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Monday, March 31, 2008

What was Charles doing?

Why Was I Crammed Inside a Dodge Caliber (in the Pouring Rain) Looking for the Internet at a Holiday Inn Parking Lot in Downtown Oregon?

To Give Readers a Chance to Cash-in $7,607 in Pure Profits!

And If You Contact Me by April 5th, I'll pay you $500 to Join Us for the Next Big Profit Payout.

Dear IDE Reader,

It was a wet, cold, and dark January morning in Portland, Oregon...

... And there I was sitting uncomfortably inside a rented Dodge Caliber in a Holiday Inn parking lot, looking for any internet connection I could find.

This was my winter vacation - but it didn't stop me from sending out a very important letter to my readers.

Since the markets had been crashing since December, my readers NEEDED a new winning trade to help them bring in 2008 with a bang. And I thought this one could do the trick. So on January 3rd, I sent them an e-mail which in part said...

Place a day limit order to buy to open the Nymex January 140 Put (symbol - NMXMH) at a maximum entry price of $11.90. 

Since Nymex hit the top of their range at around $134, they began moving down. Let's ride them down to the bottom of their range - to around $117.

Good investing,

Charles (From Portland)

Just six days later my readers had a chance to pocket $7,607 on this trade alone!

But this wasn't the end of their opportunities...

  • The month before, my readers had the chance to pocket $3,047 with a call on Silver Wheaton...
  • In February they had a chance to pocket $2,432 in less than 30 day's time with a put on Toyota Motors...
  • And right now, they're holding onto a put on the Dow Jones... And so far they're up $3,168 in just a few days time.

It didn't matter that the markets had been crashing since December... Because my readers made money in every single month!

And the best part is that starting right now; you can join them on the next string of profitable trades just like these.

How can we be so sure that we'll repeat this performance for you? Let me explain...

Does an Average 73% Gain Sound Good to You?

Over the past eight years, I worked on finding and developing a trading strategy that could consistently lock in gains just like the ones I told you about, over and over again.

After years of work, I finally found a strategy that seemed to work. But I had to test it out and make sure.

Over an 18 month time frame, I started seeing gains of...

  • 73% on Motorola Calls
  • 90% on BHP Puts
  • 109% on Budweiser Calls

And those were just some of the gains I saw. By the time I showed this to my publisher, it could predict which way a stock would move over 70% of the time!

After my publisher saw that this strategy was producing an average gain of 73% on the winners, she told me to get this opportunity out to you as soon as possible.

That's exactly what I'm doing right now.

The strategy itself uses a powerful combination of three popular indicators to hone in on the best opportunities the market has to offer. But in reality, you don't have to do a thing if you choose.

That's because I'll do all the work for you. All you have to do is sit back, relax, and pocket triple digit gains.

Before I show you how you could use these indicators to pull profits from the market, you should know that since we opened up this strategy to readers, it's performed even better. In fact...

While the Dow Jones Plummeted 10% in January, My Readers Cashed-in
$7,607 in Just Six Days!

And there's a chance that you could do even better.

The more the markets fall, the more my readers stand to make. And even if the market goes up, my readers stand to make a fortune.

Double those one-month potential profits and you could have an opportunity to make $15,214 in just 60 days!

That's why I'm going to guarantee that you'll see at least 196% gains on the winners in my track record (double the gains of the first two recommendations I told you about) - in the next 60 days.

But if for some reason I'm wrong and you're not completely and utterly satisfied with the plays you receive, just send us an e-mail in the next 60 days and...

I'll personally make sure you
don't pay a cent.

Further more, if you only see gains half as large - or even only one percentage point lower - in the next 60 days, just let us know and we'll give you another year absolutely free.

More details on that in a moment. But as you can see, the guarantee I'll make you is in your best interest - which is how it should be.

I'm more than willing to give it to you because I have no doubt that the strategy behind these gains is capable of generating at least 328% in the next 60 days.

Let me show you why...

90% Gains on BHP Billiton in Just 2 Hours

It was May 15th at 8:45 in the morning.

I noticed three predictive indicators were telling me that BHP Billiton should go down in price.

I know that when these three indicators are combined to show you stock trends, you'll get results that are on the money about 70% of the time. If you play options to take advantage of the trend they reveal, you could leverage your gains by up to 20 times.

That's what happened to BHP.

When my indicators told me the stock should fall, I looked at a highly leveraged BHP June Put (put options make money when a stock goes down in price).

Within two hours the Puts were up 90.48%.

This play alone could have transformed an initial $5,000 investment into $9,521 - in just two hours!

This was just one of the many gains I saw while fine tuning my strategy for the past 18 months.

And the best part is that when you combine three indicators, you get up to 70% accurate signals that could tell you when the market is rising or falling.

You can use these signals to predict where the overall market will go... where commodities will be a week from now... and even when individual stocks are poised to rise or fall. Consider...

Waking Up to 74% Gains on Motorola

I'll never forget the gain I made on Motorola - because it was the first play I made while testing my three indicator strategy.

It was March 14th, 2006 and my three trusty indicators were telling me to buy Motorola.

So I pulled the trigger on the Motorola April Calls (call options make money as the stock price goes up).

By the next day, this option had already gained 74%.

Pile on the Gains with the
Best Trading Strategy on the Planet!

As you've already seen, the real secret to how I pick options lies in three very commonly used indicators, which are rarely combined.

But when you do combine them - it doesn't matter if the market is crashing or soaring - because you open the floodgates to potentially profitable opportunities, over and over again.

It's these same indicators that have helped me see many gains like...

  • 98% on a NYMEX Put
  • 129% on a Garmin Call
  • 213% on a MEMC electronics call

The truth is that out of every indicator I've ever used, none has ever matched the results I've gotten from combining these three. And when I say that this is the best trading strategy on the planet, it's not just an empty boast.

If you apply this strategy to your own portfolio, you'll find out for yourself that there's no other strategy which can produce the gains you'll see.

So what are these three indicators, and how do you use them?

Believe me; I don't mind sharing them with you. But because I want you to completely understand how powerful and potentially profitable these indicators can be, I'd rather tell you what they are in my just finished special report: The Only Three Indicators You'll Ever Need to use to Trade Profitably - which I want to give to you at no charge.

When you get to the end of the letter, you'll click a button which has the instructions on how to get the special report.

Once you get the special report, just open it up and you'll have a full explanation showing you how these indicators work, and how to use them to produce the types of gains I've had using them.

As you'll see, my three indicators work like clockwork. And when used properly, they have the ability to show you gains like...

133% Gain on Budweiser in 32 days!

On May 3, 2007, these three indicators alerted me that shares of Budweiser were cheap and poised to move up.

Since you have a choice of options to buy on the market, I priced out every Budweiser option I could find. My goal was to hunt for the best risk/reward relationship out there. And the Budweiser September call options were just what I was looking for.

Just 32 days later, those call options were worth 133%!

And that's just one of the many gains you could see by using this technique to play the markets.

But I don't want you to feel that the only way to use this is to be some kind of technical whiz. That is part of the process - but I'm doing that part of it.

I want to invite you to join a small group of readers who are following the same system. This is the same group that had the opportunity to cash-in $7,607 while the markets fell in January.

You'll receive 1-2 trading recommendations per month. It'll take you less than five minutes to place the trade, if you choose to do so. And so far, my system has shown an average gain of 73% on the winners it's uncovered.

And the best part is that you could see gains of 196% over the next 60 days using this very same strategy.

Let me show you another example of how this works...

110% Gain on Silver Wheaton

One important aspect to the strategy I use is to only pick stocks that have worked well in the past or work well with my three indicators.

Silver Wheaton fit the bill perfectly.

I've been following them for some time - but this time I wanted to make an option play and leverage the gains.

Back in January I noticed that Silver Wheaton was bottoming out. My indicators told me a buy was in order, so I priced out the February Call options.

Just 23 days later, my strategy told me to close the play - locking in a tidy 110% gain!

As you can see, this is one of the most powerful predictive market strategies out there. In fact, I really don't think anyone else should be  playing options any other way.

The beauty of these indicators is not only the fact that they are right about the trend about 70% of the time - but that they also help limit your losses.

Pretty good right? And all of these plays were made by using the same three indicators that have unlocked countless gains over the past year and a half.

Three Indicators Could Beef Up Your Gains

Since I don't want this to be a technical discussion, I'm not going to tell you what these indicators are here. That's why I just completed a special report which shows you exactly how you can easily collect double and triple digit gains and over again.

After you read the report and see some of the trading recommendations I send, you can decide for yourself whether this system will work for you.

All I know is that it's worked for a small group of readers already. And it's worked for me for the past year and a half - regardless if the market was soaring or crashing.

At this point you might be wondering who I am.

My name is Charles Delvalle and I'm a financial editor for Investor's Daily Edge. I couldn't help but feel flattered when my publisher told me that I was the most highly read and commented contributor of the team.

A few months ago, I sent you a letter telling you about a silver company that had a huge upside.

As of this writing, that silver company was up over 113% in about seven months. While that's a great gain, I know that if you listen to what I have to say, you could see gains of 196% in the next 60 days.

Here's why...

I've mentored under some of the best stock and options experts in the business. I've tried nearly every theory on investing you can think of - from candlestick investing to Fibonacci theory.

The point is, I've been working hard over the past eight years to find a strategy that could consistently unlock gains in the market.

It wasn't easy and it involved a lot of hard work. But I knew that if I could find the secret to making money in the markets - it would be worth all the frustration.

That's when I came across the strategy I've been telling you about today. While most people are looking to complex algorithms to try and time the market, this strategy uses three rarely combined indicators to produce double and triple digit winners over and over again.

And the average winner since our service opened to the public, has been 73%.

When I tell you that you don't have to be an economics professor to use this strategy, I mean it. If you can read and follow instructions, then you have everything you'll need to successfully implement it.

The point of this strategy is to give you the flexibility to see fat gains in all time frames. You might see a recommendation telling you to buy and hold an option for a few months. Other times you'll get a recommendation that's meant to capture gains in only a few days.

And the beauty of this system is that it's meant to take advantage of wild market swings. And that's exactly what you're seeing today.

In just 30 days, a small group of readers had the chance to pocket $7,607- enough to buy a used car.

Imagine what you could have made if you had invested $20,000 or even $30,000?

Eight Years of Research Produce an Amazing Strategy for Producing Winning Plays

I've been researching for years to come up with this strategy. It took so long because I didn't want this to turn into another BS system.

You know the kind I'm talking about. They are based on historical gains and run by analysts that have never placed a trade in their life.

This system, on the other hand, has been extensively researched and fine tuned. Every play was done in real time. And yes, I've placed countless trades in my time.

That's why I want you to take advantage of this rare opportunity to join the other readers who had the chance to make $7,607 while the markets crashed in January.

With IDEs Global Profits Hotline, you can expect 1-2 option alerts per month. In the recommendation, you'll see exactly what to say to your broker. On your end, this is a completely turnkey process. All you have to do is look at the recommendation and decide whether to place it.

I want you to make up your own mind.

I'll keep you updated every week. And every month you'll also receive an economic whitepaper highlighting the hottest sectors and the ones that are doomed for subpar returns. Don't worry; you won't have to be an economics major to understand it. I'll explain everything in plain English.

And of course, you'll receive my recently completed special report - The Only Three Indicators you'll ever need to use to trade Profitably - instantly to your e-mail.

But there's one thing I still haven't mentioned.

IDE's Global Profits Hotline isn't just an option research service. Stocks are also recommended. But I'm not the one doing the stock picks. Instead, you'll have access to research by another analyst who has recently closed out ten straight winning positions in another one of his research services.

IDEs Global Profits Hotline Stock
Research Service

The point of the stock portion of IDE's Global Profits Hotline is to give you the chance to spread your risk throughout both stocks and options. That way, if short term noise puts one of our options into the red, the stocks should still be in the green - limiting your losses and your risk.

Remember when I told you that I mentored under some of the best investors? Well, this part of the service is run by one of them - Andrew Gordon.

He was the guest of honor at a Shanghai government dinner party, where he met with the city governor and top officials. He also ate caviar with Boris Yeltzin before he became Russia's President.

He's trudged through the hulls of oil tankers in Indonesia and met up with uranium miners in Canada.

He was also among the first foreigners to be involved in property development, infrastructure, healthcare and communications in the developing world. He's worked with steel companies, chemical manufacturers, and producers of oil and gas.

He has exactly the type of experience needed to fully dissect and analyze any company he sees. And he's looking to help you supercharge your returns by putting you into companies that are expanding on the back of the global middle class.

And not only will he tell you what stocks to buy - he'll also tell you what stocks to sell short. And he determines that by looking for companies that aren't growing on the back of an expanding global middle class.

In one of his other research services, he successfully led readers to gains of 90%, 219% and 311%. And all of these gains occurred in under a year's time.

I'm so confident in his ability to pick winning stock recommendations; that there is no one else I'd rather work with.

The Best All-In-One Research Service
on the Planet

When you order IDE's Global Profits Hotline, the first thing we do is show you how to access your special user's manual. In this manual you'll find out exactly how this service is run.

We'll also send you my recently completed special report - The Only Three Indicators You Ever Need to use to Trade Profitably. This report outlines the three indicators I use to trade stocks and options, while showing you how to use it for yourself.

You'll get 1-2 option recommendations delivered directly to your inbox telling you exactly which option to buy or sell. The instructions are easy to understand and can be repeated as is to your broker. Or you could place the trade yourself online.

You can also expect to receive 10-12 stock recommendations per year. These will generally be longer term plays that give you high upside opportunities, while limiting your risk.

We won't just give you plays and leave you out to dry. You can expect to receive an e-mail from Andy and me every single week, telling you where we feel the market will go and giving you an update on any open positions.

And last, you'll get our comprehensive monthly market whitepaper. In this report, we tell you which sectors are poised for good returns and those poised for subpar returns.

How Much Would You Pay for Peace of Mind?

Now, IDE's Global Profits Hotline isn't for everybody.

I want people who are familiar with the markets to get into this. So we set this at an appropriate price for a savvy individual - which is $1,495.

But I want you to do even better. I want to give you a $500 discount if you join IDE's Global Profits Hotline by April 5th.

That's a 33% discount - which could make it even easier for you to make your money back on your first winning recommendation.

Heck, our small group of readers already had the opportunity to make their money back 8 times over - in just 30 days!

So in essence, what I'm offering you is a research service that could pay for itself. That's right - It could be practically free after the first winning recommendation!

With that in mind, I want to be very upfront with you.

I can't tell you you're going to win on every recommendation you see. Nobody can promise that. And that's why we've come up with a performance based guarantee that puts the pressure on us to give you consistent profit generating opportunities.

If in the first 60 days, this service doesn't work exactly how I say... or if you're not satisfied for any reason, then give us a call and we'll give you a full refund.

Furthermore, if you don't see total gains of 196% on the winners in our track record in the next 60 days, just give us a call and we'll give you another year - absolutely free.

And if after the 60 days you decide you don't want to receive the winning option and stock recommendations we provide, then we'll refund your unused portion of the subscription.

I'm sure you'll agree that this guarantee is more than fair. We wanted to give you an absolutely no-risk way to try this research service out and determine for yourself whether it was a winner.

We want you to make up your own mind. But with consistent double and triple digit gains - the choice should be clear.

And if you contact us by April 5th we'll take $500 off a one-year subscription.

I don't want to push you too much, but there is always a potential play Andy and I are looking at. And if you want to get on board for the next one, then you should sign up soon. Otherwise, you'll have to wait a little longer until the next recommendation.

I hope to hear from you soon,


PS - In January, my small group of readers had the chance to make $7,607 while the markets crashed. There's no doubt in my mind that in the next 60 days, you could have the chance to do the same. And I'll show you exactly how to do it.

Order Here



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Copyright © 2008 by Fourth Avenue Financial. All rights reserved. The Fourth Avenue Financial unites the stock-picking talents of several analysts and editors. Each of the services is based on individual trading/investment philosophies or vehicles and specific investment approaches.

Fourth Avenue Financials Investor s Daily Edge is intended specifically for mature investors with a strong sense of individual responsibility who want to arbitrage different viewpoints to optimize their personal investment strategy. We reserve the right to remove readers we believe do not meet these criteria from our distribution list without prior notice.

You are welcome to distribute this message, at your discretion, to others who you believe share the values of the Fourth Avenue Financial.

NOTE TO OUR READERS: Fourth Avenue Financial or Early To Rise does not act as an investment advisor or advocate the purchase or sale of any security or investment. Investments recommended in this publication should be made only after consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing the prospectus or financial statements of the company in question.

Fourth Avenue Financial expressly forbids its writers from having a financial interest in any security that they recommend to their readers. Furthermore, all other employees and agents of Fourth Avenue Financial and its affiliate companies must wait 24 hours before following an initial recommendation published on the Internet, or 72 hours after a printed publication is mailed.

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