Do you know what makes me hopeful?
I'll tell you in a second, but first ...
Even as I travel through Asia right now it's quite clear:
Night before last the world, together, was given a renewed
sense of hope.
It doesn't matter where you're from, what you believe in,
who you voted for as an American ... Some moments bring the
world together and that was one of them.
I personally don't agree with many of Obama's policies, but
I agree with the message he gave the world in his acceptance
speech: peace, liberty, and hope for the future ...
Those are ideas we can *all* get behind.
What really makes me hopeful is that I live in a time where
I can offer my help to so many people - all through the
power of technology.
Tonight at 8PM Eastern "Kaizen Club" goes live.
What we are doing there fits perfectly with this wonderful
moment in history.
Kaizen is, in fact, about hope. It is a system of changing
your life that is so easy and unstoppable that it's hard not
to be filled with optimism.
If you haven't yet read the back story (and the hundreds
upon hundreds of responses from people), check out the blog:
Tonight at 8PM I'll be sending out the link where you can
join the club. (and in the spirit of optimism, we're going
to shower those who do with some life-changing gifts)
All the best,
Mark Joyner
Founder of Simpleology
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