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Sunday, March 23, 2008

$2,000 Gold...? Think More Like $6,000 Gold...!

Dear Reader,

There is no rush quite like a gold rush. And with mountains of paper assets just beginning to unravel, we’re about to see a gold rush like we’ve never seen before.

In 1980, gold hit $850 per ounce. We’ve already eclipsed that high-water mark. But don’t forget about inflation. Today’s dollars are worth a lot less than they were 30 years ago.

If you adjusted for the “official” rate of inflation, gold would have to hit $2,150 an ounce to break the all-time high. But just about any housewife in charge of the family budget could tell you the “official” rate of inflation is a lie.

By taking out food and energy and tinkering with the way it’s calculated, the government has managed to hide the fact that inflation is soaring. And with the central banks pumping out liquidity, there is no end in sight.

Calculate it the way the government used to, and the annual inflation rate is around 12%.

Adjust for this more realistic rate, and gold would have to trade at more than $6,000 to break the previous all-time high!

So even today, with gold near $1,000 an ounce, the yellow metal is still a long, long way from its previous high. And just wait until the REAL rush for lifeboats begins! As millions turn to precious metals as a store of wealth, the upward pressure on gold and silver will be astronomical.

Considering the run we’ve already had in precious metals, would you believe there’s a sector of the gold and silver market that is cheaper than it has been in YEARS?

The stocks in this sector are a screaming bargain! The last time conditions were this ripe, you could have made gains of 3,851%... 3,031%... even 9,323%...!

Don’t miss out on this lucrative opportunity and rock solid portfolio protection all-in-one. Everything you need to know is in the brief letter below.


For Your Protection,

MaryEllen Tribby
Investor’s Daily Edge

The Worst Financial Disaster to Rip through The Market in Decades... Has Just Handed You an Opportunity to Make Explosive Gains
(With Very Little Downside Risk...!) 

The Last Time Conditions were
This Ripe I Made a 9,323% Return...
Today, YOUR OPPORTUNITY is Even Better!

Dear Reader,

Wall Street has just handed you the opportunity of a lifetime.

In the midst of the greatest financial disaster in decades (probably since the Great Depression) you have an opportunity to make hundreds – even thousands – of percent returns, with very little downside risk.

It might be hard to believe, but it’s absolutely true.

The last time conditions were this perfect in the market I’ll soon share with you, I made a staggering 9,323% return in my personal account.

Let me put that in perspective. It means getting $932 back for every $10 you invest... transforming a $10,000 stake into a $942,300 jackpot!

And in case you think that was a fluke, think again. Dozens of stocks I bought in this sector blasted off like rockets... including gains of:

  • 3,851%
  • 3,031%
  • 2,912%
  • 2,445%
  • 1,679%

Had you invested a mere $1,000 in these five companies, your $5,000 would have grown to $144,180. That’s like trading in a beat up used car for a new Ferrari.

Returns like these can literally change your life... where even a small stake could fund the retirement of your dreams.

In fact, as I write to you today, I’m looking from the window of my home office past the lush fairway that is my back yard, across Lake Oconee to the Georgia mountains in the distance.

...Paid for from the proceeds of the investments I just told you about.

And I haven’t even mentioned the well over a dozen stocks I purchased that “only” went up triple-digits – gains like:

  • 816%
  • 775%
  • 611%
  • 605%
  • to name just a few...

Before I go on, I want to be clear about something. I’m not telling you any of this to brag. I have no interest in flaunting money.

But I do hope that I got your attention, because...

Right Now, YOUR Opportunity is Even Better...!

I have an extraordinary opportunity to share with you – one that could easily net you 10... 20... maybe even 100 times your money in the coming years.

And you won’t believe how simple it can be. This does not involve buying options or using leverage. Nor must you put your money at undue risk.

This opportunity is in a market sector that I specialize in. And I didn’t think I would ever be able to say this in my lifetime, but...

It is an even BETTER VALUE TODAY than it was years ago when I got involved!

There has never been a better time to invest in this market than RIGHT NOW.

I’ll explain everything below. But before I do...

Let’s Give Credit Where Credit is Due...

If you want to send a thank you note to those responsible for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, address it to the con-artists at Wall Street’s biggest banks.

You see, for years these over-educated charlatans in pin-striped suits have played as if they mastered the art of financial alchemy... turning steaming piles of manure into solid gold bricks.

With their structured investment vehicles (SIVs) and collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) and a whole alphabet soup of exotic scams, the swindlers took over a trillion dollars in toxic mortgages and “structured” them into pristine packages of highly rated debt.

After keeping some for themselves, they sold this debt to hedge funds, foreign investors, other banks and the pension funds that manage the accounts of little old ladies across America.

Text Box: “One of the lessons investors seem to have to learn over and over again, is that not only can you not turn a toad into a prince by kissing it, but you cannot turn a toad into a prince by repackaging it.” – Warren Buffett For a while, everything was humming along smoothly...

As real estate prices continued to climb and the economy continued to grow and the underlying borrowers continued to pay up, the swindle worked just fine.

But you know what happened next...

Real estate prices fell... the economy weakened... and the over-indebted borrowers at the bottom of this giant pyramid began to default on their obligations.

So far, the banks and other holders of these loans have already written off more than $215 billion. And when it’s all said and done, some estimate the write-downs could total well over a TRILLION dollars!

But that’s nothing compared to the $7.7 trillion that has been lost in the global stock markets just since October.

But There is a Bright Side to this Mess...
And it Could Hand You
1,000% Returns

You see, in all the confusion and uncertainty caused by this PhD-level financial disaster, masses of investors joined a mad rush to “sell it all”.

In their panic, they pushed prices down across the board. Of course, some sectors, like the financials, deserved to get crushed.

Other sectors were simply caught in the crossfire. And one of the markets that has suffered the most is one that has consumed my time and intellect for the better part of 15 years.

Right now... thanks in large part to the crisis on Wall Street... the values in this sector are positively absurd! Stocks with extraordinary value are trading for pennies on the dollar.

There have only been two other times in the last decade when values were anywhere near where they are today. Take a look at this chart...

I’ll explain this chart in just a moment, and show you how these gains were achieved. But as you can see, this market has only traded at a valuation this low twice in the past eight years. And both of those times were perfect set-ups for massive gains.

As you can see, this market has only traded at a valuation this low twice in the past eight years. And both of those times were perfect set-ups for massive gains.

And here’s even more good news...

This market has NOTHING to do with the financial sector or the over-inflated paper assets that got us into this mess in the first place.

In fact, it’s about as far away from “inflated paper assets” as you can get.

Before I tell you everything...

Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself...

My name is Dr. Russell McDougal, and if you’ve never heard of me, I understand. As an investor, I made my fortune quietly and very privately.

I don’t write articles for the Wall Street Journal or Barron’s. I’m not interviewed on CNBC. And I don’t make the financial talk radio circuit. I’m not interested in all of that.

In fact, until recently, I have never shared the secrets of my success with anyone besides my family and close personal friends.

For thirty years, I was a practicing dentist (although I’m now happily retired because of the opportunity I will share with you!). I enjoyed my career very much, and my family has always come first.

But my deepest passion over the years has been the market I am about to reveal to you. It has been the central focus of my time and study, almost daily, for the last 15 years.

Why am I Willing to Share this Information with You?

You might wonder why I’m willing to share this information with you. It’s a fair question.

First of all, there is plenty of opportunity in this market. It won’t diminish my success in any way to share what I know with you. It’s not about the money either. The growth of our investments has provided my family with a very nice financial cushion .

No... I’m sharing this with you for reasons that are far more important.

The health of the U.S. economy is on very shaky ground, to put it mildly. I believe we have already entered a recession, and there’s a good chance we’ll see a full-blown depression in the coming years.

And it’s not just our economy. The U.S. dollar is tanking too. And while it may bounce, bounce, bounce... the long-term trend is down, down, down.

If they do anything at all, the bailouts, rate cuts and “stimulus” plans will only delay the pain, making the end result that much worse.

Here is the bottom line: If you do not act quickly and decisively, your personal wealth and even your way of life could be at serious risk.

But the demise of the dollar and a weakening economy won’t be a calamity for everyone. There are some who will do a lot better than survive... they’ll thrive. And I want you to be among them.

So, keep reading, and I’ll show you how to protect your wealth... and potentially make better returns than you have ever imagined!

Let’s get to it...

Let Me Lead You to the Opportunities of a Lifetime

The market that I have studied almost exclusively for 15 years... the one that has rewarded me with wealth beyond my dreams... is the market for precious metals, natural resources and energy.

The ongoing bull market in commodities and natural resources will continue to be one of the greatest financial mega-trends of the coming decade and beyond.

But I can already guess what you might be thinking... right now seems a little late to the party.

Gold has cleared $1,000 an ounce... silver is over $20... platinum and copper are at all-time highs... crude oil is more than $100 a barrel.

With most commodities near their record highs, how can I possibly say that NOW is the best time in a decade to get involved?

Let me assure you, it is. Because I’m prepared to lead you to...

The Most Undervalued Sector of
The Natural Resources Market (By Far!)

I specialize within a unique (and extremely profitable!) niche of the natural resources market – exploration companies.

These are the highly talented and specialized firms that go out and discover the world’s natural resources. Everything from gold and silver... to oil and gas... diamonds, platinum, nickel, lead, zinc and copper, the exploration companies literally draw the treasure maps.

And during a bull market in natural resources, the payoff to investors in these companies can be astronomical. In the last precious metals bull market, many mining stocks went from under $2 a share to well over $100 a share between 1975 and 1980.

Today, more than 20 years later, we are near the beginning stages of another – this time a MAJOR – bull market in gold, silver and virtually all commodities. And if history is any indication, this bull still has years left to run.

In the last 100 years, there were three major commodities bull markets. The shortest lasted 14 years and the longest lasted 23 years. If this one is simply average, we’ve still got another 10 years to go... at least!

So, if you think you missed out on the commodities boom, think again. Amazingly, you can still get in on the ground floor. But this opportunity won’t last long.

The Buy of a Lifetime is Here and Now!

Because of their significant leverage to the price of gold and silver, mining stocks usually outperform the metals in a precious metals bull market. As the price of gold and silver rise, gold and silver stocks rise even faster.

But that’s not what has happened, recently...

While the price of gold rose roughly 50% between August of 2007 and March of 2008, gold stocks gained only about 40%. That’s still quite a move, but it hasn’t kept up with the metal.

And get this...

During the same time period, the exploration companies (they’re also called the “juniors”) have actually gone DOWN! That’s amazing. These are the companies that typically demonstrate the greatest leverage of all.

Rather than following the metals up, the junior mining stocks have been following the markets down.

Take a look. The chart below represents the junior exploration sector (S&P/TSX Venture Composite Index) compared to the price of gold. When the junior exploration companies are rising faster than the price of gold, the chart will show a rising line.

When the price of gold outpaces the exploration sector... or when the exploration companies are falling in relation to the price of gold... the chart will show a falling line.

As you can see, there has only been ONE other time this decade when the junior exploration sector was this undervalued (compared to the price of gold). That was in 2000... before the precious metals bull market even began!

The only other time that is even close was in 2003.

Amazingly, while gold and silver, oil, copper, platinum, uranium, and a whole host of commodities are soaring in value... the companies that explore for these natural resources have been positively beaten down.

Many companies with extraordinary potential are trading for just pennies on the dollar, priced as if gold is at $400 instead of $1,000.

The global financial crisis has caused investors to sell shares in just about everything, driving prices down. But if anything has value in a world that is awash in paper money, it is hard assets... real tangible things... natural resources.

And that’s where YOUR opportunity lies.

These Companies Might Be Juniors...
But Their Returns are Truly GIANT!!

In the midst of a precious metals bull market of historic proportions, the exploration companies are seriously lagging the resources they are exploring for. These companies are due for a major run. And when they get hot, they’ll blast off like rockets.

Just consider some of the gains I have made, buying undervalued exploration stocks:

  • 9,323% in Altius Minerals Ltd. – Bought Altius for $0.32. Sold a portion for $30.44
  • 3,851% in Silvercorp Metals – Bought Silvercorp for $0.35. Sold a portion for $13.83
  • 3,031% in Excellon Resources – Bought Excellon for $.07 per share. Sold a portion for $2.11
  • 2,912% in Virginia Gold Mines – Bought Virginia Gold for $0.40 a share. Sold a portion for $12.05.
  • 2,445% in AfriOre Limited – Bought Afriore for $0.29 a share. Sold a portion for $7.43.

Not to mention many other stocks, with gains like:

  • 1,679% in Sunridge Gold Corp
  • 853% in Esperanza Silver
  • 816% in Crosshair Exploration
  • 611% in Western Prospector
  • 605% in Strategic Metals
  • 602% in Sterling Resources
  • 519% in Southwestern Resources

I only stress this because I want you to realize that YOUR OPPORTUNITY TODAY is just as good (if not better) than it was for me just a few years ago.

Why NOW IS THE TIME to Enter
the Junior Resource Market

Over the last six years, the bull market in precious metals and commodities has brought billions of dollars in capital to the exploration sector.

This money has already been put to work, and many of these companies are working on highly promising targets and proving reserves. That means there is a lot less risk and less time to wait than if you had bought shares years ago.

And not only that, but the materials these companies will help bring to market... gold, silver, platinum, oil, uranium, copper... you name it... these resources are at or near their all-time highs.

There has never been a greater reward for discovering these resources... and yet the companies that are out there doing it are about as cheap as they have ever been. There is a MAJOR disconnect here... and it’s one that can make you RICH!

Today, you can buy some extraordinary exploration stocks for just pennies a share... stocks that with just a little success, will soon sell for $10 or $20... or even more!

The Junior Exploration Companies are
Essential to the World’s Quest for Resources

Currently, the demand for natural resources and precious metals is growing at the fastest rate in history. Now combine that with the fact that most of the world’s biggest mines are experiencing falling reserves.

Take gold, for example. Despite the incentive of the highest prices ever, global gold production fell to its lowest point in 10 years in 2007. This is happening while worldwide gold demand is exploding.

Talk about a squeeze play of massive proportions!

And it’s not just gold... this is happening with many other commodities too. The major mining companies MUST replenish their diminishing reserves. And in most cases, the only way to do that is to buy out or joint venture with the juniors.

The big mining companies need new deposits... and they need them NOW!

And to get them, they are willing to pay up... BIG TIME!

With cash pouring in from high commodity prices, the mining companies will not miss this opportunity to buy the undervalued juniors. In the months and years ahead, there will be a flood of mergers and takeovers as these cash-rich producers go shopping.

This is your chance to get in early.

$2,000 Gold...? Think More Like $6,000 Gold...!

There is no rush quite like a gold rush. And we are about to see a gold rush like never before.

In 1980, the price of gold hit $850 per ounce. We’ve already eclipsed that high-water mark. But don’t forget about inflation. Today’s dollars are worth a lot less than they were 30 years ago.

In fact, if you adjusted for the “official” rate of inflation, gold would have to hit $2,150 an ounce, before it breaks the old all-time high. I believe that’s a given.

Lies, Damned Lies, and Government Statistics

But just about any housewife in charge of the family budget could tell you the “official” rate of inflation is a lie. By taking out food and energy and tinkering with the way it’s calculated, the government has managed to hide the fact that inflation is soaring.

And with the central banks continuing to pump out liquidity, it looks like there is no end in sight.

In his monthly online newsletter, Shadow Government Statistics, John Williams has painstakingly recreated the inflation rate the way it used to be calculated (prior to 1980).

And as you can see by the blue line in the graph below, the true rate of inflation is currently around 12% per year.

That means if we adjusted for a more realistic view of inflation, gold would have to trade at more than $6,000 to break the previous all-time high.

Even today, with gold near $1,000 an ounce, the yellow metal is still a long, long way from the top.

And just wait until the REAL rush for the lifeboats begins! When the dollar comes under serious pressure, as it certainly will, millions will turn to precious metals as a store of wealth.

When that time comes, the upward pressure on gold and silver and the companies that explore for these metals will be astronomical.

So, let me tell you how to climb on board for a very profitable adventure.

Build a Fortress of Wealth with
The World’s Most Valuable Natural Resources

You might have heard that resource exploration stocks can be risky. They are definitely volatile, but they don’t have to be “risky.”

When you buy an exploration stock, there is always the risk the company won’t find a significant deposit before the money runs out.

The way to reduce this ‘company specific’ risk, of course, is to invest in multiple companies. This limits your downside risk while still exposing you to tremendous upside potential.

And when you can buy shares for less than a dollar, you can control thousands of shares with a very small commitment of capital. When these companies are successful, you can make a fortune almost overnight!

It also helps to buy when the sector is out of favor and deeply undervalued... as it is TODAY.

But there is even more you can do besides spreading your risk and buying when the time is right.

A Nine-Step, Well-Proven System for
Picking Winning Exploration Stocks

Over the past ten or 15 years, I discovered that my greatest success came from stocks that fit a very specific set of criteria. Buying exploration stocks that meet these criteria, can help to dramatically reduce your risk.

  1. Management must have a successful track record – The greatest assets of an exploration company are the talent and motivation of its management team. Just having great properties is not enough. The management team should also have a high level of experience and a proven track record of exploration success.
  2. I primarily choose “project generators” – These are companies whose operating plan is to discover resource assets, retain a significant ownership stake, and then turn those properties over to well-funded joint venture partners for the capital intensive development and production.
  3. The company must have multiple irons in the fire – The safest companies are those that have multiple projects in the works, preferably in multiple countries. That way you get exposure to major discoveries on many fronts.
  4. Management must be invested – You want management working alongside your own interests. You want them to be shareholders, with their own money on the line, not just options grants.
  5. The company must be financially sound – You want companies with sufficient working capital, low or no debt, and the ability to run a tight ship. What you want is STAYING POWER.
  6. I only seek companies that have MASSIVE potential – There’s always the risk that a property won’t pan out. That’s why you invest in companies where every project could host a world-class discovery. You want your companies hunting elephants... in elephant country. 
  7. I always buy early... and I buy right – This is not about chasing momentum. You want to buy these stocks early, at a good price. Timing can mean the difference between a $10,000 and a $100,000 windfall.
  8. I am wary of political risk – There are plentiful resources in countries with low political risk. Generally, you should avoid areas with the greatest political risk, and stick to exploration in countries like Mexico, the U.S., Argentina, China, Brazil, Australia, Canada, etc.
  9. The company must have promotional skills Experienced geologists who can find the deposits are mandatory. But you also want a company that can promote itself and has a plan to tell its story.

By following these simple criteria... and spreading your bets across multiple companies... you achieve extraordinary success.

When you combine this strategy with a bull market of historical proportions (and the fact that these companies are as cheap as they have been in years) the odds of success are decidedly in your favor!

Introducing ...

I have teamed up with Investor’s Daily Edge, and publisher MaryEllen Tribby to create an investment research service that shares all the secrets I have learned over a decade of successful natural resource investing.

These strategies and ideas have helped me to generate thousands of pecent gains on my investments over the years.

The service is called, Resource Windfall Speculator, and that’s exactly what you can expect in the years ahead... windfalls!

Month after month, I will share with you opportunities to buy early stage positions in the world’s most promising exploration companies with just a click of the mouse or a quick phone call to your broker.

Whether the resources are gold and silver... crude oil and natural gas... uranium... water... diamonds... copper, aluminum, zinc or silicon... if it can be explored for, you’ll be a player.

In fact as soon as you get started, I recommend that you log in to the Resource Windfall Speculator website and begin reading the archives. Over the last six months I have recommended an entire portfolio of the most promising exploration companies.

More than a dozen companies and all but a few are screaming buys at these prices. Do not delay a moment... there is gold in these names!

But that’s not all. I have also prepared a special report for you...

An Exploration Mutual Fund in a Single Stock

I combed through hundreds of companies to find this jewel... a stock that is poised to deliver more than $10 for every $1 you invest today. This company was designed from the ground up by one of the masters of resource exploration.

It controls DOZENS of properties in the mineral rich and under explored country of Brazil. Owning this stock is like holding a veritable mutual fund of resource exploration.

That is... a mutual fund with a multiple thousand percent upside!

The company is extremely well capitalized and the shares are still cheap. In short, this stock has all the criteria for success... a carbon copy of the companies which have provided me with 1,000% gains in the past.

You’ll get all the details in a special report, called Brazil’s Hidden Gem: An Exploration Mutual Fund in a Single Stock.

When you subscribe to Resource Windfall Speculator, you will learn about companies like this month after month.

But I also want you to acquire the skills, knowledge, and philosophy to become a world class speculator. That’s why I have produced...

Two Bonus Reports – Yours to Keep

In these reports, I’ll share with you the most important lessons I’ve learned in 15 years of daily dedication to the natural resources market.

There is no need to make the mistakes I made years ago or to take big risks. In these two reports, I will reveal every secret to my success:

  • The 5,000% Secret: Uncovering the Perfect Exploration Stocks – In this report I have condensed my most important lessons of the last 15 years, including in-depth coverage of the criteria I use to uncover “perfect exploration stocks.” I suggest you dedicate your full attention to this report soon after you subscribe... it could be one of the most valuable hours you’ll ever spend!
  • The Speculator’s Guide: How to Trade the Juniors like a Pro This is your reference guide to the principles of investing in natural resources. You’ll learn when to take your money to safety... the best way to scale in and out of your positions... where to place your buy and sell orders... and much more. And you’ll also learn which brokers I recommend most highly.

It’s impossible to put a price tag on these reports. Nothing else like them exists anywhere. But the true value lies in the investment returns you can achieve...

And considering that this is the very information that has led to 1,000% returns over and over again, I suggest they are worth a considerable amount.

Do You Have What It Takes?

Resource Windfall Speculator is an elite, high-end research service.

It is the type of market intelligence that could help you multiply your investments by several times in the next 24 months... a service that can realistically lead you to 1,000% gains... or better!

We are only looking for those who are serious and qualified, those who can happily justify paying $1,795 for this exclusive research.

I also want you to know that, as part of this special offer, you will receive an additional 12 months of membership... for no additional charge.

That is 24 months of recommendations of the very best resource exploration companies on the planet. Each one of these stocks will have the potential to multiply your investment many times over.

And all for less than $900 a year.

If you are interested in the chance to profit from the greatest bull market of the coming decade... and if you would like to receive a stream of potential 1,000% winners...

...Then I invite you to subscribe to Resource Windfall Speculator.

Nothing to Lose... So Much to Gain!

The best part is that your subscription comes without risk or obligation. Come on board. Read the special reports that I have prepared for you. Get the recommendations and full archives in your hands. Take a couple months to think it over.

If at any time during the first two months you are not completely satisfied, just let me know and you will receive a 100% refund... no questions asked!

Of course the special reports and all the recommendations are yours to keep.

But that’s not all. If you are unhappy with your subscription at ANY time during your membership, then feel free to cancel. You’ll receive a full refund of the unused portion of your subscription.

That way, you can evaluate my research, at no risk whatsoever.

Join Resource Windfall Speculator Today

There are very few “sure things” in the investment world. But there are times when the deck is heavily stacked in your favor.

Now is one of those times...

The natural resources bull market mega-trend will create vast riches for investors who take action before the masses catch on. And the best opportunities are still ahead.

You are about to learn how to access the kind of investments opportunities that can literally change your life – where a $10,000 stake can turn into enough to buy a house on the beach... or even quit work forever.

I invite you to make the decision today to become a subscriber of Resource Windfall Speculator.

To become a subscriber, simply review the list of member benefits and fill out your Acceptance Form here.

Or if you’d prefer, you can call our Member Services department at 877-465-1416 and we'll process your order immediately.

There is absolutely no risk... and you have everything to gain.

I look forward to hearing from you after your first big winner!

Invest Resourcefully,

Dr. Russell McDougal
Editor, Resource Windfall Speculator
March 14 th, 2008

P.S. Please don’t delay... Make the decision to join Resource Windfall Speculator today!









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