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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Pre-System Lesson Nine: The REAL Secret


How would you like a simple, utterly fool-proof
formula for success in Internet marketing?

Several years ago, I created one to help my
students cut through all the guru-garbage so they
could focus on the things that really matter
when it comes to making money.

Here it is:

traffic + conversion = profits

I know at least one person who credits
his business - it will exceed $10 million in
annual sales this year - to learning this

So don't be fooled by its apparent simplicity.

*** What it means

Traffic is getting people to your site.

Conversion is getting them to take actions
that lead to sales.

If you master these two things, you'll succeed.

If you get caught up in what I call "guru-garbage"
you'll waste your time and money going around
and around in circles seeking "the next big thing."

For serious business people, there is only one
"next big thing": more traffic and better conversion
for YOUR business.

For example, if you sell snow-shoes online, there
are really only two things you need to know:

* how to get more snow-shoe traffic
* how to convert your snow-show traffic more profitably

That's it.

You could be utterly ignorant about every other subject
under the sun, but if you know how to do just those two
things, you will be wildly successful.

On the other hand, you could make yourself into
a walking encyclopedia on the lore and wisdom of
everything related to Internet marketing, but without
a marketplace and a solid traffic + conversion strategy
you'll have goose eggs...nothing...nada...zilch.

*** The secret sauce

From the very earliest days of Internet marketing,
I pointed out that the Internet was going to be
a very unique opportunity for bootstrap entrepreneurs
for three reasons:

First, because you can start an online business with
very little money.

Second, because you can distribute your sales material
(and sometimes even your products) at an incredibly
low cost.

Third, because you can track everything that matters
in your business.

I want to focus on this third piece - tracking - because
this is truly the secret sauce in Internet marketing.'s the one thing that all successful
businesses do.

Tracking means nothing more or less than keeping
track of the numbers that matter in your business.

Knowing your numbers gives you incredible power.

*** How tracking leads to amazing profits

Imagine two business owners...

The first business owner has a theory about how his store
should work.

At the end of the day, he counts his sales.

Sometimes they're up, sometimes their down.

He really doesn't know why and he doesn't have
any way to find out why. He may get lucky and
hit it big, but the odds are against him.

The second business owner tracks a few key numbers:

* He keeps track of how much he spends on advertising,
source by source.

* He tracks how much revenue each traffic source
generates for him

* He counts the number of people who come to
his store

* He calculates what percentage of them buy
and how much they spend on average.

Simple numbers, easy to track, but they're
putting Business Owner #2 on the track to
financial independence.

By tracking his traffic sources, he can get rid
of the ones that don't work and invest more in
the one's that do.

By tracking what people do when they come into
his store, he can experiment with ways to get
them to spend more.

Some of his experiments will work. Some of them
won't. But he never has to guess. He KNOWS because
he tracks.

*** Real life example

Every business has a number called "cost per sale."

This tells you how many advertising dollars you
have to spend to generate a sale.

As long as you make more profit than you
spend to generate sales, you're in good shape
so that "cost per sale" number is crucial.

One of our students, Richard Mouser, took
his cost per sale from $80 to just $8.50
as the result of his first System seminar... additional $71.50 more dollars in
his pocket per sale and he accomplished
this in just a few months.

You can imagine what this did to his profits.

How did he do it?

He didn't need a guru.

He used the "secret sauce" - testing and tracking.

In the tele-seminar that accompanies this Lesson,
you'll hear Richard and I explain how you
can get results like he did too:

Ken McCarthy

P.S. This year's System Seminar will be held
in Chicago, May 30, 31 and June 1.

We only offer this event once per year, so if you miss
this one you won't get another chance until 2009.

And frankly, there is no guarantee we'll offer
the System again in this format.

Twenty-five expert faculty members...a zero-hype,
no-pitch environment...real networking opportunities
with real business people...

There's nothing like it in the Internet marketing
world which is why industry leaders like Perry
Marshall and others never miss a System.

What about you?

Are you ready to break out of your Internet marketing rut?

How about real training from real players
instead of a dog and pony show designed to get
you caught up in the latest fad?

It really matters a lot which training you go to.

That's why the System Seminar produces winners
and the other trainings...

Well, how many gurus think enough of their students
that they invite them back to teach? Try close to zero.

In contrast...

NINE of our faculty this year are people who
learned Internet marketing from us and are now
setting the world on fire with what they've

Think about it.

Ken McCarthy
The System Seminar


* Home study solutions for Internet entrepreneurs

* The System Seminar May 30 - June 1, 2008
The annual gathering of *serious* Internet entrepreneurs

* Serious marketing books for serious marketers


The System
Education for Internet Entrepreneurs
14 North Road
Tivoli, NY 12583

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