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Monday, March 31, 2008

The Daily Thought

Thought Leader
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The Daily Thought
March 31, 2008, 11:13 am

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Online Millions: Finding your niche

by Eve Dmochowska on March 31st, 2008

In your pursuit of making millions online, the most important decision you will have to make is choosing the correct niche as your target audience. Do not fall into the trap of playing the "it's for everyone" game, because it never is, and even if i...

Faded pop stars at the last-dance saloon

by Derek Daly on March 31st, 2008

A few years ago a friend of mine was hitch-hiking near Stellenbosch and got a lift with Heinz "Idol" Winckler. She said that he was listening to his own album in the car. Someone actually bought the album then, in other words. I ran into a copy th...

Putting sex, glamour and wit back into world politics

by Tony Jackman on March 30th, 2008

Nicolas Sarkozy, regardless of his politics, looks like being a raver of a premier, notching up a divorce from one glamorous wife and a marriage to a supermodel in his first few months as president of France. It's as if he'd planned it all alo...

Eugene Terre'Blanche, Mike Stofile and the year of being ugly

by Michael Trapido on March 30th, 2008

From the country that brought you the ANC two-faction in-fighting debacle, the war between the Scorpions and organised crime unit and the arms deal, comes a film so moving -- and let's face it, most of us will want to move overseas quickly after see...

Debating 101: Taking the wind out of their sails

by Ndumiso Ngcobo on March 30th, 2008

Regular readers of this blog appreciate the contempt I have for the activity known as debating. For the benefit of those not initiated in the savagery of the Silwane ways, here is a definition for you. Debate is a form of interaction between two huma...

South Africa today: A personal assessment

by Bert Olivier on March 29th, 2008

Assessing the political and social conditions in a country is like volunteering an opinion on religion or sex; everyone believes that he or she is in a position to say something authoritative about it without necessarily doing so from an informed pos...

What future South Africa?

by Reader Blog on March 29th, 2008

Submitted by Anton Kleinschmidt The last thing that South Africa needs is timid submission to political correctness, because our politicians and bureaucrats are so consistently incorrect. A critical review of current realities and future prosp...

Stop treating us like mushrooms

by Reader Blog on March 29th, 2008

Submitted by David Drew The misinformation being spread by the government and Eskom is getting past the point where we can believe that it is well-meaning but somewhat misguided. The more I hear, the more I believe that either we are suffering fro...

Down with debasing anagrams -- AA, BEE ...

by Reader Blog on March 29th, 2008

Submitted by James Tobias Suspend reality for a moment and imagine I am green and have no political agendas. Hard, but humour me. Has the time arrived for us to rid ourselves of initiatives designed at promoting one sector of the population ov...

Let me try something controversial for a change

by Anja Merret on March 28th, 2008

Recently I have been talking about more serious issues. It has been quite a wake-up call how readers can often be quite nit-picking and very ready to point out where one might have gone wrong. I truly appreciate feed-back, but it does make one hesita...

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