About Entrepreneurs: Publishing for Publicity
| from Scott Allen Let's face it -- even with hundreds of channels on TV, millions of videos on YouTube, hours and hours of talk radio and podcasting, and so on, the written word is still a very powerful and cost-effective way to get your message out to a large audience. This week we'll look at some of the many ways writing can help you grow your business -- articles, letters, blogs, books and more.
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Self-Publishing Books to Build Your Business The internet has dramatically changed the nature of self-publishing. It used to be that you had to be prepared to spend several thousand dollars in order to get your self-published book printed at a cost that allowed you to sell it at a reasonable profit. But now a host of services allow you to self-publish your book with little or no set-up fees, no minimum order, and still be able to sell it at a reasonable price for a reasonable profit. A book is a powerful tool to grow your business. A book enhances your credibility, educates your prospects and generates qualified leads for bigger-ticket products and services. | | Article Marketing for Entrepreneurs Another great form of free publicity is article marketing, that is, the production and generally widespread publication of your articles, primarily online. I interviewed Christopher Knight, founder of EzineArticles.com, the Web's largest community and content distribution system for articles by expert authors, with over 2 million monthly visitors, and he shared his best tips for entrepreneurs wanting to promote their business by publishing articles. | Letters to the Editor: A Great PR Tool A simple letter to the editor is one of the most powerful free publicity tools available. If they have anything valuable to add to the story, they usually get printed, and they often lead to you becoming a source for a follow-up story. | Sponsored Links | | | | Advertisement