it's a total crock ...
... you've probably been bombarded with it
so much you don't notice any more.
What is it?
Well, let me tell you a story;
Just a few weeks ago I was complaining
to fellow marketer, and friend, Harris Fellman
that the 'news of the recession' is beginning
to hit the U.K.
(You may know Harris from his tough-guy
"Sal" character that pops onto the IM Scene
every now and then.)
Personally, I think it's a load of bupkis
created by the media - and then created
into reality -- Harris kind of agreed
with me at the time but then quietly
shut his mouth and didn't say much else.
(Not like him - he's usually got quite
a big mouth!)
Anyway, I finally found out what's going on....
It turns out that Three of the Biggest Marketers
out there have joined forces to create a really
big (*and timely*) low-cost product.
The 3 marketers are Harris Fellman, Shawn
Casey, and Tellman Knudson. If you're not
familiar with any of them - feel free to go
google them right now. You'll see what I mean.
(Shawn alone pulls in $1million per MONTH
Anyway - on THURSDAY, August 14th, along
with Harris' "Sal" character, they are setting
out to "WHACK THE RECESSION" ... that's right,
they're going to be giving information on how
you can build your own recession proof income
right now.
So, be on the lookout - it's happening
this week.
And as Sal would say,
Michael Cheney
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