEN you buy them. This is the secret that makes the "Inverted Nifty Fifty" so powerful... and how it can make us rich. But what the heck is it?

The "Inverted Nifty Fifty" — what it means and how you can profit today

Amazingly, this story has its roots in the 1960s. If you were investing then, you recall how investors drove the stocks of America's top companies to astronomical levels. These bluest of the blue chips came to be called the "Nifty Fifty."

The idea was that these businesses were so rock-solid, you simply couldn't lose money on them. Of course, this was nonsense. In fact, because the stocks were so expensive, investors who showed up late to the party got creamed.

Here's why: They overlooked valuation. The lesson of the "Nifty Fifty" was that when investors get too enthusiastic, the shares of even a great company can become way overpriced.

But what if the opposite occurred? What if the world's best businesses went on sale? That would be an "Inverted Nifty Fifty" — and it would be extremely rare. In fact, this is the first time I've encountered it in more than 20 years.

Right now, America's top companies are unbelievably among the cheapest on the market. It's the investing equivalent of buying a Mercedes for the price of a Toyota.

But how can such an opportunity arise? Well, it really would take the "perfect storm."

First, profits would have to soar to record levels. And cash would be overflowing the companies' coffers. Yet the stocks will have gone nowhere fast... for at least five years running!

Were every one of these improbable pieces to fall into place, America's best and most profitable companies — the Mercedes and BMWs — could get downright cheap.

Cheaper than their overpriced mid-and small-cap peers. And that's precisely what's happening now. But I assure you, it can't last.

Christopher Davis, the brilliant money manager we discussed earlier, insists that we get an opportunity to fill our portfolios with top-shelf companies when they're at the top of their games, "once every 10 years or so."

I'd say it's far less often than that. And remember the investors I showed you earlier? In each case, when the market offered them "an embarrassment of riches," they took the bait and quickly made up for lost time.

Now's your chance to do the same. Even Warren Buffett himself — yes, the same fellow who made investors millionaires many times over with Berkshire Hathaway — is gobbling up blue chips right now!

And the "Inverted Nifty Fifty" is just one reason Wall Street's "real" smart money is waking up to the stocks Philip is recommending...

Here are three more urgent signs that the perfect storm may be brewing for investors buying the stocks Philip and his team are recommending RIGHT NOW...

STRONG in a shaky economy... the credit crunch... the housing crash... $106 oil... you've heard the news. Nobody knows how long the slowdown will last, but Americans are already feeling the pinch.

Investors looking for safety in a cyclical downturn will be attracted by the lower valuations, higher dividends, and more stable earnings of bigger companies.

SAFE in a choppy market... Large-cap value stocks are historically less volatile... especially in dicey markets. Remember the 1970s — after the Nifty Fifty burst?

The S&P 500's loss of 14.7% and 26.5% in 1973 and 1974 was tame next to the 35.1% and 28.2% declines of small caps in the same years, according to the Center for Research in Security Prices.

DIVIDENDS... dividends... dividends... Tax laws make dividends more desirable than ever. Plus, America's top companies are sitting on billions in excess cash, some of which will have to be paid out to shareholders.

Should the markets continue to roil, dividends will be even more in demand... and so will the blue chip stocks that pay them!

Put it together, and this once-in-a-generation disconnect could be YOUR chance to stuff your portfolio with investments that offer...

  • Story stock profit-potential and  
  • Fort Knox safety!

Of course, you're smart to wonder... If these are such commonplace names, then why do you need Philip to advise you? Why not just rely on The Wall Street Journal or CNBC for advice?

Fair question. But don't be fooled: Those guys are largely entertainers. Stockbrokers and Wall Street analysts, meanwhile, are notoriously conflicted.

You need someone who can really dig into the numbers. And whose only allegiance is to you. Frankly, you need somebody honest you can trust, like Philip.

And there's something else. Just as "advisors" aren't created equal... neither are all "blue chips" created equal.

In fact, some of America's blue chips have run their course and have seen their best days. Others have decent fundamentals but are still overvalued. Still others may be disasters waiting to happen. (Remember Enron and WorldCom?)

That's why, now more than ever, we have to be selective. But how can you be certain which of the 5,000-plus U.S. stocks are poised to make you money in 2008?

Philip Durell's special April issue of Inside Value will show you those companies. But before you take a look, it's time that we discussed...

Step Three of your Retirement Rescue Plan — one full year of valuable investment advice at a special charter member price!

Now that you see how Inside Value can help you take advantage of this rare opportunity and safely build your wealth, you're probably curious how much it would cost you to join.

Well, ask yourself this: How much would you pay to never have to worry about making money on your investments again?

After all, you could hire a personal advisor with Philip's credentials, but that might realistically set you back $1,000 or more. Financial services firms already charge that much just to let you sit down and talk with advisors about your financial affairs.

And these guys typically don't work half as hard on your behalf as Philip does... piling up the research, building the contacts, poring over the financial books, and doing the key calculations...

But you won't have to pay $1,000 for this valuable advice. You won't pay half that. In fact, when you invest in Inside Value today, you can lock in the lowest price we've ever offered.

I think you'll be pleasantly surprised when you hear it. So let's quickly revisit what you get in return...

The One REMARKABLE Stock to Own Now!FREE: The exclusive report "The One REMARKABLE Stock to Own Now!" — Reveals the details on what could be the next Berkshire Hathaway! The profits from this one stock could realistically cover the full cost of your membership. You can access it instantly.

Excellence Has Just Gone on SaleFREE: Philip's second new report, "Excellence Has Just Gone on Sale" — Gives you the name, stock ticker, and everything you need to get invested in the 100-year-old specialty finance company you can buy at a blue-light-special discount. If you act soon!

Special IssuePhilip's Special April issue of Inside Value — Just released. Includes Philip's two top picks for the month, PLUS his top 5 picks for new money from his entire Inside Value portfolio.

And that's just for starters. When you join Inside Value at our special low charter member price today, you get everything we've discussed today. You also get...

  • The Inside Value private newsletter, available only to members of Philip Durell's Motley Fool Inside Value, every single month — chock-full of the best moneymaking stock advice the industry has to offer.
  • Your personal password to the private Inside Value website, where you'll find full archives of everything Philip recommends, plus a running portfolio that's kept up-to-date with his newest recommendations. And where you'll also find new special reports the moment he makes them available.
  • Weekly email updates from Philip and his team... Don't wait for your monthly newsletter issue! These timely investor bulletins keep you up-to-date on all your Inside Value holdings.

Finally, if you join though this special email promotion, I'll also rush you a special fast-action bonus that thousands of investors have purchased online for $69. Your copy is free!

OK, but what if I'm getting carried away?

I'll be the first to admit I'm an excitable guy. And I really am excited about the tremendous opportunity standing before us today. At the same time, I'd hate for you to get caught up in my exuberance and later feel you've made a mistake.

So, here's a simple solution to put us both at ease. You can access all these reports today and check out the Inside Value members-only website. Then, if you decide you're not 100% satisfied, no worries. Just contact us at once and you won't pay a cent.

In fact, there's no need to rush. Take a full 30 days to decide. If at any point you realize you'd rather not be a member of Inside Value, again, you won't pay a cent.

Simply ask for Andy, in our customer assistance department. He sits right across the hall from me here at Motley Fool HQ, and he'll make sure you receive a prompt and courteous refund.

When you respond today, you also get a special charter member discount — guaranteed

Ordinarily, you could gain access to every top recommendation in the Motley Fool Inside Value portfolio, plus all Philip's updates and reports and the private website that archives everything covered by Motley Fool Inside Value... at the regular membership rate of $199 — a very fair deal.

But when you join through this special email offer today, you get an even better deal. Take a look...

When you order from this email, you can knock $100 right off the top. That's the best price ever for Inside Value, making our best deal even better.

And after you deduct the $69 value of Stocks 2008 (yes, that is a TRUE retail price investors are paying), you're essentially getting a full year of Inside Value for just $30 — that's just pennies a day!

Finally, why you can't afford to put this off

The instant you access Philip's Special April issue of Inside Value, you'll be amazed by how many top-quality stocks you've always wanted to own are finally within your reach.

And by how the "Inverted Nifty Fifty" has blessed us with "an embarrassment of riches" and a long-term profit opportunity the likes of which I've identified on just two prior occasions.

The first was in 1982. The second was in 1991. Both heralded historic bull markets in top-quality stocks and helped millions of American investors retire in comfort and security.

If fate robbed you of the chance to take advantage of those rare opportunities, you've been given a second chance to get ahead of the curve. Please take it now.

We both know opportunities like this don't last. Not when Wall Street and the financial press are already waking up, as we've discussed at length today.

Which leaves us a brief window to strike. So please don't delay. Follow your instincts and click on the link below to get started.

Think of it as an investment in your future — one with monstrous upside and zero risk (remember, you have my personal guarantee and a full month to decide if Inside Value is right for you).

But you have to get started now.

Join today. That way, we can both look back on this day as a turning point in our quest for financial independence. Simply click on the "Start now" button at right to get started now.

To you and your happy retirement,

Paul Elliott

Paul Elliott
Senior Investment Writer

PS: Earlier I told you that I am implementing Philip's simple strategy to help secure my own retirement. In fact, I recently rolled over a large portion of my retirement savings into a self-directed IRA. So far, I have purchased Coca-Cola plus four other of Philip's Inside Value recommendations... I will be adding to it with confidence shortly.

PPS: Don't expect the "Inverted Nifty Fifty" to last. Click here to join Philip at Inside Value today and make sure you don't look back in anger. And remember, I can only guarantee your FREE report "The One REMARKABLE Stock to Own Now" if you join through this email today.

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