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Saturday, March 29, 2008

The truth about bonus-mania


Elmer Wheeler, the great "old school"
sales strategist, coined a phrase I'm
sure you've heard:

"Sell the sizzle, not the steak."

It's very good advice.

It means focus on what's sexy about
your product, not just a bare bones
description of it.

But Wheeler also said:

"Don't sell an empty box."

This means don't use your sales
skills to put people into deals
that aren't good for them

...which includes high-priced trainings
with exaggerated promises and thin

Too many people in the Internet marketing
space have mastered Wheeler's first piece
of advice while neglecting his second.

It's a problem.

Real experts with real content can get
drowned out by all the noise.

In the meantime, a lot of beginners
get "blown up" financially so the
gurus can add an exotic new car or two
to their collections.

What's the answer?

First, folks just need to become more

For example, you can't assume that because
ten closely related businesses are all
jumping up and down about a product that
it's actually worth the price.

Second, people who've made it have to
start cutting beginners some slack - and
helping them the same way THEY were
helped when they were getting started.

In the spirit of this last idea, I'd
like to offer you NINE free gifs...

These bonues are real.

And they are all absolutely free.

There is nothing for you to buy.

Consider them the bonuses you get just for
being someone who is serious about learning
Internet marketing the right way.

(If you're a copywriting student, you
might have some fun with studying the
ad copy that follows.)

NINE bonuses for serious Internet marketing

--- Bonus #1: The Ultimate Niche Finder

This system is the most advanced online market research
method I've ever seen. Imagine a system that:

* Exponentially increases your odds of success in a
new business...

* Gives you all the ammunition you need to cut your
lead costs to the bone...

* Locates super-lucrative sub-niches within your market
other don't even know exist...


* Puts you into big dollar, highly competitive markets and
allows you to grab profits from established players virtually
over night.

--- Bonus #2: Affiliate Market Finder

How would you like to make big dollars - big enough to easily
quit your day job - without writing a sales letter, without
creating a product, without shipping anything and without dealing
with customers?

It's doable. It's called affiliate marketing. But most affiliates
just limp along at it.


Because they go into the wrong markets.

Affiliate Market Finder, developed by an affiliate marketing pro
who has generated millions selling all kinds of products as an
affiliate, solves this problem once and for all.

--- Bonus #3: The Perfect Product Creator

Do you want to make maximum dollars? Then sell your own

The Perfect Product Creator solves the problem of what to

* How would you like to create products that you know in
advance your customers will buy?

* That blow away everything else in your market?

* That steal massive market share from
your competitors virtually overnight?

With the Perfect Product Creator, you'll be able to do this
over and over again in any market you choose.

--- Bonus #4: The Ultimate Mastermind Group

I've assembled a team of the greatest marketing minds on earth
to be at your disposal 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

There is an optional one-time fee to join of less than $195
(and you can easily have it waived) and then you're in FOR LIFE.
No other payments. Ever. Compare THAT to any membership
program you've joined.

There's nothing you can throw at these five guys that they can't
handle. Together, they've generated billions of dollars in sales
online and offline.

And just to sweeten the deal, I added one of the top "sleeper"
Internet marketing experts to the group. This guy will modestly
and efficiently answer all your "nuts and bolts" questions about
the rubber-meets-the-road mechanics of Internet marketing.

--- Bonus #5: The Info Product Blockbuster Formula

Everybody talks about what a great business info marketing is.

And you know what? They're right!

Massive profit margins, huge demand, insanely low overhead.

If there is a "perfect" business, selling information may be it.

But no one - and I mean no one - shows you how to create
a "can't fail" info product business.

The Info Product Blockbuster Formula shows you exactly
what to sell and how to sell it in such a way that you not
only make money today, you make it forever.

--- Bonus #6: Instant sales generator

You don't need more gimmicky Internet marketing tools
and you certainly don't need more formulas, manifestos,
memberships, or "big launch"-hyped products in your closet.

What you do need is sales.

Why aren't your products selling? The answer to that
question is almost always easy. 99 times out of 100
it can be traced to one simple factor.

Run your sales process through Instant sales generator
and you can transform a struggling product or service
overnight. Yes, it works that fast.

--- Bonus #7: The Business Problem Solver

Every business runs into challenges. Finding the
answer to those challenges can be a tough, expensive,
laborious process.

Not with the Business Problem Solver!

With the Business Problem Solver, you can throw away
all the coaches, gurus, mentors and other expensive
advisors and answer your own business questions
whether you've been in business ten days or ten years.

--- Bonus #8: The New Traffic Goldmine

Are you spending thousands of dollars to learn the
latest "traffic secrets"?

Is it working for you? I didn't think so...but you are
not alone.

The problem is many people selling search engine
marketing (SE0) info are pure scam artists - and pretty
vicious ones at that.

They'll tell you to wait a few months in the Google
"sandbox" while your listings are "indexed" as a way
to cover their own ineptitude.

Sorry to be so blunt, but there it is.

They "get over" because search engine marketing
is a somewhat technical subject that makes it easy
for them to flim-flam "newbies" and others who are
intimidated by the subject.

How would you like a REAL SEO pro on your side?

How would you like access to some of his best
stuff for free? How would you like to be able to out-do
the SEO gurus.?

You can - with the New Traffic Goldmine.

--- Bonus #9: The REAL Secret

There is a "law of attraction" but it's not the one that
celebrity airheads talk about on Oprah.

It's a serious, tough-as-nails, never-fail system
that turns failing businesses into booming ones,
gushing profits and sales.

Occasionally one of the gurus will hint at this method,
but very few share even a fraction of what you need
to know to make it work.


It's time you had the REAL Secret and finally, thanks
to Bonus #9, you will.

*** Yes, there is a catch

Nine amazing bonuses...

Each one could easily be a product launch all by itself and
sell for thousands of dollars.

But there's just one catch...

You don't need to buy anything to get these particular bonuses.

In fact, I want you to STOP buying everything related to
Internet marketing from me or anybody else - until you've
taken advantage of these bonuses and learned the REALITY
of our business.

And after you've learned the business through these
time-proven systems, I want you to take the information and
DO something with it.

I don't care if it's big or small, grand or modest, a success
or a "failure." It doesn't matter.

Doing ONE marketing project will teach you more than
buying the hyped-up programs of ONE MILLION fly-by-night gurus.

Then AFTER you've done that, then I want you to learn
about the annual System Seminar.

What's the System Seminar?

It's where serious, No BS Internet marketers come to learn
and teach.

We need EDUCATED DO-ERS at our annual event, not lazy "wannabes"
or wishful thinkers so please educate yourself a bit before
you even dream of attending.

Are you a serious-minded beginner?

If so, you will always be welcome.

Just come ready to roll up your shirt sleeves and work.

We don't have our seminars in playgrounds like
Orlando or Las Vegas.

We're not part of the "you scratch my back and
I'll sell your cr@p" circle of Internet gurus.

We're serious educators which is why we produce
the one thing that seems to elude the fly-by-night
crowd: successful students.

--- To recap

* These bonuses are real

* They cost you nothing

* In fact, you are REQUIRED to spend nothing to get them

* This list is only the tip of iceberg of what you'll get
just for taking a look at the System.

So how do you get all the amazing bonuses listed in this e-mail?

You just go here and listen to the instructions:

That's it.

Ken McCarthy

P.S. If you think you're ready for the System Seminar, you can
register right now.

If you do it by March 31, you'll save significant money on tuition.

The seminar is in Chicago, this May 30, 31 and June 1.

It's not cheap, but it's priced fairly and is an excellent value.

This year TWENTY-FIVE cutting-edge training sessions to choose

(NOTE: it's not usual for someone to introduce something at
the System and then slap a $1,000+ price tag on it for the rest
of the world to learn it. System attendees get it included
as part of their tuition.)

If you're ready to register now, go here:

Ken McCarthy
The System Seminar


* Home study solutions for Internet entrepreneurs

* The System Seminar May 30 - June 1, 2008
The annual gathering of *serious* Internet entrepreneurs

* Serious marketing books for serious marketers


The System
Education for Internet Entrepreneurs
14 North Road
Tivoli, NY 12583

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