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Monday, March 24, 2008

About Small Business Info: The New Rules of Marketing   Small Business Info
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  from Darrell Zahorsky
Marketing has primarily been a one-way communication to the customer. The rise of Web 2.0 with blogs, podcasts, wikis, and community websites has created a powerful mechanism for customers to shout back or build a community. These new rules of marketing are being embraced by more and more businesses. Auto dealers are embracing Web 2.0 marketing despite the toll of the economic slowdown. The Kelsey Group recently reported over 50% of dealers are adding Internet video and social media to their marketing mix in the next 12 months. This issue is dedicated to helping you jump on the Web 2.0 train before it leaves the station.

In the Spotlight
 Basics of Social Media Marketing
Engagement with customers through social media can not only drive trust and loyalty but also uncover issues and opportunities that you may not have been aware of. By listening to your customers, you can help them, enable them to help you and builder stronger relationships in the process. Learn more how social media can benefit your business.
- Online Advertising Guide Cory Treffiletti
         More Topics
The Power of Wiki for Business
Established non-technical companies can sometimes move like a slug toward new technologies and trends, often downplaying their relevance in favor of the status quo. But, as more new companies turn to Web 2.0 innovations to spice up their business strategy, older companies will be forced to follow or risk falling behind. While most Web 2.0 innovations can be used to create a stronger web presence, the wiki can go further by revolutionizing how a company goes about doing business.
- Web Trends Guide Daniel Nations
What a Blog Can Do For Your Small Business
Blogs are an excellent method to share a company's expertise, build additional web traffic, and connect with potential customers. Discover what blogging means to small business.

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