Limited Time Offer for Let Me Show You How to Get Our Top Investment Research Service A $2,885 Yearly Value - FREE for Life Last Year This Service Generated a 152% Overall Return... And in the Last 90 Days I expect an overwhelming response to this invitation. Dear IDE Reader, 2008 has been a tough year... Hedge funds are blowing up. The world's largest banks are seeking bailouts. The U.S. economy is slipping into recession. And most investors have been losing money as the stock market falls. But things haven't been tough for Investor's Daily Edge trading expert Rick Pendergraft and the subscribers who follow his K.I.S.S. Investing trading research service. In fact, 2008 has been a great year... and so was 2007 for that matter. In just the last few months, Rick's subscribers had an opportunity to close gains of 159% on Continental Airlines... 173% on the ETF that tracks the Dow Jones Index... 129% on the ETF that tracks the Nasdaq... 89% on Verisign and another 71% on XM Satellite Radio. In all, Rick has led reader to 13 winners between 46% and 173% in the last 90 days. That's more than one a week. These gains happened on both sides of the market, meaning that Rick's subscribers have had an opportunity to profit as the market falls and when it rises. And most of these returns have happened in a matter of weeks... some in only days. And if this is anything like last year, there is a lot more good news (and great profits!) ahead. In 2007, Rick closed 60 trades for the K.I.S.S. Investing research service resulting in a 152% overall profit... including every losing position! So, forget what you've heard about how tough it is out there... how the market is falling, and the sky is too! If you want a chance to make a steady stream of big profits, no matter what happens to the market or the economy, you'll do well to follow what Rick and his loyal band of K.I.S.S. subscribers are doing. And here's even better news... keep reading and I'll show you how to join them for FREE. I'll explain everything. But first, let me tell you what K.I.S.S. Investing is and how it can help you take what you need from the market... even in a falling economy, bear market, financial crisis, or whatever may come. The Easiest Way to Play the Markets |
373% GE | 159% Dick's Sporting Goods |
116% Crocs | 153% Juniper Networks |
113% Crown Castle | 233% Circuit City |
100% Callaway Golf | 210% UST Inc. |
107% First Solar | 368% Crocs |
108% Burlington Northern | 178% Amazon |
188% Pool Corp. | 121% Heinz |
185% IMClone | 106% Fannie Mae |
220% Fuel Cell Energy | 119% Abercrombie & Fitch |
130% Merck | 200% RSA Security |
112% CDC Corp. | 133% Barnes & Noble |
Whether you're new to options or have traded for years, The Optionist arms you with the straight dope to hunt triple-digit gains. And most recommendations even come with a more conservative play on the same option.
If you love stock market excitement and the huge rewards that can accompany it... don't miss The Optionist.
The Optionist normally sells for $995 per year. As a Wealth Society member it is yours FREE for life!
Research Alert Service #8: ASIA BUSINESS & INVESTING
Are you excited by the prospect of investing in China and Asia? You should be. Just about every economic trend indicates a long-term slowdown in the U.S. economy, with a shifting of economic power to the East.
This is the kind of mega-trend that can make you wealthy. And you'll be glad to know that Investor's Daily Edge has on staff a veteran China investment authority with the on-the-ground connections to put you ahead of the investing pack.
Andrew Carpenter has so many Chinese entry visas, he had to have extra pages added to his passport. And all those face to face contacts have sure paid off...
Andrew's publication, Asia Business & Investing has delivered a stunning string of stock gains (not options) including 562%... 300%... 383%... 197%... 149%... 123%... and 102%... all closed on the SAME DAY!
Currently subscribers are sitting on even more staggering gains, including: 649%... 319%... 179%... 196%... 100%... 126%... 185%... and 430%. And all this is just a harbinger of the future.
If you want to grab your share of the powerful, sustained profits that spring so regularly from China, Honk Kong, Singapore, Taiwan - in fact, from all across Asia, don't miss a single issue of Asia Business & Investing.
Asia Business & Investing normally sells for $249. As a Wealth Society member it is yours FREE for life!
Consider the Total Value of the Services You will Receive
That's quite a lineup. And as an IDE Wealth Society member, you'll get every recommendation and update issued by each one of these services... this year, and for years to come.
Just consider the total value of the existing services we publish...
K.I.S.S. Investing | $2,885 |
The Wealth Advantage | $995 |
Resource Windfall Speculator | $1,795 |
INCOME | $99 |
Rising Tide Letter | $99 |
Global Profits Hotline | $1,495 |
The Optionist | $995 |
Asian Business & Investing | $249 |
As a Wealth Society member every one of these services are yours... for life!
But that's not all. We are always on the lookout for what will be working in the market in the months and years ahead. We will continue to add to our services, keeping our commitment to show you the way to safe gains, no matter what comes.
And in case you wonder why it makes sense to have all of these services, there's a very good reason...
Diversity... Protection... and Profit Potential!
Each research service employs a different market strategy, targeting opportunities in a rapidly changing investment landscape.
The Investor's Daily Edge analysts diversify their portfolios across different sectors and industries and in markets around the world. They recommend long and short positions, long-term investment opportunities and short-term plays. And they recommend options to lock in spectacular gains and hedge against risk.
By having all of these services at hand, you will always have the right tool at the right time, helping you to achieve consistent gains in ANY market.
And you'll never be left hanging. We follow every recommendation daily. So you'll get immediate alerts when it's time to sell and lock in profits.
The total value of our existing services is $8,612 for just one year. But that's not nearly all of what you will receive...
Dozens of Up-to-the-Minute Investment Reports - Yours FREE
You've seen all of the research services you will receive as an IDE Wealth Society member. But this is still just a fraction of your benefits.
You can also count on a continual stream of up-to-the-minute, special situation reports with detailed investment recommendations. Here is just a sample...
Report #1: The Next Big Thing
The stock featured in this report represents what I believe to be your very best opportunity to make better than a 1,000% return without taking huge risks!
Andrew Gordon, who wrote the report, believes that this is a multi-billion dollar tech company in the making... and yet its market cap is just over $200 million. You could think of this company as an up-and-coming Intel - because their products can be incorporated into a multitude of electronic devices.
In fact, the company has more than 100 patents that cover several potentially billion dollar applications, including:
Tiny laser projectors that can be embedded in a cell phone to project DVD quality images and video on any surface
Full-color, see through eyewear displays... whether you want to watch a movie privately while on a flight... view documents on the go... or play video games in 3-D... just throw on your stylish eyewear displays.
Heads up displays (HUD) in automobiles... imagine full-color, daylight readable driving directions and vehicle information of your choice projected in front of you
Today, you can buy shares of this company for less than $4. But don't delay because this stock could be heading up in a hurry!
The Next Big Thing is valued at $199. It is yours FREE as a member of the IDE Wealth Society.
Report #2: Sector Outlook 2008/2009 - The Ultimate Annual Investment Guide
What if a very simple tool could tell you in five minutes or less whether the stock you're interested in is cheap or expensive... and whether you should buy or sell? There is such a tool, and you'll find it in Lynn Carpenter's Annual Investment Guide.
The price to earnings ratio (P/E) is the most often used number to measure a stock's value. But most people don't know the secret rule of P/E. It is a powerful edge that Wall Street's best in-house analysts don't share.
What is far more important than the P/E ratio alone, is where a particular company's P/E stands relative to other companies in the same sector... and where it stands relative to the historic norm for that company and its own sector.
Don't worry. It's all very simple. And everything you need to know is laid out in the Annual Investment Guide. In this up to date report, Lynn breaks down virtually every major sector and industry group, showing you the sector average P/E as well as their 10 year norms. You'll know which sectors should be on the rise, which are due for a fall... and in five minutes or less, you can determine whether a stock you're looking at is relatively undervalued... or overvalued.
This major research report gives you professional-level information even your broker doesn't even have. Use it properly, and it could be worth thousands, maybe tens of thousands of dollars.
The Ultimate Annual Investment Guide is valued at $199. It is yours FREE as a member of the IDE Wealth Society.
Report #3: The Sun Sets on Oil: Making Money on the Fall of Oil
It's all over the TV news. It's on the front page of the paper. And you certainly can't miss it at the gas pump. Oil prices are hitting all-time highs. And if you pay attention to the horde of media, prices have nowhere to go but up. But is this true?
When the mainstream fixates on an issue and the investment masses become enamored with a particular market, it is usually a sign that the tide is about to turn. And the tide could soon be turning for oil.
In this report, Rick Pendergraft presents a case not for "peak oil" but for a peak in the price of oil in 2008. Not forever, but at least for the next few years. Dismiss the idea if you wish... but not without reading this contrarian perspective.
The Sun Sets on Oil is valued at $99. It is yours FREE as a member of the IDE Wealth Society.
Report #4: The Top Two for Total Return
In this report, Andrew Gordon spotlights two safe, conservative companies that can generate a steady stream cash payments while handily outperforming the market indices. You'll learn about...
A 184 year old U.S. company that owns some of the leading smokeless tobacco and premium wine brands. With greater numbers of investors moving into stable consumer products stocks, the outlook for this company is as bright as ever.
A REIT that owns 393 commercial properties in top markets throughout the United States. Worried about the real estate bust? Well, no worries here. This company operates shopping plazas anchored by the most dominant U.S. grocery stores.
Both of these companies pay a strong dividend, carry a high potential for capital gains, and have proven to be very safe long term income generators.
The Top Two for Total Return is valued at $99. It is yours free as a member of the IDE Wealth Society.
Report #5: Asia Hidden Dragons
In this report, veteran China investing authority, Andrew Carpenter, reveals six companies accessible on the U.S. markets that tap directly into the world's fastest growing Asian economies. Including:
A Chinese basic materials company with a well-funded marketing machine.
A company trading for just $1.50 a share that is rolling out a revenue-generating social network, like MySpace, in China
A Vietnamese infrastructure firm that has booked more than $225 million in contracts during the past year alone
A well-run natural resources operation, with connections that go right to the top in Washington and Beijing
A solid under $2 play on a fast-expanding Chinese travel company
Asia Hidden Dragons is valued at $99. It is yours FREE as a member of the IDE Wealth Society.
Report #6: Brazil's Hidden Gem: An Exploration "Mutual Fund" in a Single Stock
Dr. Russell McDougal knows a thing or two about making money in natural resource exploration stocks. Over the past several years he has pocketed profits in his own accounts of:
5,000% in Silvercorp Metals
3,400% in Altius Minerals
2,445% in AfriOre Limited
1,330% in Excellon Resources
Not to mention dozens of gains of "only" a few hundred percent. Quite simply, Dr. McDougal is one of the world's most successful private speculators.
And that's why I paid particular attention when he told me he found a company that could be his best investment recommendation so far... a stock poised to deliver more than $10 for every $1 you invest today.
This company controls DOZENS of properties in the under-explored country of Brazil. Owning this stock is like holding a veritable mutual fund of resource exploration... a mutual fund with a multiple thousand percent upside potential.
Brazil's Hidden Gem: An Exploration "Mutual Fund" in a Single Stock is valued at $199. It is yours FREE as a member of the IDE Wealth Society.
Report #7: White Hot Profits: Make a Mint from the Silver Supply Crunch
When it comes to precious metals, gold gets all the attention. But it just might be silver that takes the spotlight when all is said and done. IDE analyst Charles Delvalle thinks so, and he has invested years of research in the white metal.
In August of 2007, Charles released a research report called, White Hot Profits, in which he highlights what he believes will be one of the best performing silver stocks of the coming decade.
The stock is already up 117% since Charles recommended it. But that's just the beginning. Currently, the stock trades for less than $2. And with every share backed by more than an ounce of silver... there is a LOT of value to be tapped.
White Hot Profits would normally sell for $99. It is yours free as a member of the IDE Wealth Society.
Report #8: The Value Primer: Myths and Truths of Value Investing
Every time a bubble bursts, value investors can hardly contain their smiles. That's because they stand ready to cash in on embarrassingly good profits. True value investors buy low... they don't buy shoddy.
In this report by renowned value analyst Lynn Carpenter, you'll discover just where growth fits into the value quotient. You'll also understand the lies about price that academics prove time and againâ" only to see it fail miserably in real money situations.
You'll know what is a reasonable P/E ratio for a grocery store and a software company and just about any business in between.
The Value Primer: Myths and Truths of Value Investing would normally sell for $99. It is yours free as a member of the IDE Wealth Society.
Report #9: The 5,000% Secret: Uncovering the Perfect Exploration Stocks
In this report, Dr. Russell McDougal will give you a complete reference guide to the principles of investing in natural resource exploration companies. Quite simply, this information simply doesn't appear all in one place anywhere else but this report.
This is a summary of everything he has learned in more than a decade in this sector. You'll learn when to take your money to safety... the best way to scale in and out of your positions... where to place your buy and sell orders... and much more. And you'll also learn which brokers Dr. McDougal recommends most highly.
The Speculator's Guide is valued at $99. It is yours free as a member of the IDE Wealth Society.
These reports offer a significant value, in addition to your ongoing monthly subscriptions. But this is by no means all you will receive. You will also receive the following profit-hunting reports:
When the Hammer Falls: How to Rip Your Share of Easy Profits from the Market's Wreckage
The Two Best Medical Stocks for 2008 and Beyond
Embrace the Bear: Waiting for the Bull Could Cost You a Fortune
The Most Important Biotech Ever
The Miracle Material: Ridiculous Gains from Carbon Fiber
Speculator's Guide: How to Trade the Juniors like a Pro
The Best ETF to Own this Year
The Options Success Guide
How to Ride Sector Waves to Big Profits
Learning from a Legend: How the World's Best Investor Made His Billions
When you add up the total value of the reports you will receive with your membership in the IDE Wealth Society it comes to at least $1,500.
But quite honestly, that is just a number. The real value is in the ideas and recommendations that you will receive. In that sense, it is impossible to put a price tag on this information.
And don't forget that Investor's Daily Edge will produce a dozen reports in the year ahead... and the year after... and the year after.
Without membership in the Wealth Society, it would cost you thousands of dollars to access these reports. As an IDE Wealth Society member they are all yours.
Special Situation Teleconferences - Yours FREE
Sometimes, opportunities arise that are so urgent there is no time to write a special report to present it to our readers. In fact, sometimes it is just better to give you the details first hand.
In situations like this we convey the recommendations via conference call. These calls normally sell for $100, and we frequently max out all the ports we have available.
But as an IDE Wealth Society member, that won't matter because you will have...
VIP Access to All Special Situation Teleconferences
These calls can be VERY profitable. Let me give you an example...
At the beginning of 2007, I asked four of our investment analysts, Rick Pendergraft, Andrew Gordon and Jon Herring to host a teleconference and provide a report on their #1 stock recommendation for the year.
The call immediately sold out, and was worth every penny for those who attended. The three stocks recommended on the call were Southern Copper, Suntech Power Holdings, and Microvision.
Take a look at the maximum return for each of these stocks in 2007:
Southern Copper - 202%
Suntech - 150%
Microvision - 98%
These stocks pulled back from their highs, considering all the turmoil in the markets toward the end of last year. But Southern Copper and Suntech both ended the year up more than 100%... while Microvision was up 50%.
Quite a nice return in a year where the S&P 500 returned less than 4%.
In the year ahead we intend to host at least half a dozen special situation teleconference calls, each one valued at $100. As a Wealth Society member, every call is yours free!
($600 One Year Value - Yours Free!)
Exclusive Wealth Society Members Only Benefits
As a member of the IDE Wealth Society you will also benefit from privileges that are not available to regular subscribers.
Members Only Stock Recommendations
We recommend the very best opportunities we uncover with our subscribers. But there are times when we discover extraordinary opportunities that are too illiquid to share with thousands of subscribers. Mention these shares to a large group and the price could soar overnight.
Other times we come across highly attractive companies that only trade on a foreign exchange. Often these situations are not appropriate for most of our subscribers to invest in.
But when these opportunities are too good to pass up we will share them with members of the Wealth Society. It is just one more benefit that is all yours.
($500 One Year Value - Yours FREE!)
The IDE Spotlight
Each year the Investor's Daily Edge team of analysts recommend well over 100 stocks, ETFs and options. And each one of these undergoes rigorous due diligence before we recommend it.
But we also understand that there is no way most of our readers could buy each recommendation. And you shouldn't. Not every opportunity will fit your objectives or tolerance for risk.
That is why, I have asked each editor of Investor's Daily Edge to choose their absolute best two investment recommendations. These are the safest opportunities with highest growth potential. All of these recommendations will be featured in one portfolio called The IDE Spotlight.
The IDE Spotlight is not for sale. It is only available to members of the Wealth Society.
($500 One Year Value - Yours FREE!)
Members Only Dinners and Receptions
The IDE team frequently participates in various investment conferences around the country. And when we do, we host dinners and receptions for members of the Wealth Society.
This is your chance to meet the team face to face and really get to know the analysts who are poring over the markets on your behalf. As a member of the Wealth Society, you will never pay a penny for these events... they are on us!
($250 One Year Value - Yours FREE!)
A Review of Your Six-Figure Benefits Package
So now you know everything that comes with your membership in the IDE Wealth Society, and it's quite a lot. So just to recap, here's a quick overview.
Lifetime subscription to 8 stock investment research services
Rick Pendergraft's K.I.S.S. Investing (Value: $2,885 per year)
Andrew Gordon's Wealth Advantage (Value: $995 per year)
Dr. Rusty McDougal's Resource Windfall Speculator (Value: $1,795 per year)
Andrew Gordon's INCOME (Value: $99 per year)
Lynn Carpenter's Rising Tide Letter (Value: $99 per year)
Charles Delvalle's IDE's Global Profits Hotline (Value: $1,495 per year)
Lynn Carpenter's The Optionist (Value: $995 per year)
Andrew C. Carpenter's Asian Business & Investing (Value: $249)
Lifetime subscription to annual investment reports (Value: $1,500 per year)
Lifetime subscription to 6 annual teleconference calls (Value: $600 per year)
And as a special bonus, you will also receive...
Members Only Stock Picks (Value: $500 per year)
The IDE Spotlight (Value: $500 per year)
Members Only Dinners and Receptions (Value: $250 per year)
If you could take advantage of each one of these profitable services and reports separately, they would be worth $11,962.
But that's just for one year... then you would have to renew your subscriptions all over again the next year. And don't forget that every year... including this year... we will be adding new services to our lineup and new experts to our board of analysts.
After five years, your membership in all of these services would be worth $59,810.
And even that would be a very good deal.
But don't forget that the yearly value of this offer will increase each and every year as we launch new services, publish updated reports, and add additional options trading research services.
But I'm certainly not going to ask you to pay $59,810 to join the IDE Wealth Society. Nor will I ask you to pay the $11,962 annual value of all of these benefits either.
In fact, you won't even pay half of that amount.
So what will it cost you to join the Investor's Daily Edge Wealth Society?
The full price for membership is just $5,985. That is a 50% discount from what all of these services would be worth individually, for just one year.
But you won't even pay $5,985 to join. As part of this special offer, I am slashing the price another 25%.
Respond to this offer today and you can join the IDE Wealth Society for a one-time-only initiation fee of just $4,495.
That's a one-time payment for a lifetime of research. In your first year alone, that's like saving $5,977. And your subscription NEVER EXPIRES.
Your only ongoing commitment is a $149 maintenance fee to cover the rising costs of printing and postage and customer service (waived the first year). Otherwise, this offer simply would not be possible.
The value of this offer is unparalleled. And given the track records these services have produced, the odds are good that you could have the opportunity to earn the entire cost of your lifetime membership well within your first year.
But there is one more important thing I haven't told you yet...
Sign Up Today... And I'll Pay YOU!
I understand that you might have already subscribed to one or more research services published by Investor's Daily Edge.
If so, we are proud to count you as a subscriber. But we don't want that to stop you from joining the Wealth Society. That's why I will credit the unused amount of any existing subscription you have back to your account when you join.
For example, if you currently have one year left on a subscription to The Wealth Advantage and Resource Windfall Speculator we will send you a refund for one year of both services when you join the Wealth Society.
If you already subscribe to one or several services we publish, it makes good sense to become a member of the Wealth Society. You'll get more services, more recommendations, greater diversification... and you get all of this for life!
And in case you want to know how you'll manage all your new services, the answer is very simply.
You'll have all of Your IDE Wealth Society
Research Services in One Location
With your Membership, you will also get UNLIMITED FREE ACCESS to the Wealth Society Website. There, you will find every publication... every current recommendation... every research report... every recorded conference call... every track record...
All of this will be archived for your convenience, with just one log-in and password to access the site.
And of course you'll also receive an email alert each time we issue a recommendation or a close out. It couldn't get any easier or more convenient than this...
Why You Have to Act NOW
If you're ready to begin receiving all of these benefits, there's only one thing you need to do... act today.
We will only extend this offer for a very limited time. And since we are adding so many new products in 2008 and have hired several new analysts, we might not be able to offer it at this low price ever again.
Before I conclude, just one final detail...
Your 100% Satisfaction is Guaranteed
I understand how situations can sometimes change. That's why I want to assure you that if something changes and it no longer makes sense to you to remain a member, just let us know. It's that simple.
If you decide to cancel within the first 60 days of your IDE Wealth Society membership, you will receive a FULL REFUND for every penny you paid.
After that, if you decide to cancel anytime within the first year, we'll prorate your entire lifetime membership fee and give you a refund for the unused portion.
Your Only Risk Is That This Offer Won't Last
So, just click the subscribe button below to join. Or if you prefer, you can call our customer service desk at 877-465-1416. They'll be happy to answer any questions.
Membership in the IDE Wealth Society means having the world's best investment research and recommendations diligently researched and clearly presented. You simply cannot get investment intelligence of this caliber anywhere else.
I look forward to welcoming you as a member.
MaryEllen Tribby
Investor's Daily Edge
P.S. Make an investment in your future wealth, and click the button below or call 877-465-1416 to join the Investor's Daily Edge Wealth Society today!
P.P.S. I don't know whether you inherited or earned your wealth. But I do know that you wish to multiply your fortune and pass it on. And I also know that you want those to whom you pass your wealth to be good stewards of it.
That's why your membership in the IDE Wealth Society is an asset that you can pass along to the next generation. But it's even better than that, because what you are really passing along are the skills and knowledge necessary to manage and grow the legacy of wealth you have worked so hard to build! Subscribe here.
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Copyright © 2008 by Fourth Avenue Financial. All rights reserved. The Fourth Avenue Financial unites the stock-picking talents of several analysts and editors. Each of the services is based on individual trading/investment philosophies or vehicles and specific investment approaches.
Fourth Avenue Financials Investor s Daily Edge is intended specifically for mature investors with a strong sense of individual responsibility who want to arbitrage different viewpoints to optimize their personal investment strategy. We reserve the right to remove readers we believe do not meet these criteria from our distribution list without prior notice.
You are welcome to distribute this message, at your discretion, to others who you believe share the values of the Fourth Avenue Financial.
NOTE TO OUR READERS: Fourth Avenue Financial or Early To Rise does not act as an investment advisor or advocate the purchase or sale of any security or investment. Investments recommended in this publication should be made only after consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing the prospectus or financial statements of the company in question.
Fourth Avenue Financial expressly forbids its writers from having a financial interest in any security that they recommend to their readers. Furthermore, all other employees and agents of Fourth Avenue Financial and its affiliate companies must wait 24 hours before following an initial recommendation published on the Internet, or 72 hours after a printed publication is mailed.
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© Copyright Early to Rise, LLC., 2008