This New Breakthrough Has Wall Street Whispering... The "Off Switch" for Cancer That Could Pay You $120,000 After nearly 40 years of research and billions of dollars spent, PLUS, a way you could at least triple every dollar invested This is so important, I'm happy to tell you which companies Dear Friend, I can only hope you, your friends and your family don't have any experiences with cancer. But chances are I'm wrong. After all... In just the last year, according to the American Cancer Society, nearly 560,000 Americans died from cancer... and more than 1.4 million were diagnosed. It's astounding. Some 37 years after President Nixon declared a "war on cancer," it's still the most frightening health crisis for Americans outside of heart disease. So imagine what would happen if — at last — scientists discovered a quick and powerful way to simply "shut off" cancer cell growth. Just like flicking a light switch. Even better, imagine if the treatment could stop just about any kind of cancer — while minimizing or even eliminating the worst side effects of today's treatments. Such a discovery would change many lives. It would also light up the boards on Wall Street, sending the shares of any publicly traded company connected to it soaring. I'm writing you today to tell you the cancer "off switch" breakthrough exists. In fact, even as I write this letter, researchers you've probably never heard of are testing this medical miracle... not just as a potential way to halt cancer in its tracks, but as a way to potentially cure countless other diseases by eliminating them at the root level. I'll tell you all about what they're discovering in just a moment. Just as importantly, I want to get this information into your hands now... because I expect the more tech-savvy financial pros to move on this very quickly once the news breaks. And when they do, I firmly believe anyone smart enough to get in on this early could make as much as 300% on their money. Maybe even more. And over just the next six–18 months. ![]() 300% is enough to grow a $5,000 stake into $20,000... a $10,000 stake into $40,000... or even a $20,000 stake into over $75,000... Here's an added bonus... This isn't just a chance to rake in huge gains. It's also a very real chance for you to be one of the early, insightful few who contribute to the end of cancer as we know it. Let me back up and tell you the whole story... "The technology. . . targets the gene at the root of a Yes, there already are many treatments for cancer. But these treatments can be harsh and, in the worst cases, even fatal. Take chemotherapy, for instance. Chemo is the treatment you've surely heard the most about. The idea behind chemo is to bombard cancer cells with chemical poisons... hoping they'll die off before the same poisons kill the patient. When it works, it's worth it. But even then, the side effects are brutal. And infamous. Hair and weight loss, stomach problems, extreme fatigue. And even though chemo today is more effective than ever, it's still far from perfect. As much as 50% of the time, chemo treatment fails — no better odds than a coin toss. On that basis alone, this cancer "off switch" I'm letting you in on would be a miracle. Because the "off switch" lets us target the cancer cells directly... and "shut down" the defenses of those mutated cells against the medicine that can destroy them. It's a radical breakthrough. And not just for modern medicine. But also for any investor smart and lucky enough to get in on this now, long before the rest of the market discovers the news. I'm so excited about this that I've packed all my research into a new report — The Cancer Off Switch: 3 Breakthrough Companies Poised for 300% Gains — which I'd love to send you, free of charge. Each company could easily grow 300% or more in the next six–18 months. That's enough to turn just $30,000 — a $10,000 stake in each company — into a cool $120,000. Inside the report, I'll show how not only is this astounding discovery the key that unlocks the cancer puzzle, but it could easily be the root cure for dozens of other troubling diseases!
But here's the thing... This opportunity is starting out small. I know all the details because of my long history in these kinds of opportunities, as I'll reveal in just a second. I can't — and certainly wouldn't want to — keep it under wraps forever. When the rest of the market gets wind of this, the related shares could take off. Very quickly. I'd hate for that to happen before you get a chance to get in. That's why I want to release my research to only a small group. It's also why I've authorized my publisher to release only a limited number of reports. By my calculations, I can share this research with only a few people who are ready to know about it and who want to do something profitable with the knowledge. I'd love to include you in that group. But once the few copies of this report are gone, that's it. I'm not going to let my publisher print or distribute more. I'll share the rest of my research with only a tight circle of individuals who pay to hear my analysis. The bottom line is if you're at all interested, I must hear from you immediately. I expect every single report I have to be long gone very soon... To help you move toward a decision, let me show you more of what you'll find inside... 4 Decades and $79 Billion Later, the Cancer "Off Switch" You may have been around long enough to remember when Nixon kicked off his "war on cancer" back in 1971. From then until now, researchers have burned through more than $79 billion, just looking for a "cure" for this terrible disease. How far has it gotten us? In many ways, very far, indeed. Many types of cancer are now almost 100% curable. But many more — like pancreatic, stomach and lung cancers — have dismal five- and even three-year survival rates. Chemo for these cancers is a roll of the dice. But not for long...
Here's what we know: It turns out a protein called P-glycoprotein programs mutated cancer cells to fight off the chemo onslaught. But the "off switch" locates and actually "teaches" the mutated cells to work with the chemo drugs... by shutting down their natural defenses against attack. So instead of fighting off the chemo onslaught, the cancer cells lose their resistance and welcome the very chemicals that will kill them off. That means a double benefit for patients. First, the drugs get to cancer cells without being blocked. And second, the drugs can do more once they reach the cells. It can also mean fewer intense drug cycles and more success with each treatment. It can also mean many fewer side effects, as the cancer gets wiped out much more quickly. And right now, researchers are developing the technology to make sure the off switch targets only cancer cells and leaves all other cells alone. That means patients gain a better chance of beating cancer, faster and with fewer side effects. Imagine the success rate for chemo jumping from 50% to as high as 90% or 95%... or even 100%. That's exactly what may be about to happen, thanks to this breakthrough.
Imagine the potential... As I show you inside your FREE copy of my research, The Cancer Off Switch: 3 Breakthrough Companies Poised for 300% Gains, you can also gain a chance to make as much as three times your money on this discovery, as early as the end of this year, provided I hear from you before all my reports are gone. And this is just the beginning... Using the "Off Switch" to Shut Down It turns out the "off switch" discovery could have lots of uses beyond radically improving a patient's chances of beating cancer. For instance, take Alzheimer's. Right now, there's no cure. But imagine the implications — for both victims and medical investors — if this same breakthrough could be used to reverse Alzheimer's symptoms in just weeks. That's a big claim. Almost too big to be believed. Yet early research is showing this breakthrough may allow us to do exactly that. And very soon. Fast results. And a return to a normal life. This might be just a little further down in the research cycle. But consider that the market for an Alzheimer's "off switch" drug will be HUGE. There are nearly 4.5 million people with Alzheimer's in the United States, says the National Institutes of Health. And globally, it's as many as 25 million people. Just here in America, almost 70,000 Americans die from Alzheimer's disease each year. The symptoms usually appear around age 60. And the risk goes up with age. About 5% of people ages 65–74 have Alzheimer's. At the age of 85, the odds of having Alzheimer's are about 50-50. That's frighteningly high. And with more people moving into this age bracket than anytime in U.S. history, this will be a soaring risk... and a high-priority topic... for many years to come... An "off switch" that could destroy Alzheimer's — or even other diseases of the brain, like Huntington's — would be a revolutionary miracle for patients and investors. And this breakthrough I'm writing to you about, which uses the same microscopic gene targeting I mentioned above, could be that miracle. In fact, there's reason to think this one powerful new treatment — now working its way to the market as you read this — could soon "silence" the genetic cause of Alzheimer's and Huntington's diseases... long before symptoms even develop. This is still in its early phases. But even the Huntington's studies on mice have already produced astounding and positive results. You will read about this sometime in the future. The question is when. Or you could read about it in the free copy of The Cancer Off Switch: 3 Breakthrough Companies Poised for 300% Gains I want to send.
Because I believe the second application of this brand-new "off switch" technology could lead you to another 300% gainer — very quickly... provided you let me show you how, as soon as possible. But there's still more... An "Off Switch" Cure for Eye Diseases — The older you get, the harder it can get for you to see. That's normal. But in severe cases, a disease called macular degeneration can rob you of your sight altogether. And here too, up until now, treatment has proved difficult. What if the "off switch" technology could reverse macular degeneration? The "off switch" I'm writing to you about today is on the brink of doing just that. Tests on humans have already produced stunning results. People have actually regained some lost sight. And if subsequent trials prove the drugs' effectiveness, the first drugs using this technology could come onto the market as early as 2009. But that's not even the best part... Macular degeneration treatments could be the first catalyst in a whole string of huge gains in one of the companies I'm about to tell you all about.
On its own, VEGF assists blood vessel growth. But for people with macular degeneration, too much VEGF causes excess vessels to form behind the retina of the eye, making vision cloudy and hazy... and, ultimately, making the patient go blind. Yet drugs using the same "off switch" technology can shut down overactive proteins, stopping or even reversing the excess blood vessel growth... giving back the patient's eyesight. In a 2004 clinical study, 25% of patients with macular degeneration had "significantly" clearer vision only two months after receiving treatment. And every other participant experienced at least a stabilization of his or her vision. A company backing this drug could make a fortune getting this onto the market. And so could shareholders. You'll read about some of the companies connected with this in your free copy of my new report, The Cancer Off Switch: 3 Breakthrough Companies Poised for 300% Gains. But before you rush ahead to find out how to get a copy, let me show you just a few more reasons why I'm so excited about this revolutionary, yet so far little-known research... More Potential "Off Switch" Cures and Hepatitis C afflicts nearly 200 million people worldwide and can often lead to other vicious liver diseases. And as of yet, there isn't a safe way to simply get rid of it. But that too is changing... thanks to "off switch" companies working right now, as you read this, to wipe out Hepatitis C. These same "off switch" companies have also found links to possible HIV treatments... and treatments for respiratory infections, which happen to be the No. 1 reason U.S. children are taken to the emergency room. You can see where this is headed. Cancer. Alzheimer's. Huntington's. Macular degeneration. Real cures for any of them — even in isolation — would be massive, for both patients and shareholders. But one technological discovery that could lead to breakthroughs that battle every one of these common and devastating diseases... plus many other uses I've yet to mention... would be worth a fortune. Exactly how much? Let me put it to you this way. What would it be worth to you personally to know about the "off switch" companies today — before news hits Wall Street and the mainstream financial press? Things are changing fast, and you're going to have to act fast to get your share of the enormous gains to be made on the "off switch" technology... If I'm right about the research I've labored over... and that I'm ready to send you at no charge... I wouldn't be surprised to see each of the three companies I'm targeting at least triple — enough to turn a $5,000 position in each into $60,000! But before I tell you all about the companies that are doing this — in your free copy of my new report, The Cancer Off Switch: 3 Breakthrough Companies Poised for 300% Gains — I should tell you about myself. In 25 Years of Researching "Breakthroughs," My name is Patrick Cox. I've lived deep inside the world of transformative technologies for over 25 years. In the 1980s, for example, I worked in computer software development and manufacturing. 25 years ago, it was beyond our wildest dreams to ever see computing technology take off as it has. I know a lot of people who have gotten extremely rich in the past 25 years — all by placing relatively modest sums on big ideas — just as you can do today. By the mid-1990s, I was working as a consultant for Netscape — the Internet browser firm. In 1996, for example, Netscape handled 90% of all Internet browsing traffic. Netscape's initial public offering (IPO) was incredibly lucrative and exciting — shares nearly tripled, from $28 to $75, in just the first trading day. AOL eventually gobbled up Netscape, but I'm proud to have been there during its heyday. I loved riding that cutting edge and kept on doing research. Not just in computing technology, but also in the medical field. InfoWorld and USA Today have featured my research many times. My work has also appeared in stories highlighted by leading technology Web site I've made appearances on Crossfire and Nightline and done hundreds of radio interviews. These media outlets don't pay me to write wild speculation. They pay me to dig up the best info on technology set to transform our lives. In short, when it comes to technology, in the past 25 years, I've been on the scene for most of it. But in all that time, I've never seen anything more exciting than what I'm writing you about right now... Because I'm offering you MORE than just a chance to get very rich. It's a chance to watch the world change, right before your eyes. Not just in isolated ways. But to see changes that compound on top of each other — creating even newer and bigger breakthroughs, faster than ever before. Here's an example of what I'm talking about: The companies developing the cancer "off switch" treatments work at the crossroads of nanotechnology (engineering on a super microscopic level) and biotechnology (the search for advanced solutions to disease, illness and aging). And the profits at this intersection in the coming years will be enormous... Don't worry if any of this sounds complex. I'm Ready to Put My Decades of See, I've built a list of dozens of contacts in all sorts of high-tech fields in the past 2½ decades. Not just in computer technology, but also in medical breakthroughs, military advances, food science developments, power name it. My ability to think outside the box even lead me recently to the lucrative appointment of writer for the Fred Thompson presidential campaign. I wrote about a variety of policy issues for the campaign, including technological and economic change. While former Sen. Thompson's bid for the White House didn't turn out as planned, working for him was just another chance to use the expertise I've built up through the years... It's an expertise I want to put to work for you today. I'm so excited I'm even going to make you a promise: If there's a breakthrough that could return enormous profits — you'll hear about it from me. With a bulldog's diligence, I cover every advance ready to change our lives. I'll use every contact, phone number and e-mail address I've ever come across if it means digging up the best gains for you. If you've ever wanted a player with "inside" experience working for you — today is your chance. Just as I'm doing right now with the cancer "off switch" technology sitting in front of me. And before I move onto a big-picture idea that guides my research, I want you to know... man to man or thinker to thinker... If my more than two decades in the world of emerging technologies have taught me just one thing — it's this: You absolutely must jump on a great opportunity when it comes to you. Because things change so fast in the world of tech breakthroughs that I wouldn't want you to miss a profit opportunity like... How a Stroll in the Woods in 1941 Helped Breakthroughs in one field make breakthroughs in other fields possible. They build on each other. In the way faster computers, for instance, made genetic research possible. Researchers call this joining and advancing of breakthroughs "convergence." Take, for example, how Neil Armstrong's steps on the moon were helped by a man walking his dog... In 1941, a Swiss engineer went for a walk in the woods with his dog. The burrs that stuck to his dog's coat when looked at under a microscope gave him the inspiration to invent Velcro. Nearly three decades later, Velcro helped make possible the spacesuit used in the first moonwalk. Today, Velcro manufacturing is a $100 million per year business. Just as with Velcro, new technologies are born, rise, adapt and converge with other advances. With change — and opportunity — swelling up at a faster and faster pace. The point is that technology will soon be organic in our lives — helping soldiers in combat regrow lost limbs and repairing blocked arteries before they cause a heart attack. Here's the thing... I'd even say it's the most important piece of advice anyone has ever given you about getting rich... This "convergence" isn't a sci-fi idea. It's very real, just as I've shown. And full of real and incredible profit opportunities too, emerging right now... even as I write to you today. Acting now on the cancer "off switch" is not very different from acting early on rising and emerging technologies of the past, such as Ford, IBM and Microsoft. The Chance to Turn $5,000 Into I'm sure you've heard this story before — but it's a classic: One split-adjusted share of Microsoft from its $21 IPO in March 1986 would be worth around $7,900 today. Investors who put down just $5,000 in Microsoft in 1986 could have as much as $1.9 million today. What's going to be the next visionary market move? I believe that's exactly the opportunity I'm offering you today with my cancer "off switch" recommendations. Even better examples are the gains fast-acting people just like you saw with Amgen and Genentech. Amgen is a biotech company that makes (among other therapeutics) a red blood cell booster to treat anemia patients. It debuted for $5 per share in September 1984. By August 1990, Amgen traded at $86 per share. It then split 2-for-1. In September 1991, the company was still expanding rapidly and traded at $160.75 per share. This time, it split 3-for-1. Then there were three more stock splits in the 1990s. Today, Amgen trades around $42 per share. Just $5,000 invested early in Amgen would today be worth over $2 million. Stories like Amgen's are all over the markets when it comes to breakthrough technologies. Back in April 2003, for instance, you could grab shares of Apple Computer — an innovative computer hardware company everybody knows about — for as little as $12.72 per share. In December 2007, shares traded as high as $202.96. $5,000 in Apple back in 2003 could've been worth as much as $159,526 in 2007 after accounting for a stock split... or $154,526 in total possible profits. And then there's Illumina, a company that makes genotyping equipment. It traded for a paltry $1.75 per share in April 2003. Fast-forward to July 2008 and shares traded as high as $91.41. That's enough to turn $200 into $10,446. Or just $1,000 into over $52,000! How's that for a breakthrough? It's exactly the kind of opportunity that's on the table for you today — if you reply before my last report is claimed and become a risk-free charter member of my research service, Breakthrough Technology Alert. Breakthrough Technology Alert — Unlocking By now, you're probably wondering — how close are we to seeing the benefits of the cancer "off switch" in hospitals around the country? Here's your answer: It could be a year away. Or three. Or even five. What matters for investors is simply whether it's coming. And every speck of research I've done tells me it is... and quite possibly much sooner than you might think. Even more importantly, as an investment opportunity, TODAY is when the story matters most. See, the markets can sniff out the impact of these kinds of breakthroughs... and they then respond accordingly. Once word of this gets out, the shares could shoot up as much as 300% or more in just the following 24 months... and then possibly much more down the road. Here's just one reason why that exact scenario might happen... What Company Insiders Already Know The "off switch" treatments aren't coming from garage-based companies or chemistry set labs. Today, just one of the cancer-fighting companies I'll tell you about in The Cancer Off Switch: 3 Breakthrough Companies Poised for 300% Gains has a market value of just under $1 billion. And is growing fast. The first company you'll read about in The Cancer Off Switch: 3 Breakthrough Companies Poised for 300% Gains already sports quarterly revenue growth better than 155%.
Company insiders hold about 19% of the shares. That's huge. It means they're staking part of their futures on the "off switch." Some of the oldest and most respected names on Wall Street have also already taken big positions — but quietly, so as not to alert the mainstream media. But the time for that is coming... The "off switch" will soon be splashed across the headlines. If I'm right about what I want to show you, share prices for the "off switch" companies should take off like bottle rockets. Perhaps this year. Maybe even to the tune of 300% or more... And you can read all about them before they do if you let me include you as one of the lucky few who will receive a FREE copy of my research report The Cancer Off Switch: 3 Breakthrough Companies Poised for 300% Gains — limited to the first responders who accept my charter invitation before it expires. By the way, once you start looking at "convergence" technologies as opportunities, you'll be amazed at what you see and hear. Things that sound like they couldn't possibly be real, but are. Your Opportunity: 900% or MORE in Maybe you catch a headline on or read about a breakthrough in the paper. But without the hard research to back it up, you might not know how you can profit. That's going to change today. Forever. You can become a charter member of my new research service, Breakthrough Technology Alert, and start seeing gains like the 300% or more I'm predicting for each of the cancer "off switch" companies. How can I be so sure? I don't mean to brag... but I'm pretty good at finding the best profit opportunities in our changing world. How I Made Readers 25.7% in Just 4 Months — A company I recommended in early March 2008 shot up 25.7% in just four months — with years more growth potential in store. In the real world, 25.7% is amazing. Especially when you consider...
So who wouldn't want an extra 25.7% in their account when faced with all that? Fact is, though, that gain is peanuts compared with some of the ideas I'm tracking. Here's how I do it... I zero in on hot opportunities and then simply tell readers everything they need to know. It's easy as pie... And you can get in on my cancer "off switch" plays starting right now. The minute you join Breakthrough Technology Alert. And you can start completely risk free. More on that in a minute... First... here's just a taste of what you'll get the minute you join. As soon as you sign up, I'll send you an exclusive copy of the just-released research report The Cancer Off Switch: 3 Breakthrough Companies Poised for 300% Gains. Inside, I go step by step through all the latest news on the cancer "off switch." Then, you make just one simple call to your broker... and you're ready to see the profits. But there's more! I've bundled together THREE companies in The Cancer Off Switch: 3 Breakthrough Companies Poised for 300% Gains — all working on different ends of this cancer "off switch" boom. It's not just one chance at enormous profits — it's three separate companies... all of them cheap, all of them working toward the "off switch" technology — and poised for huge moves in the near future. Remember — that famous Amgen story went like this — $1,000 invested early would be about $400,000 today. That's a transformational profit opportunity right there. Today, you have a chance to grab three companies that could return just as much... As if that's not exciting enough, here's just a sample of other breakthroughs I'm investigating... Engineered Meat at Your Local Supermarket? It sounds bizarre, I know... But imagine going to your local supermarket and buying a huge cut of mouthwatering Kobe beef... beef that was "grown." Sound disgusting? Maybe. But the fact is researchers are already perfecting the bioknowledge to do just that. Some predictions even put this science-grown meat coming to supermarkets near you within four or five years! I'm not saying you have to like it. But just imagine. The Food and Drug Administration has already ruled that meat and milk from cloned cows, pigs and goats are safe for humans to eat and drink. And at least one activist group, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), just put up a $1 million prize for anyone who perfects the technology. And it's this kind of catalyst that keeps even "out there" research chugging along. And chugging toward even more staggering opportunities. Engineered food to solve a hunger crisis. Engineered organ regrowth. Engineered everything. It sounds like something ripped out of science-fiction novel. But so did many opportunities in the days when few people imagined where those discoveries would lead. I'm not looking to share this research with people who don't have imagination. What I'm looking for are the visionaries who "get it." I believe you're one of those people. That's why I urge you to let me send you The Cancer Off Switch: 3 Breakthrough Companies Poised for 300% Gains. It's also why I'd like to include you in my small circle of elite thinkers who have access to these kinds of lucrative opportunities on a regular basis. Opportunities ready to jump the markets... and the leading edge of discovery. For instance, here's something I'm certain most of your friends and even plenty of stock market pros still know nothing about... The Military's Secret New "Cure" Imagine you've just worked a grueling 12-hour day. Your mind and body are tired. All you want to do is go home, relax and crash into bed. Crashing energy and a hazy attention span ruin productivity. But for a soldier in the military, they can be life threatening. Which is why the U.S. Defense Dept. has studied sleep deprivation solutions for years. What it's discovered is a brain hormone called orexin A. In lab tests, sleep-deprived monkeys given orexin A showed normal, rested brain activity. For humans, it can have the same effect — erasing exhaustion almost instantly. Tests are now under way to put orexin A doses into a simple nasal spray. One whiff and you're awake. With none of the shaky side effects from caffeine or other alertness aids. You can imagine all the applications... for pilots and truck drivers; surgeons under duress; police officers on overnight shifts; even young, sleep-deprived parents who can't keep their eyes open at their desks. Most brokers have barely sniffed out this opportunity. But I'm already on the trail of companies that could soon bring this alertness breakthrough to market. Orexin A could be a grand-slam investing opportunity...very soon... Here's something else on the radar... Companies That Could Soon We all remember when actor Christopher Reeve snapped his neck in a horse riding accident. He swore he'd walk again. But he never did. But the technology he and millions of others have hoped for may finally arrive. Very soon. Along with huge gains for early investors. Scientists were recently able to regenerate cells in a rat's severed spinal column. In less than six weeks, that same rat — once paralyzed — was walking again. The breakthrough is called cell regeneration technology. Cell regeneration, in a nutshell, works like this: A genetic sequence of cells is injected directly into the spinal cord. It's able to target the break and then reassemble into what scientists are calling "nanofibers." The nanofibers close the injury gap in the spinal column and, in this case, restore the ability to walk. I don't have to tell you this is nothing short of a miracle. Cell regeneration nanofibers have amazing promise — and not just for spinal cord injuries. Imagine the ability for burn patients to regrow skin quickly, and for internal injuries to repair themselves quickly and painlessly. When developments like cell regeneration arrive full steam, the profit opportunities will be enormous. Others might be willing to wait until these discoveries are plastered all over the nightly news. But today is your chance to start your risk-free test drive as a charter member of Breakthrough Technology Alert and profit from all these advances now, while you're still well ahead of the game... But your advantage lasts only if I hear from you before my last report is claimed... because once the last copy of The Cancer Off Switch: 3 Breakthrough Companies Poised for 300% Gains is gone, you may never have another chance to access it... In fact, I want you to get your hands on my research so badly — I'm throwing in a bunch of bonus opportunities...for FREE! BONUS Opportunities Included in Maybe the companies working on the cancer "off switch" will also pioneer the cell regeneration therapies I told you about. Or maybe the company growing meat in a lab will learn how to cheaply desalinate ocean water. Who knows? The possibilities (and profit chances) are all over the place right now... You see, there's another sweet part to Breakthrough Technology Alert I haven't even mentioned yet... The companies you'll read about in The Cancer Off Switch: 3 Breakthrough Companies Poised for 300% Gains are industrious innovators... outside of just working on the cancer "off switch." One of the companies also works with LED lighting. Another is pioneering a technology called carbon nanotubes. Why? These companies feature some of the best researchers in the world, that's why. So they're involved in all sorts of developments. Some really exciting stuff! Who knows — maybe some of these side businesses could spin off and give you even bigger PROFITS! That's what happens when you get a bunch of super-smart guys in the same lab, as these companies do. The breakthroughs start coming in bunches. It's extra protection — and extra profit potential. But that's not all... I also want to give you another exclusive report... this one packed with even more profit potential... How to Profit From the World's Fastest I also want to send you a second FREE report — Direct Profits From the Asian Boom. Now, I can't tell you too much here — but here's the inside scoop: This amazing company seeks out Chinese companies that need help with expansion. It buys a small stake in a Chinese firm, helps it reorganize or grow and then sits back and collects a share of the profits from the changes it helped implement. Most of the employees of this company live in China. But here's the kicker — and how you can use this company to rack up huge profits... The company has offices in the U.S. It trades on a major exchange here at home. I recommended this company to my readers a few months ago, and it's already up a solid 25.7%. But that's just scratching the surface of this unique company. There's an enormous amount of growth potential yet — and the shares are still dirt-cheap. Your profit potential could run five or more times higher than the 25.7% my readers are already up! The Cancer Off Switch: 3 Breakthrough Companies Poised for 300% Gains AND Direct Profits From the Asian Boom — both FREE the moment you join Breakthrough Technology Alert with your risk-free trial. You have no obligation — all you have to do is sign up and read my research. Then judge for yourself. You get to keep everything I send, even if you aren't completely blown away. But I know you will be... The profit potential in the cancer "off switch" companies is just too intense... too lucrative for you to not be completely satisfied with Breakthrough Technology Alert. Hold on... I still have another report I want to send you, too... The moment you join, along with your two other free reports, you'll also receive Accelerated Change: 2 Unique Breakthrough Companies for a Decade of Gains. Inside, you'll learn about one company ready to forever change the ways we shop, view movies and think about computers. The other company is pioneering ways to treat Alzheimer's — and is a great companion pick to my cancer "off switch" companies... That's three free reports. Just for trying Breakthrough Technology Alert. I urge you to... Act Now to Lock in Your I'm so excited about these cancer-beating companies — each with the ability to return 300% or more yet this year — that's 900% total profits possible... I want to send you The Cancer Off Switch: 3 Breakthrough Companies Poised for 300% Gains right now. I want you to get the scoop on all three companies. I also want you to have Direct Profits From the Asian Boom at the same time. FOR FREE... And Accelerated Change: 2 Unique Breakthrough Companies for a Decade of Gains. FOR FREE... Research reports like these are often valued at $750 each by my publisher. But I convinced my publisher to forego all that today — and to give you these three reports for free. Gratis. On the house. As long as you're one of the first charter members to respond, because, remember, I have only a limited number of reports available. I have to protect the quality of the investment opportunities for my readers. So you can't delay... Simply start your risk-free membership to Breakthrough Technology Alert. When you do, here's everything you'll immediately receive:
The Cancer Off Switch: 3 Breakthrough Companies Poised for 300% Gains and Direct Profits From the Asian Boom — your two FREE research reports — could easily fetch $750 each — just by themselves. Add in Accelerated Change: 2 Unique Breakthrough Companies for a Decade of Gains, and you're looking at $2,250 just in research reports. Plus all the other benefits of membership... and the chance for $120,000 or more in gains before the end of this year! You can't beat this deal... Normally, a one-year subscription goes for exactly $995. But today, because I want to get a copy of The Cancer Off Switch: 3 Breakthrough Companies Poised for 300% Gains into your hands as fast as possible, I'm ready to send you all three free reports and sign you up for a full year of Breakthrough Technology Alert for just $495. This price comes out to a 78% discount on the "market" value of my research reports. Plus, you get all the profit-making alerts and benefits of Breakthrough Technology Alert for a full year. And here's your ultimate protection... I absolutely guarantee that you'll be 100% overjoyed with everything you receive from me. You can look at everything for 90 full days before you decide if Breakthrough Technology Alert is for you. You can cancel up until midnight on your 89th day and still get a 100% refund. You keep everything you've received. That's right — you have 90 days to try my service risk free. I stand behind my research with 100% confidence. And here's another guarantee for you. If you're ever unhappy with my research after your first 90 days, simply call and cancel. You'll receive a full refund for all undelivered profit alerts. But I seriously doubt you'll ever cancel... It's an exciting time we're in — and the cancer "off switch" companies could make you very rich in just the next six–18 months. I strongly urge you to reply right now, making sure you beat the deadline on my limited number of reports and starting your risk-free membership to Breakthrough Technology Alert. Best regards, Patrick Cox P.S.: Reply right now and receive THREE free reports: The Cancer Off Switch: 3 Breakthrough Companies Poised for 300% Gains, Direct Profits From the Asian Boom and Accelerated Change: 2 Unique Breakthrough Companies for a Decade of Gains. There are six breakthrough companies in all — three of which I could easily see returning 300% or more gains in just the next six–18 months. But only a limited number of reports are left, so you must hurry to beat the deadline! P.P.S.: Remember, your risk-free test drive of Breakthrough Technology Alert is 100% guaranteed for 90 days. Try my service and all my research. If you're not thrilled, just call and cancel — and get all your money back. It's risk free! |
